To: Pin, Maz and co



Damn you!
I thought I'd reached safety when I reached Bledmeer with your assassin-deathsquad chasing me all the way from amg. And sure enough you stopped chasing and stealthed. I ran around Bled a couple of times before I descided to log, so I sat down right next to the gates.. 30 sec - 20 - 10 - 5, out of nowhere appeard 4 evil stealther types, almost giving me a heartattack, and instant-killed me! 5 seconds from logout! AAAGH! You guys are PURE EVIL!

10x guards leaps at you, and you start fighting backing off downhill, I tell a RM in Bled about it so he might barrage you with some nukes while you fight.. But loe and behold.. You kill the RM as well!

Then my computer crashes... lol


Hatts (or helmets) off to ya!



was 3 of us,

pin, mazsola and myself...

4 stealthers poped??? LOL

k.. :p


Thanks for being a good sport about it. It was quite a funny assassination. Double PA (you were sat so they both capped, mine had a 343 point crit on it aswell :D )

I hope we aren't getting you guys down too much out there ;)

(Btw, Pin, Mazsola and Yog were all that were there)


It was good fun :cool:

And I thought I'd finally escape you guys for once too! I've yet to encounter you and live to tell the tale... I need Long Wind!

You were only 3? Even more impressive of you to brave all those guards + angry RM Bledmeer crafters. :)


ey pin

I once fought a level 50 something meeleeis outside apk imgard when you and a ranger-type came, i killed the meeleer and i killed you, who was the ranger-type? Name him, i own him death.

Point, 39 enchanter.


Re: ey pin

Originally posted by inuyasha
I once fought a level 50 something meeleeis outside apk imgard when you and a ranger-type came, i killed the meeleer and i killed you, who was the ranger-type? Name him, i own him death.

Point, 39 enchanter.

u killed pin or wolf? plz plz plz say it was pin ;)


Yup, it was me. running unstealthed and the stupid enchanter pet snared me. I have no fucking clue what the stupid scout was doing though.


And why do you always have to kill me first when we meet at mmg HW ;P It's not fun to lie alone dead and just watch the other get nice rps on u. And then to hear the others say "GJ all!" is accualy very humilliating ;P Next time plz kill Lorric first ;) ok?



Originally posted by Thelion
And why do you always have to kill me first when we meet at mmg HW ;P It's not fun to lie alone dead and just watch the other get nice rps on u. And then to hear the others say "GJ all!" is accualy very humilliating ;P Next time plz kill Lorric first ;) ok?


don't carry a staff then :)


Originally posted by Pin
Yup, it was me. running unstealthed and the stupid enchanter pet snared me. I have no fucking clue what the stupid scout was doing though.

need a screenie of this to frame and put on my wal with the title "PIN GETTING PWNED BY A GREEN CON CASTER" best thing i heard tonight ^_^


Originally posted by Thelion
And why do you always have to kill me first when we meet at mmg HW ;P It's not fun to lie alone dead and just watch the other get nice rps on u. And then to hear the others say "GJ all!" is accualy very humilliating ;P Next time plz kill Lorric first ;) ok?


Errrr, come on now, you know the rest of your group get owned by us aswell ;)

And if you don't want to die first, don't roll a caster.


Hehe.. So if I bring my pretty greencon uberdorflady healer to HW and start throw kisses at u. Would u kill me then? Can't understand u hibs and albs who have the guts to kill a pretty little lady dorf. ;) awww look at them..

And what about that u owned the rest of my grp? Naww can't agree with that =) I remember one time we met u in odin's and owned u 3 times in a row. Tho u got some killes of us. BUT I WAS ALIVE! ;) And the first strike I got all of your frags. ;) Must have looked like I soloed u.. hehe.. And btw it was 4 of u back then.

Btw.. I know I can solo the 3 of u.. If u just stop hitting me! ;) lmao..


Originally posted by Thelion
Hehe.. So if I bring my pretty greencon uberdorflady healer to HW and start throw kisses at u. Would u kill me then? Can't understand u hibs and albs who have the guts to kill a pretty little lady dorf. ;) awww look at them..

Nah, but the greencon healer would be mezzed and left a while ;)

Originally posted by Thelion
And what about that u owned the rest of my grp? Naww can't agree with that =) I remember one time we met u in odin's and owned u 3 times in a row. Tho u got some killes of us. BUT I WAS ALIVE! ;) And the first strike I got all of your frags. ;) Must have looked like I soloed u.. hehe.. And btw it was 4 of u back then.

Btw.. I know I can solo the 3 of u.. If u just stop hitting me! ;) lmao..

Yeah, we lost a few times, but our 3/4 also beat your 6/8 a fair few times aswell :)

And as long as we kill those ugly norse runemasters I still count it as a victory to us :D

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