To: Saxosergio



Was out in emain with a group of 6 this evening 4 casters, myslef and one tank. All except one caster were lvl 50.

Now Saxo gets a attacked by a SB and I pull out my staff and give the little Kobie bugger 2 good solid hits. Saxo survives the fight and immediately calls me a "stupid Friar" for not healing him!

Look at this logically.

0 seconds into fight : Fight starts with Saxo getting "Big PA"

1 second into fight: I have to decide whether to heal him or to attack. I decide to fight. Why? I'll show you.

If I heal I will heal you around 4 seconds into the fight (1 second to realise you have been hit 3 seconds to target Saxo and cast heal spell) for my max heal 140 points I have rejuv 15 and no insta-heals as a Friar this is average rejuv.

After 4 seconds into a fight you have been hit twice for probably in the region of 800 points out of roughly 1000 with with good items. After 5 seconds you will be hit again for another 400 ie 1200 hit points of damage more than 200 than you have so you die. If I heal you will still die. Do the maths! Only a Cleric can possibly save a Caster who gets hit by an Assassin and then only with an insta heal.

The best thing to do in that situation for a Friar is thump the little sod! I can attack twice in 5 seconds for a very good rate of damage (I killed a yellow Runie in 2 hits last night) meaning you have more chance of living as the third attack may not go in as the little fella is dead.

Next time Saxo I'll just let you die. I get more RPs if you are dead when I kill him after all....

Calling me a "Stupid Friar" is just rude even if you don't understand how the game works in terms of Friars and healing and what is/isn't possible with a limited rejuv skill. I suggest you spend some time playing in Emain with Friars and ask other high level Friars how they play. I'm sure all the other Friars in Emain would have done the same - ask them they will agree with me I'm sure - and if you don't like it I suggest you don't group with Friars and just live in ignorance.


Saxo is a friend of mine, I think he plays to much... ;)

Agree 100% with daphatfriar


You're right in what you say. But posting this on the forum is just lame.


True true true, so damn true......the main thing friars bad rejuv is any real good for is healing after combat or assist a cleric healing a tank (friar would be better off helping tank smash down enemys instead) But it is always welcome when friars heals ppl up after a fight or do the rezzing as I would like to save my mana for next attack or so (ofcourse I am rezzing also)

So good point Daphatfriar :clap: :clap:

[EDIT] Btw, this is my point of view, only talking for my self, all friars I have played with in RvR so far is doing just fine :clap: :clap: [/EDIT]


Well good post, maybe if u left the name out peeps would be even took it behind ear, now they think u r flaming, but u aint, good post =)


well written.

incidentally on the Friar's healing thing lately i have been trying the group heal after reading a few posts about it. Now i know it sounds nuts, but stop and think for a second: my group heal only does 115 but has a nice fast cast and decent range. I can get about 7-8 casts off and still have enough to run vigor and haste in a fight. 7-8 casts = 800+ per person so its actually alot of healing right there.

it may not work for you but i suggest Friars with 15 or more reju give it a bash a the next wall fight or keep defense you find yourself at and just 'see what you think', maybe you will like it maybe you will hate it, but just try :D

atm it seems like a nice new strategy to try: when the fight kicks off spam group heal and then when you got 25%power left run in and start hitting :p


Don't get upset, friar. A lot of casters just can't help expecting constant heals from everything in sight. I still sometimes scream "HEAL MEEEEEEEEE!" at grey con clerics at PKB. :S



Group heal is nice :)

I use it often .... but then I have 35 + 6 rejuv :D


Go go go fatty!

You are the best fat frair in Albion! :) Show em some skills!


Jiggs I'll try that group heal thing in emain - now I'm 50 i got more time there to kill - in all senses ;)

Trouble is being a guy in a pink dress with a stick i usually get at least one tank on me - If they've made the effort to come over to you as "An orange caster I kill in 2 hits!" it seems rude not to treat them to a "Staff up the jacksie" incident by way of thanks ;)

I think you have rejuv 18 or so? Don't think I'll heal for as much but some experimenting seems in order :)


18+5 so 23 in total

what makes it good is that you dont even need LoS to heal :)



Sorry friend but when the combat end the veneon hit me 15 sec and you stay stoped see my future dead.
And all ppl os group writing .. heal , heal saxosergio, ffs heal , HEALLLL, and you stay see my dead. Venenon stop when my life is 1 or 2. Only it you need practice for save your friends.
Sorry for call you stupid friar.
Is my first time what I say bad of other member of albion.
Don´t worry by happy!
Friar can heal too you only need 1 on rejuvenation for save my ;)



hmm, i never rly seen the reason to heal when u are 7 in grp and getting attacked by 1 gimp o_0



i no need heal when the combat end and my heal down .. down, down 15 sec for the poison?


Dont worry Saxo, there is also those Pallys that will use their FH to save u, and rest of the casters that got attacked by sd/ns

because friars dont have 1 , sorry guys, and Cleric is just wondering: damn , again i need to heal, i wanna melee melee =)
and then they click heal button and u r dead allrdy, and friars r usually 2 drunks to even think=)


Re: hehe

Originally posted by Tight
hmm, i never rly seen the reason to heal when u are 7 in grp and getting attacked by 1 gimp o_0

LOL the guy died so you have the reason to HeaL

Originally posted by old.FIN
and Cleric is just wondering: damn , again i need to heal, i wanna melee melee =)

This month would be bad for Mids and Hibs cause with next patch....

Smyte nerfed = Clerics Will HeaL :clap:
Minstrels Area Mezz, Every alb group will have Aoe Mezz :clap:


shoddy 5 second cast, non moveing, relitivly short duration and range mes



this month will be bad for Albion and mid/hib will jump up and down in joy since albion will loose a class ;-P
Those who made smiters did it for a proper damage..i dont think many will reroll to rej..mybe buffbots, but not rej ;)

i think its the month of cleric-alts :p

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