To RvR Scouts.



Well since i'm getting alot pm's lately i'm gonna give some hints/tips.


It's no longer possible to do a Critical shot after slam, the enemy has to go out of combat mode ,
he will go out of Combat mode when he is stunned ~2secs. so what you have to do:

Slam, turn 180% run 2 meter, take bow, load Critical shot ,
keep spamming the bow button. normally you'll get your crit shot In + a normal shot.

It LOOKS like your shot is interrupted by poisen.. but it isnt! it's just some graphic bug, your bow is still loaded.


-Well you should know your armor isnt vunrable to slash anymore.
it's Thrust now you have to 'try to max' (yeah it's not easy to max that :( )

- Try to get a Celestrial Caillionder Vest, the vest has 10% Slash resist and is UBER vs midgard.
You'll see that their dmg will decrease alot.
- Try to get Belt of Enchancement (4%slash/Thrust/Crush)

These 2 items combined with your Epic armor that gives +12% slash resist will keep you alot longer alive against SBs + Midgard.
when fighting Hibernia you switch your necky to the DF necklace that gives
+6 % Thrust + Epic armor Vest that gives +4% + Belt 4% + Race 3% + ring 4% will give you a decent Thrust resist.

it may sounds freaky to switch but it keeps you ALOT longer alive

New Arrows:

THANK GOD MYTHIC. this is the thing some scouts have dreamed of ....
killing tanks with 3-4 shots. I think every Scout got frustrated when he saw 0.2 hp dissapear when he critted a Tank, well it's over now.
learn This print it out and put it next to you till you know everything on that page.

To be short: Use Thrust against Midgard, Use Crush against Hib.
It seems to be quite difficult to sort everything but i've done it like this.
my first bag is empty (only my END-Bounty stones in it)
2e bag: Thrust arrows, 3e bag: Crush arrows, 4e bag: Slash arrows. when you see or hear about inc,
you just switch 1 pocket of 40 arrows to your first bag. (you'll never shoot more then 40 arrows in a zergfight anyway)

Against casters: same. Crush vs Hib, Thrust vs Mid, don't go change it to Slash! Every Caster has maxed their Slash resist atm.
just force them to screw up their armor and items again. you'll have alot more chance to get higher dmg when using the other arrow types.


Don't. If you have never done it. don't have IP or buffs. you're just rp food for the zergshades and the shadownoobs.


get Dex, Quick, Mastery of Archery , Falcons Eye and IP + Tireless.


Don't think you'll own with high weaponspec.
Slash or Thrust : I don't know.
You might think slash is better but every assassin has specced himself to do insane dmg.
so don't think you'll melee them with 40 Slash spec.
i'll wait and see what I really need. so i suggest you don't respec.

Bounty Stones:

Buy all the 300bounty END stones you can get
they are a bit buggy (in my char :D)
put them in Quickbar: use them buy pressing mouse (on icon) + E (Use) and SIT.
then it will regen your bar for 100% (yeah i also wonder what use the 400bounty ones do lol)

It might seems expensive, but you dont use them all the time
-when a zerg charges and you run out of End... you're not gonna sit or go do crappy dmg with your sword.
-when a tank hits you and you have no End... use them, slam and run.

they save your life and get you more rps.

hmmm this must have been every answer to the questions i got spammed the last week :>

tata T_T

btw, Don't play with Crappy Deamon Fire Forged bow from Legion/Prince.
the speed is nice but we are scouts. If you wanna know why Scouts own and Hunters suck.. Be a Scout, not a Hunter.
I suggest you let Odysseus rip you off again for a Duskwood Bow then you play with that piece of junk :>



Excellent advice - nice one, mate!!


Originally posted by Aussie-
Bounty Stones:

Buy all the 300bounty END stones you can get
they are a bit buggy (in my char :D)
put them in Quickbar: use them buy pressing mouse (on icon) + E (Use) and SIT.
then it will regen your bar for 100% (yeah i also wonder what use the 400bounty ones do lol)

It might seems expensive, but you dont use them all the time
-when a zerg charges and you run out of End... you're not gonna sit or go do crappy dmg with your sword.
-when a tank hits you and you have no End... use them, slam and run.

they save your life and get you more rps.
You gon't have to sit to get them to work. They recharge instantly but there is a display bug - the display doesn't update till you use or gain end (hence sitting makes your end bar refresh). I've used them while escaping before, just use the stone and hit sprint, your end bar will suddenly pop to being almost full and you'll be sprinting away.


ahh thanks

just respecced to (final spec)
46lb 42shield 29slash (i love the style even if im a saracen) and 33 stealth
pretty good spec

hmm about RA
dont forget to get Long Wind (really helps)
and TS is really nice..
but takes 10rps


Thanks for the advice Aussie, but I think it's odd tipping players off to buy what you claim is "crap". You know ody's bows are good, why call them crap? Be mature, hold it in! :)


Btw, purge is not a bad thing to have against assasins, since u can save loads of dmg on you and get off (im not sure due to aussie's post if poison affects wheter or not you are shooting) poison when PA'd by SB/NS.

Thoughness II adds LOADS of hp, if you are thinking about getting augmented con, dont! :) get Thoughness, adds more hp and lets you cap your con with itamz :O.


Be a Scout, not a Hunter.
I suggest you let Odysseus rip you off again for a Duskwood Bow then you play with that piece of junk :>

read it again, he means
its better to get ripped off by Ody than use one of those (prince drops) pieces of junk


Oh, he should have written "than" not then, and my fastreading-understanding would not have failed :). But ok, i was "wrong" :).

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