to some albs



I can not blame some of your for wanting to see the dragon but let me put it in another way.

When you are lvl 30, go to mithra and solo the emperors room, for all i care hit all the mobs in the room (if you are a tank) and just stand there and watch em TRY to hit you while you block most of the blows. Now you know how the LvL 70+ dragon thinks of you, as a mob that is about 40 levels lower then him. How on earth do you expect to even be able to hit the damn thing. Now i am speaking of the lvl 30's, there were even lower players out there. With the risk of sounding harsh, you only contributed to the lag on the trip.

Then on the way down there Kulthas was leading the alb zerg army to the dragon. At a given point while crossing a spawn area (and dont start about why he was in a spawn area cause you will always have to cross ONE on either side of Dartmoor) He yelled "MOVE" in public chat. And believe me when there are over 100 people there yelling in ALL CAPS, is the only way to get people to do something. More he did it in the best interest to get ALL fo you alive and well to the dragon. But instead of just accepting move from someone who has been to dartmoor more times then you got killed in keltoi (however hard that may be to believe) some of you start ginving replies like: "Yes dad" etc ... not to mention the individuals Pm'ing me and other members of my guild with crap like "wtf is kulthas". Next time we get this i will say good luck and get there on your own and just move on with our group. C u when you get there.

This is something for raids in general. If the guy leading the pack, and who you decided to stick on tells you to move at a place that he knows better then yourself, then you MOVE, no questions asked and no lame comments spammed. If not there will soon be no more people left who are willing to take the unthankful task uppon them of taking responsibility.

I count on your understanding and await the flaming from those who don't.

Arthwyr pendragon
LvL 50 Paladin
GM <Exiled>


I count on your understanding and await the flaming from those who don't

no matter how much you want to, you cant put something around areas that you want certain lvls to goto, if a L 30 wanted to goto the dragon, he could do, well, no he couldnt he would die straight away, but so would a L 50 going on his own ( :confused: )

anyway, i had the same problem that your creating now when i was L25 and going to RvR, i kept getting /sends about how im no use here, or how im just creating lag, some bastard even said cancel your account you cant play here :mad: (to you i said :eek: ) and people were saying in normal /s that you cant RvR until your at least 40, its no fun other wise, i was like WTF !!! its not YOU who determins weither its fun for the person or not its the person,

at the this dragon raid ( i would like to say its the largest event ever on excal/alb ?) you see 300+ people in one place you are going to follow them, its human nature to be curious, and if all you L50's keep telling them, ohh you cant come your too low, you cant do this, its not fun for you, you only create lag ! go away, it is no matter how much you might not like it, an effect on the player, if they keep gettin this they are gonna think that alb is a shite place to play with all these higher people who only care about players of their own lvls, so :p there. and now my hand hurts im gonna stop typing

(EDIT, Silly Paragraphs)

Bleri McThrust


Dont think you can blame anyone for what happened. It just happened.

This was a public event posted for lvl 35+. So what if some came who where below that level. As for lag it wasnt half as bad as i had expected.

As for the "spamming of lame comments" this is certainly not a habit persued by lower levels only. I often get fed up with the way those both higher and lower in level than me talk. I get annoyed by the way some people treat things in an exclusive manner.

I would suggest you just enjoyed the game and maybe even try sharing that enjoyment.


No, no, and no. The issue here Arthwyr is referring to is NOT that the lower-levelled players were there, but rather that they were refuting, disputing and generally pissing off those trying to give orders. If a level 50 tells you to do something, in a situation like this you DO it. You certainly don't mock the guy or yell counter-orders, especially not if you're of a level that was
a) Asked not to attend
b) 0.0000001% chance to hit the target mob

Prosecution rests ;)


No, u only gather a couple of guilds with lvl45-50players and tries. Then every groupleader gets invited to chat and so on, simple as clear :)


I got no probs with low lvls coming on a dragon raid to watch the show - if they expect a share of the loot or rez when they get fried they shouldn't be surprised when it doesn't happen tho..

