To Paladins (about RA)



I testes some Ra today in Gorre and Faith Healing is really cool. Group heal around 1200hps. Usable in combat. Like a cleric group instant. It costs 14 pts.



Faith Healing is A MUST HAVE RA for a paladin.
so every r2l4 paladin go get it when 1.50 is live :)


Yup, struggling through my laggy RvR world just to get it.


Faith healing is the only must have on my RA ability list atm, but i got a few extra points to spend and I was wondering what you fello palas are spending it on and what i certainly should not get.
Tireless seems nice
Master of pain seems nice too
And the increased Hp Regeneration looks nice too

If anyone tested any of em plz let me know what your findings were.


OK I agree FH is a must, but I can't decide after that I tried out a few things on Gorre and here are my opinions for what they are worth.

Tireless did nothing of use - it didn't make end regen faster when resting (we timed it on a stop watch) and it regenned so slowly in comabt that it wouldn't be worthwhile (This was tested at level 1 migth be different at higher levels).

I tried a combination of level 2 Master of Arms and Master of Pain with a Call Bastard Sword that was great, swinging it more often and criting with it 1 in 5 or more. Trouble is I don't have the points for that combination and faith healing just yet :)

Also the extra strength for a capped Briton Pally was very nice upped my weapon skill by over 50.

We also tested the damage add ones (Rain of Fire etc) and they seem quite nice, they also stack with Paladin damage chant. Probably not a must for level 50's but might be nice helping lower levels xp'ing.

Also note I am currently uploading screen shots of paladin Epic in each dye colour so you migth want to check it out before deciding what colour to go. Link will appear soon :)


level 2 Master of Arms and Master

Was thinking that too using the planner-thingie. Even for Highlander, the additional STR must be nice. Must build a vacation resort in Emain to get it prob. :) Anyone tried it out with a 2 hander ?

And we have Javai trying out dyes .... what more can one want :)

Ckiller ofDust

just got Faith healin

Can i use alone?? or do i have to be in a group Can i use it outside the RVR zones??

havent tested it yet :(


About Faith Healing can be used solo, in group, in RvR and we tested it in Camelot (jumping from high :)) and it worked.

about Tireless i trained 2 levels in Gorre and didn´t work fine.


i used faith healing , and i healed the grp for +-800.... :(


Faith Healing

FH Rocks!!!!

Just if many Pallys in group, make order who is using is 1st etc etc

LMAO i was using it a lot, and group liked =)

they were down at 10-15% , BOOOOOOMMMM , all Full, and lvl 46+ so i think 1200 HP is close heal on mine,

A powerful group heal. This percent-based heal is effectively the same as the highest spec group insta-heals that primary healers get.


Takes a bit of time to work out the right moment to use FH. After all you could save one person's life only to have grouped wiped 5 minutes later.

I was getting upwards of 6k healing from it though (1230'ish seems to be max for any one individual).

The timer is a bit too long - on average last night I seemed to be getting zerged twice in 30 mins which makes me think I won't be spending 10 of my hard earned points on purge which is also on 30 mins timer.

PS Paladin epic dyes (minus blue which for some reason I forgot to screenshot) are up. Link is in thread 'More Dyes'

Ckiller ofDust

used it a tanglers

yesterday and i loved it :) saved our groups but that time :)

FH is a must for paladins a big must

But wouldnt it be cool havin FH and Ignore Pain think of it two instas :) like a cleric hehehe one would rock in RVR id say?? :)
i think im gonna go that way anyhows but need the massive amout of 22 rp to get ignore pain :(

But the more i think of it 2 instas on a tank gimped or not must be incredible


I went like this atm

Faith heal
Self Aid LvL 2
Tireless 1
Augmented Dex 2
Augemented Cons 1
Toughness 1

Gonna repec though, the self aid is crap and IP will cost me 19 points while i already have the Faith heal for 14
Instead Im gonna go for mastery of arms, Mastery of Pain for those 9 points and save the rest for uhm, well will see.
Tireless on the other hand does seem to work, when resting END flies back on and it generates slightly faster even in combat.
My buffed hitpoints also went up a bit and I am around 1900 Hps with full buffs now compared to 1700ish before


Well at the moment I've got Faith Heal (When I remember to use it), Tireless 2 (I seem to notice the End regen), Aug Str 2 (Aiming for Mastery of Arms - damn I swing too slow :( ) and Magic Avoid I.

Once I manage (If I manage) to get a few more RR levels, I'll use a respec and get Mastery of Arms as high as I can.

And yes, Faith Heal rocks like a goodun. 1200+ heal on the group, I thankyoo!


Just dont Forget mastery of Pain!! base crit is 10%, so with lvl 3 u can get 25% and with Crafted awesome Quality weapon u crit often!!!!

and it bloody hurts =)

and yes, i saw once a HIT HIT, made by Kal , to blue troll to me, with same RA specs as me about, and same weapon as me i have 2h arcmace, and qua:99% , lmao, 1 hit!! and the poor boy had 10% HP left =)

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