:( To the 5 grey con mids who just got exp deaths in uppland...



I was in the group that this, I yelled many times to leave them alone but a very pathetic Albion wizard one shotted you all and there was not a thing I could do :( I left the group in disgust as did Solarflare, we want no part of a vendetta on grey con players and that is exactly what was happening :(

The other members in the group were shocked too that she did the same thing twice when asked not too but I wasn't waiting around for the fallout, it was a vile attack plain and simple and can't be justified :(

You guys have my apologies, I got 5 rps for all of your kills and those points make me feel sick. If it were possible I would happily let the 5 of you kill me and get something back in return for your lost time and exp :(


Respect to u cHodAX u have always been a fair and nice player,even back in the good old Jumpgate time :clap:


Hey Hey Torden! Hello matey, nice to see you are still out the blowing people up and stuff :D If you roll a character on PvP server drop me a message :) Thanks for your kind words but I feel bad for those guys, maybe a death could be justified but not an exp death :(


very nice of u CHodaX its really nice to see this type of thing happen (no not the exp deaths) but you shouldent have to apologise for sad little high lv wizards who think its big killing grey cons i bet when that wizard aint RvRing shes in some noob town killing grey cons showing of to noobs thinking shes the best thing going :(
/salute CHodaX :D

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