Besides they may make useful flak :D


imo to many high lvl s blame low lvls for abuse in chat when somebodys giving orders .... if you reall think its JUST low lvls that shout stuff like "yes dad" i can assure you its not just lower lvls . let me put it another way.

when u high uber lvls were going on raids when YOU were the low lvls and somebody else a lot higher lvl than you . were you shouting that sort of stuff? my guess is u werent .. but thats just my point its now the lvl of the prson its how the person listens/communicates wether they be high low of medium lvl . if that guy wants to bea dick he is gona be a dick all through his chars life not just his low lvls ...

as for dragon i agree and disagree , sure the lower lvls wont be able to hit it . "ive heard ONLY 45+ can hit it . might be wrong though" for a lot of folks that dont or wont be on daoc long enuff to hit those dizzy heights of lvling . when a huge event like a dragon raid occurs .u bet they are gona turn up and tag along just for the show , for some people that may of been the only chance they would of had . and im sure they didnt want to miss it . as did a lot of high lvls didnt want to miss it .
im also sure IF u did kill the dragon it would be a LONG time before he was attempted again , hence another reason for people to turn up .

people who class low lvls as NOOBS or class them as ALWAYS being the ones to blame when relic guards / tk guards get pulled early or anything else goes wrong .imo is an a$$ :p cos again ive seen loads of high lvls do exactly the same things . a good example is dun crim valley . i see high lvsl flame take the piss out of people who ALWAYS pull the guards patrols . and saystuff like dumb low lvl noobs they will never learn .. but i again have seen tons of high lvl people pull those guards cos they were dumb enuff to chase hibs down that valley . some of them ive seen do so even post in this forum takin the piss out of them ,

anyway i rattled on to much my only point is its NOT just low lvls you are to blame ,, a lot of high lvls are assholes just as much . and i agree with 2nd poster rvr at ANY lvl can be fun . cos fun is in the eye of the beholder . fun for some peeps is OWNING every mid/hib they see in emain and raking in the rp's for other fun is beig low lvl trying to evade the high lvls and find some enemy that cons good to you . ive died lots of times at low lvls in rvr and pissed myself laughing cos of some of circumstances ive died ... ive even try kill enemys i got 100% no chance of killing just for a laugh of being chased by them or getting killed ...


o btw i didnt goto dragon event i decided to sit at excal and scout it for hibs/mids .. and when i go on relic raids i dont shout stuff out "well not unless i think it should be said but its ussually ideas to help ,, not to dis the leader at that time" just thought id say that ebfore somebody said i must be one of those people u described :)


This is not a leet thing we wanted to go for fun, and jaz and others have posted about how pointless this would be.

I agree but we went for fun, dm is and can be a nm we wanted to try and get ppl there with the knowledge we have of the place. Other Levels and Guilds have knowledge of the place also, not just Exiled members.

After the disappointment of the server crash and no-one really knew the facts of when and if the dragon would be back (kinda sucked, damn crash).

Mallus and gm's were in a cg and tried to help, ie get off the dragons bed to see if it spawns (key ppl shouted these tactics, lots of ppl did not listen).

The original idea was to take the dragons bed so we would be out of range if it spawned and we could melee it, but fellow albs dont diss ppl who are trying to help you.

We had enough ppl to get there safely but players with experience are only trying to help and /yells of 'who the fook are you' and 'we pay, we can do what we want' are kinda disappointing. On a less stressful note, n1 mallus u tried and lots came to help, damn that server crash..

If we want to succeed we need to work together, and in a professional manner, (keeps relic raids yadda yadda) and just because some of the ppl that want to help are the higher players of the realm, does not mean they want to lead with the moment we are disorganised and amateurish, lets work together and respect ppl who know zones and tactics..

Starion lvl50 Friar
Fast lvl31 Minstrel
GM <Exiled>


Regarding the comments of WTF is Kulthas, etc.

Guys - and Gals for that matter - when a mass of people (very impressive turn-out btw - nice to see) move, surely you agree there has to be some form of co-ordination. As stated, I've a small bungalow in Dartmoor where I live, occasionally popping out to smack the odd giant or 3 - with help, naturally. So in order to get as many peeps to the Dragon with as little fuss and as few deaths as possible, a few directions were issued. Not for the sake of ego or self aggrandizment - but for purely practical purposes. Point is, people tend to think they're invincible when there's such a large amount of people. Unfortunately, it doesn't help if you are the poor unfortunate which gets singled out by the mob for a kicking.

Still, we got there more or less hassle free - thwarted ulimately by the server crash - but you can thank GoA for that (In fact, please do so!!)

The one critisism I would like to make - due to the fact that it was blatantly stupid behaviour - is regarding the thoughtlessness of those who decided it would be fun to camp on the dragon mound when it wasn't there. Should it have spawned, the events would have proceeded much like the following;

The Dragon pops - you're in a group of people, some of which sensibly stayed outside the ruin walls. The Dragon kills you - the Dragon moves on to your grouped friends and Guild mates outside the ruins and kills them due to the aggro effect (Area of effect breath attack - a mere 5400 hp damage - EACH) - Unfortunately, those who used their heads and not in your group are also outside the ruins and die in the AOE as well.

