To the game masters that just slaughtered the RP farmers



Thank you!

I have no problem with people dueling as long as they dont kill anyone (farm the RP).

A the duels today at AMG in emain, people had begun killing eachother, to then let the healers res them, rinse repeat after 5 minutes, when res sickness had worn off, and people once again were worth RP. I both /y DONT KILL PEOPLE, i told the people in my group to stop killing people (i asked this several times), then i went on IRC and asked a person to tell the hibs to stop killing people (farming the RP), or my friends and i would stop the duels.

The killing continued, and my friends and i, then decided to just kill all the hibs and put an end to the duels.. we missed 1 hib that was hiding, and while i was busi on my laptop he ressed all the hibs again.

This is when a Game Master controlled Master Wizard and Ranger magically appeared right behind me and Eroa, since my first instinct when i see those guys is to RUN, so I did. (they conned purple and aggro)

Now they didnt touch Eroa, but i got 2 bolts in my back, having to waste 20 minutes getting back to emain :(

my plea is that next time you decide to take your uber chars out for a little fun breaking up duels.. take 1-2 minutes to find out who the culprits are? (i had tried to stop those farming, and as a thank i got sent back to start without collecting 20s)

I realize i often provoke people for fun, and i am also rather known on prydwen.. so i understand why it is "cool/fun to kill Blood", but when you do it with Uber level 100 guards its just lame.

Uncle Sick(tm)

The unexpected duel, one versus one, leading to the death of the escape of one of the two fighters.

The organised duels with "healer" classes, able to bring back to life slain players.

In the first case, it is an honourable (or not so honourable) duel, with which we have no problem as long as it is unplanned and exceptional.
In the second case however, we face an alteration of the game, allowing players to do what we call "RP farming", the act of "farming" realm points doing many "controlled" duels and sparing the healing classes. For such situations, we will not take direct sanctions against the players even if it is an alteration of the Gameplay. However, do not be surprised if your whole party is slaughtered by wandering guards, friendly jousts have no place when there is realm war going on!

Consider it a wandering guard:)

Well, cheers GOA (if it was actually a GM who killed the duelers), can't stand those staged duels...


Precisely, but it wasnt a NPC wandering guard, it was a GM controlled wandering guard, who obviously killed some people and not others.

maybe i got killed because i ran, maybe i got killed because the GM thought it was fun to kill me, either way i had tried to stop the farming, and as a thank i was sent back to huginfel, having to waste 20 minutes.. because someone couldnt be bothered to check out what was going on..

im a PAYING CUSTOMER damnit!

Uncle Sick(tm)

Hmmm.. true - it would have been just fair to nuke all of the rp farmers.

On the other hand, Blood, you can't expect a GM to go through logs for half an hour... guess you were a random kill.
And I am sure he didn't kill you for the sake of being a well known player etc.etc.


How should they know that you tried to stop the farming?


how about im a PAYING CUSTOMER, and i deserve the benefit of the doubt?


We all are PAYING CUSTOMERS if you didn't knew that :m00:


Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen
how about im a PAYING CUSTOMER, and i deserve the benefit of the doubt?

maybe they should use your PAYING CUSTOMER mantra as a guideline when they kick hackers too? ;)

GOA Admin 1: "That Troll is running at light speed!
GOA Admin 2: " Hey he pays his subs - give him the benefit of the doubt!" ;)


Originally posted by Xtro

maybe they should use your PAYING CUSTOMER mantra as a guideline when they kick hackers too? ;)

GOA Admin 1: "That Troll is running at light speed!
GOA Admin 2: " Hey he pays his subs - give him the benefit of the doubt!" ;)

how about i didnt cheat, i even tried to get people to stop, and still i was punished?

how about:

GOA Admin 1: "That kobold is slaughtering alot of hibs!"
GOA Admin 2: " Hey he pays his subs .. hey wait its Blood, he is always killing my undercover alb chars!"
GOA Admin 1: "yeah lets get him, let him feel how it is to be oneshot"
GOA Admin 2: "woah you are crap, took you 2 shots to get him!"
GOA Admin 1: "yeah, damn next time im going for level 103!"

im not saying Kemor did this, actually it sounds alot more like something Glauthrong would do (dunno if he can)
Hey, I can't wait for those huge epics to happen so I can - kick your asses - I mean - interact with you all on a more personal level.


Then you have learned a valuable lesson, grasshopper.

Don't stand around blasphemers when the thunder starts to roll.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen

GOA Admin 1: "That kobold is slaughtering alot of hibs!"
GOA Admin 2: " Hey he pays his subs .. hey wait its Blood, he is always killing my undercover alb chars!"
GOA Admin 1: "yeah lets get him, let him feel how it is to be oneshot"
GOA Admin 2: "woah you are crap, took you 2 shots to get him!"
GOA Admin 1: "yeah, damn next time im going for level 103!"

im not saying Kemor did this, actually it sounds alot more like something Glauthrong would do (dunno if he can)

How about: you are making a complete and utter fool out of yourself?
Lunch break at GOA: lets go and one shoot Blood because he is like SO famous and always kills my chars...

Megalomania: A disease for the whole family!


irony is damn hard to get across on a chatboard ;)

i hope this little thread will get the GM's to take a little peak around next time, before they kill people

Uncle Sick(tm)

Yes, irony. Right from the start...

Good thing I am a paying customer, too. Otherwise I wouldn't have gotten the irony straight away.


Blood you are digging your own hole here m8 - let this thread die.

Yeah you got annoyed at something GOA did - lol you arent the first by any means.

Uncle Sick(tm)

a) The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.

b) An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.

c) A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or rhetorical effect.

... try sarcasm perhaps?



...oh lord no! i have become one of sickofit's snickering minions!

shame on me! do i have no pride?!

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Blood|Prydwen

im not saying Kemor did this, actually it sounds alot more like something Glauthrong would do

Bwahahahahahahhaa. Did it hurt? :clap:

j/k Wasn't me. Not yet anyway. ;)


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