to respec or not to respec? (for wizzies)



as the respec patch getting closer i was wondering if i should respec to Earth instead of Ice. the new Earth spells seemed amazing compared to ice and fire.

seems earth wiz gets 2bolts, ae dot, ae snare, ae root, dmg shield and the basic ice nukes(the basic lvl 50 ice dd roxx, 2sec cast). i find it quite pointless staying on as a ice wiz with just a pbaoe spell that is limited in combat situations.

i've also choosen my realm abilities

augment acuity
first aid
mystical cryatl lore
volcanic pillar

think i'll play as ice wiz for now with the new abilities and see how i do, if things don't improve i think realm will be one ice wizard short and one uber earth wiz born!

what are other wizzie's opinion?


im gonna keep my fire spec uber-nukes and bolt thanks, i think i owe it to the likes of Eleasias, Nolbypride et al not to let their standards slip by giving them an easy ride :p


Yeah, I thought about respeccing fire to earth too.

Anyway you oughta check this elementalist forum which is mostly used by US players(and so they are talking out of experience). There's alot of enlightening discussions about the improved earth line and issues in 1.52F patch concerning wizzies.

Choosing RAs (or some of them) will or should be under consideration of your spec line, so choose them with care. E.g Mastery of Concentration would come in handy if sticking with ice for pbaoe.

For now I think I'll stick with fire bolts and keep my ice for lowest lvl pbaoe(7) to uncover stealthers and then have my earth aoe root and the Uber dmg shield (j/k) :)


If (and only if) they ever fix bolts, then a tri-bolt wizz could be fun, 41 Fire, 39 Earth gives nice bolts...

Dont expect your Ice nukes to do 'uber damage' if you do not have a lot of spec points in Ice... The top will still be what you have now, but it can also be a lot lower...

Fire DD's get lowered in cast time a bit... So I'll stick with full-fire for now... Rest points go in Ice...


just read the info and us forums, thx for the link btw...

yes, really hard to decide....i will ask goa if im allowed to respec twice just to test it out :)

nah, i hope i can respec on gorre to see it myself...then decide....the ae root and dot sound really nice, but i will miss my nukes then really...lets see..


Originally posted by --Eraser--
....i will ask goa if im allowed to respec twice just to test it out

just test respec on gorre, if you dont like it. dont respec on excal :D



Its ground based Spell, like catabult and trebuchet

3 of those in keep, u can kill/defend attack from 50-60 attackers, just 3 of u!!! maybe need mincer for it =) and 1 rezzer, so team of 5....u RR6 if u defend keep in 1 week


Originally posted by AoE HoE

seems earth wiz gets 2bolts, ae dot, ae snare, ae root, dmg shield and the basic ice nukes(the basic lvl 50 ice dd roxx, 2sec cast). i find it quite pointless staying on as a ice wiz with just a pbaoe spell that is limited in combat situations.

You'll miss your specline DD's...

The DoT In the earth line is single target...
ae snare/damage is fun :) use that at the moment on my earth wiz... however it was doing less damage on the level 20 one, for about 5 times the mana than the lvl 11 pbaoe... pbaoe really does a LOT of damage

Base ice DD is ok... I've got a little bit in ice (level 24, 21 earth 11 ice) and it does reasonable damage, but it's not brilliant and it burns power.

Ice gets a little bit more than PBAoE - everyone thinks of that as their ability... but they also have:
AoE damage/debuff (fixed soon so that it debuffs cold as it should!)
damage/snare (nice for nuking down incoming tanks, no?)

A lot of ice wizards are going 'hrm might respec' as they're having problems using PBAoE against the ground targeted area of effect spells... also earth and fire just got cookies :)

Here's someone who respecced from fire (not quite the same I know...):
Switch off javascript or disable popups before you visit this ... it's got lots and lots of popupwindows (whoever's in charge didn't pay their ezboard subscription this year :()

Good wizard forum:


Originally posted by old.FIN

Its ground based Spell, like catabult and trebuchet

3 of those in keep, u can kill/defend attack from 50-60 attackers, just 3 of u!!! maybe need mincer for it =) and 1 rezzer, so team of 5....u RR6 if u defend keep in 1 week

Not any more...
They put a recast timer on it...

It's still good but it's not possible to defend a keep with just GTAOE any more...


hmm, okies, the 1 what i mean comes on 1.51 Earth wizzies only, 1.52 i dont know. so.....


I got 50 fire, 18 earth and 8 ice.

Gives me Best DD/AoE/Bolt of fire.
Gives me 26sec AoE Root and basic GTAoE DD.
Gives me low PBAoE (Good for stealthers) and AoE DD Heat Debuff.

Im happy with my setup, i wont be changing to earth.


Do you get to respec any realm abilities too?

For example if you had spent points on Wild Power as a Fire/Ice wiz you may want to have them in Wild Arcana as an Earth wiz.


Originally posted by old.FIN
hmm, okies, the 1 what i mean comes on 1.51 Earth wizzies only, 1.52 i dont know. so.....

recast timer was put in between 1.51 and 1.52 (read-file change...)

it's still a useful spell in keep defence... not hugely useful anywhere else... (mainly due to ground targetting being a bitch to use)

but not the stupidly overpowered thing it was at first.


Originally posted by pitspawn
I got 50 fire, 18 earth and 8 ice.

Gives me Best DD/AoE/Bolt of fire.
Gives me 26sec AoE Root and basic GTAoE DD.
Gives me low PBAoE (Good for stealthers) and AoE DD Heat Debuff.

Im happy with my setup, i wont be changing to earth.

AoE DD heat debuff in ice becomes AoE cold damage with cold debuff...

(it's been bugged forever... and the patch notes have it wrong :))



Oh well nothing to loose anyway, i would only have got earth to 19 and there is nothing on 19.

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