Result : Complete waste of peoples time and effort due to a TOTAL uncontrolled wipe-out - and this could be the result of one, just ONE, foolish individual causing an aggro chain reaction by being in a place where he or she has no business. So well done - you just killed us all.

Do what you like guys - but don't spoil it for those who give a damn - it takes too much effort to arrange these things.

Nuff said - thanks for the time.


yep you are right, just like i said in the dragon is evil topic ;-)


As fair and true as Arthwyrs original post is, there is one thing that seem to have been forgotten:

If ppl do not know who is in charge of a raid, how will they know who to obey and who to ignore?
I was under the impression that Mallus was arranging and leading the raid, but he gave very few orders (that i heard anyway).
Later on I hear Kulthas giving a lot of orders.

So before we all go balistic on all the lower levels we may consider that a strategy should have been posted beforehand so the poor ppl (like me) were not left in the dark about leadership, plans etc.


As for camping dragons mound i think every1 knew it was mallus's BBQ and i saw his yell to get on the mound, but not to keep off it to see if it was us preventing spawn ;)

he may have said it and i missed it ;) i went afk for 20 mins or so while waiting heh,

but why should ppl listen to a yell fro anyone they dont know ? (i.e. kulthas) ?

Alb seems to have a compulsion to always blame the low lvls ...


Aye I have to agree with that, I'm sure we all realise there can only be one leader at a given time and place, that leader was Mallus and I didn't see anyone opposte to that. He gathered the raid, informed the GMs and lead the CG. After the server crash it was a commendable action to gather the people around you, somewhat organise them and lead them back to the den, but once on site you should fall in under the leadership of the main leader. The orders given weren't excessively many but that doesn't open it up for anyone to go shouting what they think seems best. If you have a tactical suggestion make it to the leader, those who were in the CG know Mallus was certainly open them.

As for the people of whatever level who fail to obey orders of whoever is appointed leader, grow up, join the army. Should be forcedly conscripted and learnt some basic discipline.


Mallus (who oraganised the whole thing) actually told people to go onto the if anybody told people to get off it shouda been him...myself i found a nice quiet tower and sat down to wait with my grp...also if lvl 30s want to come thats not sooooooo least clerics and paladins can ress alot of the highers maybe not as high as 45+ but still...and as for the ones who complained about exp loss..heres a newsflash for u..IT WAS A DRAGON RAID, your meant to die thats what u go there to do fs :rolleyes:

although a lvl 5 there did kinda take the piss.. :rolleyes:


I can clear it up a bit. Kulthas was not giving orders at the dragon raid itself, he just took the point of the army going there. Everybody following him in, so why not accept his orders once you decided to follow him in. When he says MOVE now, just consider that it might be because you are in the middle of an area with level 50+ mobs that call for help when they are under attack and who spawn real fast. I am sure someone under lvl 40 would find it to his best interest of not staying at such a location for too long, now what do you think.

GM <Exiled>


if the ppl there dont know that tho and someone shouts move at them ... looks to them like someone on a powertrip ;)


Simple request: Make it an invited guilds only event...


why we dont want ppl below lvl 35 to come on one of this events are:

1, they create lag for all of us, this can be avoided now, but wont be in the future when the lower lvl ppl get their lvls, but as for now thoose lower ppl shud go exp instead of going to thoose trips.

2, i heard a lowlvl complained that he lost exp when he died on the way!! WTF do he thinks when a mob 25 lvl higher then him kills him in 1 hit....Dartmoor isnt a place for a lvl 20 to be in.

3, ppl below lvl 40 will have huuuge problem to hit the dragon, belive me, i tried solo it :) and hit only 1 of 3 hits

4, Clerics and palas arnt suposed to rezz you when you die, we rather want that clerics/palas rezz dead highlvl ppl that CAN do some dmg on the dragon and the mobs on the way, or else its just a waste of mana.

the dragon hit for 5000 area dmg, that means that all of you that are in the area he nukes. dies in a sec, it did 4700 dmg on me when i was lvl 46(yes i died in a sec)...a huge problem for the rezzers that got the get the ppl up, alot of mana waste on ppl that cant even hit it.

i dont see myself as a highlvl dick that dont want to share the fun with others, sure i would want to go and see the dragon if i were lower lvl, but if a higher lvl would told me to stay away i would, i rather gain exp then loose(and i hope all think that way or you will never get to 50)

and i want to thank goa for their excellent server that cant handle more then 350 ppl in the same area, thx for spoiling the Dragon raid for us albs, you shud atleast add a faster spawn on the dragon when DM crashes, do we have to camp dm for a week for it to spawn after a crash??!!
it crashed once, and it will propobly do it again if we get the same number of ppl as we did on the try.

