to stealth or not to stealth (minstrel probs)



well my minstrel is lvl 40 now and im not sure how to spec
people say that stealth is nerfed at 1.50...
and at 1.52 we get ae mezz im not sure how well it works
so i have made the following specing tables....
can someone tell me what is the most effective after 1.52?

1) tank minstrel
49 -slash
44 instruments
1 stealth

2) stealth minstrel
44 instruments
29 stealth

3) stealth minstrel with final ae mezz
39 slash
45 instrumnts
28 stealth

im not sure about 44-45
if ae mezz is really nerfed
or is it worth the speccing...

thank you!


44 instruments 50 thrust rest stealth youd have to autotrain instruments tho ;)


Originally posted by old.Docwolfe
44 instruments 50 thrust rest stealth youd have to autotrain instruments tho ;)

minstrels and stealth not really worth it
every one with near sight can see us
we don't get camaflague
the only thing that could save our lifes (i can imagine) is the running song as we should be out of range in a blink of an eye.

if you want to be a pet master then the higher the instruments the better i am going (when i get there) for an end template of

48 Instruments
44 Slashing
10 stealth
with 5 left over


I used to have no2 as my template but after the See Invisible RA I'm going for 45inst/39 slash(maybe higher) and rest stealth.

The 45inst AE mez is crappy but I'm gonna take it to the last one anyway. I might not use it a lot but I want the last version at least.

On the other hand, a 5sec cast time (standing still) and the animation of /victory is like screaming "Kill meeeee!!!!" If it proves to be completly useless I'll put those points into slash.


even with high stealth... no camo, no stealth skills etc.... so yes, you have almost no defence against assassins in that situation, however:

assassins will not allways be running see hidden, people seem to have forgotten this simple fact.

it'll protect you from realm guards at 20ish spec or higher.

it'll protect you from non stealthers, i've lost count of the number of times my lowbie ranger with only 12 stealth has evaded entire armies if lvl 50 albs easily, this CANNOT be underestimated.

it'll allow you to go grey ganking easier, which is what minstrels are supposed to do :D you all know it :)

yes it's worth speccing to about 20, taking it to 30ish with items/rank, but not worth taking higher in my oppinion.

old.Reckless <Lion>

assassins will not allways be running see hidden, people seem to have forgotten this simple fact.

Its a passive skill, so its ALWAYS on.

but saying that, assasins arnt everywhere. Stealth still has a lot of uses, but i wouldnt waste too many points on it.

If you like pets, take instruments as high as possible, if not, leave points for stealth.


Personally I'm respeccing 49 inst, 44 thrust, 1 stealth (currently 44 ins, 39 thrust, 29 stealth) - 62+ instru with items and RR. Stealth isn't worth it, with a half decent pet you can solo a patrol anyway, assassins see you from clip and will tell anyone nearby that they see you (or just run up and hit you). General speed/pet > stealth for minstrels these days.

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