to : quicksilver



just like 2 say a big respect 2 quicksilver,

the other night in emain on the amg wall i saw a alb in a dress with a overgrown toothpick, so i thought i would gank him, 1 missed perf and 3 hits l8ter i was face down on the floor.

yes i got 0wned , and ill b a bit more wary of friars in the furture :)

( next time i wont miss my perf ) :D


He he...I love that everyone wants to gank the guy in a dress, the other day I saw a grp of albs running around in dresses and thought, wow, they are brave littel casters...after clicking on a few and reading that they were paladins and mercs in disguise and then seeing multiple death msges I laughed my ass off.


Ssssshhhhh you're ruining my disguise

I guess most ppl havnt come accross a lvl 50 friar before because stealthers love attacking. Bet its a bit of a surprise when they dont 1 shot me and I start cracking their skull with my big old stick.

/bow Ebonn


Quicksilver Deliverance - Lvl 50 Friar [Excalibur]


hehe happened to me the other day in emain 2 :)
(lvl 41here) suddenly a luri pops up behind me :s no good...
was orange con.....after a battle i died :( if i had hit my 2 misses or if i had resisted the poison the luri would have been dead meat....hence the damn poison did more dmg then her 2 daggers :s

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