to Purge or not for Paladins?



I have recenlty been saving rsp's for Purge, as a caster protector Paladin thought this would come in very usefull but have had feedback from others that purge is not all that usefull - ie purge mezz and just get mezzed/stunned again.

Considering the fact that it will cost me 10rsp's unlike main tanks (4rsp's) anyone have a view on whether this is really worth it, 10 points can healp alot - maybe even go FA, IP route ( so i would have FH, FA II and IP) - or increase my MOP, MOB etc.

Any advice peoples?

Sitting with these rsp's and to be told for no good reason i canee decide what to do.


when we first got purge (1.50)

mezz, purge, mezz

was possible...

but now when you purge a mezz you have a 1min immunity...

I've heard you're better off purging the shield slams/caster stuns... but not sure on that one :)


mezz; purge; mezz

Is now prevented by the 1 minute immunity timer. But...

mezz; purge; stun


root; purge; mezz

or some other combination still works.


To be fair this is only a real issue against pac healers. Most other ccers are reliant on either root or mezz or stun. Most don't have all 3.


don't purge mezz :) scream for a mezz heal...

purge stun ;)


so you'd say still go for it - even tho costs 10 rsp's?


Purge has saved my ass on numerous occasions when dotted/rooted/mezzed at half health in wall fights/keep raids.

And, as Fin said, getting a 100% rezz from a cleric isn't much good if you then wade back into the fray unable to hit your way out of a wet paper bag.

Purging rezz sickness mid-battle is one of the best uses for Purge I have found.


Purge is a must it will save your ass so many times...


I find myself rarely using purge lately. People break my mez almost instantly when I get mezzed and most of the time when I'm stunned I'm nuked to death in 2 nukes so can't do anything with the purge anyway.
My DoT's aren't effected by rez sickness and my pet doesn't care about it either, I rarely nuke if I just come back from the death because I don't have the power to do it.


good question. I havent decided myself.

As im often protecting lomywan or psyche i wish i had the root RA which roots all enemies within some radius for 12 seconds. Why?

Because when 3-4 jumps our mezzer, its very very tight to slam all 4 of them in the needed time. By just rooting them and FHing the mezzer, she/he can remezz or reroot and we have a fair chance of survival.

If I just purge of a mezz... what can I do? defend my mezzer against a fg? As I see it, i think calling for demezz is better than having purge as a paladin.

dunno really.. havent decided yet. But we'll see


I know what u mean - slamming more than 2 inc is very hard to do, although if u are mezzed then slamming even one inc isnt gonna happen - nor will guard block anything.

The 2 RA's u r talking about which would obviously help a great deal are Trip which will reduce the movement of inc enemies by 30% for 12 secs and better Grapple which will imobolize them completly for 12 secs.

Problem is Trip is 10 rsp, and is a prerequisite for Grapple, 14 rsp.

So the one u are really after (Grapple) is 24 rsp - yeouuch

I am also a fan of passive RA's and thats alot of em there, my dilema i suppose is between the passive RA's and Purge, I was always gonna go for purge until recently i have heard from ppls that it 'aint all that' - and really did not help determine the outcome of battles... at the cost of 10 rsp i was hoping it to be very usefull.

Still undecided...


Purge, ip/fh is a must for any tanks.

Determination nice for pure tanks too, especially rules against castabel stun.

5 % more blocking or damage wont safe u in combat, these will.

If u play fg vs fg rvr, often there goes a good deal of time between battles, giving ur instas time to charge.

It simply sux to be mezzed in a good battle, when there is a tasty
hib nuker who begs for a polearm in his gut. It sux even more if
he actually nukes u to death, because u dont have ip.


a paladin with faith healing and ignore pain=roxxor :) in rvr that beat up every tank, but I already beat up most classes in albion in duel without realm abilitys. but friars is even with me :)


Allow me to whinge that debuffs don't have an immunity timer. :[
Bloody champs =)


im getting purge - finally decided after being mezzed and :mgwhore2::help::mgwhore: too many times again last night.

yay :cheers:

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