to s/s tanks - plz read



I´m a s/s pally, just so u know :)

a while ago I got in group with some FC ppl, and they quickly told me to put guard/intercept on the sorc in the grp. also to stick on the sorc, to know exactely where he would be as we entered combat with enemies.

well, ever since I´ve done that in any grp I´ve been in, kinda assuming I´ve been sorta a noob, not knowing to do that. but today I got some quite frightening news.
I was in a grp, guarding/intercepting the sorc, and along came sighfi. he imidiatly tried to put guard on the sorc, then said something like:

wow, this is the first time all day I havnt been able to guard the sorc. (this is in the evening, just so ur aware)

now that kinda scared me a bit, cause that means we have LOADS of ppl who dont know that the sorc in a grp NEEDS to be protected. not only is the sorc often the person who wins the most battles, but is also the one who dies most often (well, amongst those anyway).

now, to all u s/s tanks out there, after I knew that my #1 job in a grp is to protect the sorc, not only have I saved a sheitload of sorc lives, but I have died a lot less as well.

reason for this:

slam - it saves the sorc´s life, any1 get near the sorc, and u slam. if ur a pally with faith heal, use this to save the sorc´s life as well.

with the sorc alive, u get more mezz, and more dmg dealing = u die less, and so does every1 else.

and IF the sorc dies, rezz asap. it must be horrible being a sorc who dies often, after mezzing enemy, and then get no rp at all cause the grp kills the enemy before rezzing. a rezz doesnt take that long, so if u can, do rezz.

as a s/s tank u have dedicated urself to being defensive. and so u have been all through the xp part, but as u enter the rvr, a lot seem to forget this, and switches to playing ffensivly. this just aint right, if u wanna be offensive, use 2H. a defensive tanks primary task MUST be to play defensivly, to protect our casters - excactely like during xp time. ur not the one dealing the damage, the casters are, u "just" have to keep aggro off them.

of course this aint easy with 3 ppl going for the sorc, but sometimes it´s just one, or 2, and the sorc´s life can be saved.

if theres no sorc in the grp, protect the theurgist - he has pbt, and can root, if no theurg, protect whatever caster is there - enemy ALWAYS goes for cloth wearers.

point of this post:

plz, plz, plz protect the casters of our realm, the most important being the sorc as he/she is most often the #1 target for the enemy, and the #1 reason albs win a fight.


Naaaaaah dont protect the sorc, he can just use insta mezz to do it......................



Ah nice post gwalmar :)

Ill be hunting you casters now, better make sure that guard is placed ;)


Yes Gwal , good post, and yes, u figured now out why our casters die so fast =)

And rare peeps know it, or they actually been told it many times, but they forget it after 10 secs..


Half the tanks dont even know what guard or protect does (or intercept)... But this doesnt just count for sorcs... Damnit, I want to be protected too ;)

Protect your wizards too :D


Nice post.

I can add that the same task can be carried out by minstrels. We cant used our shields in the same way but instant stun and mezz can be used to keep the caster alive (or DD to some extend).

Having done the usual tangler XP has also trained the "protect the caster" mindset at minstrels. I have spend many hours as back up to casters in Lyonesse playing those tunes and screaming those chants.

Mawina L46 Minstrel
Mawina L0 Enchanter on PvP






dunno what your talking about...

all my points are in Xbow.. you should all protect me!!

<end sarcasm>

Jarahl Valinor

Hehehhe I always do that... My spec is 50 shield, 50 slash and 28 parry... With dex buffs I block quite a bit ;) But very good post m8, I never bothered myself...

You got it all covered = Guard and Stick on the Sorc to make him able to maybe cast 1 more aoe mezz that could turn the whole battle, and Intercept of course as well...

Nice post m8



Yes indeed a very good post. I wish I had slam already, tho. Got master of blocking, which helps a little.

It's always a shock to realize that some tanks in their 40s still don't know what protect etc mean. Once I asked that a tank that who he was protecting and guarding. He didn't even know such abilities existed.... :mad:

As a saracen pally, I don't even try to deal damage, I know I can't do it very well. So I have to concentrate on defending the ones that make the damage or are otherwise very important to the survivability of the group. And I have surprised myself by actually having a blast trying to protect people :clap:


and i'll be there to kick your ass when u do soru ;)

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