Mousah mOO
pikeman at 47
<Dragon Knights>


Damn i lost exp at the dragon :p

If you want to keep the low lvls out that easy :) make the meeting point somewere in dartmoor where only a couple of groups of 40+ will get to safe say by the stonecallers at the start of the stone forest. Even 3 groups of 35+ wouldn't have loads of trouble getting there with some spawn luck, but any groups below would have a real hard time getting close. Only problem with that way is the fight getting in as there are a lot of stonelords from that direction, but once the main group is there a large running battle we see them off.

As for the back chat from peeps sry was on /stick in the train an was watching my group bar for health lose (being a cleric an all that you miss the nice piccys). And the peeps standing on the dragon bed , am lvl 45 an some of them conned orange to me so lvl 46 - 50. So all lvls were standing there, i was a bit disapointed that the dragon never showed, I had cool vantage point an was waiting to take a screenie of the AOE fire deaths they'd have all gotta :( . That would have looked cool with all them graves there. As for the turnout OMG that ruled, Such an army. lets do it again an go to Jordheim for a shopping trip.

P.S I have a grave in the burning forest someone pray for me if they pass it :D

Hit ^_^

i say its time for a New dragon raid. dragon posts are getting way to old.


lol whats with ressurecting this old thing?


i think its as simple as this. You want to come to the raid fine, the lvl wont matter, but at least pay attention to what us "old" guys tell ya to do cause 99% of the time its in your best interrest. i.e. keep you alive a few seconds longer


Originally posted by Exiled

no matter how much you want to, you cant put something around areas that you want certain lvls to goto, if a L 30 wanted to goto the dragon, he could do, well, no he couldnt he would die straight away, but so would a L 50 going on his own ( :confused: )

anyway, i had the same problem that your creating now when i was L25 and going to RvR, i kept getting /sends about how im no use here, or how im just creating lag, some bastard even said cancel your account you cant play here :mad: (to you i said :eek: ) and people were saying in normal /s that you cant RvR until your at least 40, its no fun other wise, i was like WTF !!! its not YOU who determins weither its fun for the person or not its the person,

at the this dragon raid ( i would like to say its the largest event ever on excal/alb ?) you see 300+ people in one place you are going to follow them, its human nature to be curious, and if all you L50's keep telling them, ohh you cant come your too low, you cant do this, its not fun for you, you only create lag ! go away, it is no matter how much you might not like it, an effect on the player, if they keep gettin this they are gonna think that alb is a shite place to play with all these higher people who only care about players of their own lvls, so :p there. and now my hand hurts im gonna stop typing

(EDIT, Silly Paragraphs)

this is the reason i left alb, there are far too many ppl who think they are better than every1 else, and automatically think gray con = noob. sry if other ppl said something like this but i only read the first 2 posts in thread its late and im going to bed :)


sorry but i cant resist this one :)

As a low lvl nOOb git according to a lot of you uber 50s..

I pay the same amount as anybody else and therefore I am allowed to do whatever i like, if i wanna wander arround emain at lvl 10 then so be it. as long as i'm polite and try to stay out of your ways and buff when asked (politely) and rez when I see a dead albion then i dont see the problem.

You have created a bit of a double edged sword here, you dont want lower lvls to gain the experience of knowing their way around the realms and frontiers cause it causes lag / they get in your way etc.. but you dont want lvl 50s who dont know their ways around the realm and frontiers. ? Either we go and have a go and get slagged off or we lvl to 45+ and get slagged off!

Perhaps it would be a good idea to have training events ie one of you uber 50s (or a few of you) would like to take some of us 30ish players out and about? teach us some of the skills you have learnt on the way to the top?

Please try to remember that you were all low lvl nOObs once :)'s a game, it's about the player having fun.. no fun = no game = another person leaving to play something else :(

Please dont flame me I'm just trying to make the point that we all have to learn how to play the game for ourselves, that often involves making mistakes.

As for rude spammers, /ignore them and write their name on a list of paper next to your screen, tell everyone you know how much of an arsehole they are and let nature take its course. after a few weeks of group / rez refusals they will hopefully go play something else :)


Manners maketh Man :)


the fuck? Did this thread need bumping? This is from the first dragon raid in bloody 1685 for goodness' sake...

and you're wrong anyway, such lowbies were welcome to come, just not welcome to yell contradictory orders and shout "CHARGE" when the leaders are yelling anything but.
If you'd actually read my post earlier in this post, you'd see that.

I reiterate; wtf did you bump this for? Must have been at least 8 pages down

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