To NTL users #2



Indeed, NTL insists that the limit has been imposed more as a guideline. It is not trying to penalise "ordinary" users. Instead, it wants to target persistent abusers of its broadband service, many of whom, its believed, are running businesses on what the cableco insists is a domestic service.

Another way the CoC and EULA will get you. TBH its in the contract saying you cant be a web host, or run a business through the domestic supply. Another fine example of the minority spoiling it for the majority.


tbh, this wont harm most people

the only people it will effect will be the hardc0re warez ferrets who download stuff 24/7

i agree tho its not right


Hehe...have you seen the forums on that protest site? Flooded with Australians calling everyone "fuckin whingin pommy bastards" since THEY only get 3Gb a month.

Ooh. It's like BW.



what!! no "u dirty mongrel!" or "u dag" remarks?


There was some stuff about cricket, if that helps?



nooo not cricket, thats worse than yawncrafting setups :/


Fact of the matter is that if they do impose this limit what is the point in paying for the higher bandwidth options? (i.e. 512Kb or 1Mb)

You will reach the 1Gb cap in about 4 1/2 hours of using the 512Kb line at capacity or in about 2 1/4 hours of using the 1Mb line at capactiy.

People dont spend the extra 10-20 pounds a month on the capacity for fun! Its because they plan to use it. Your download capacity is already limited by the speed of the connection, this should be the ONLY limit on a broadband connection.

They are introducing this purely so they can get more customers on their current network without having to invest any more money in better infrastructure.

It is simply an effort to make the customers pay for their managements in-ability to draw up a viable business plan.


actuallt, I think a lot of people who have broadband do this so they don't have to wait a few ages before a page loads.
or to play games with a decent ping.

the only people really hurt by this are those who leech mp3's/warez non-stop. which is illegal in the first place...
or, as the company said themselves, run a profit website, which is also illegal...

or do you suggest you can get to 1GB/day with surfing/gaming?


Can easily hit 1Gb a day if you host a CS/UT server for friends, also if you have more than one comp connected into the cable modem. BTW, getting a higher bandwidth conenction wont affect your ping when playing a game like DAoC with a single machine using the link. But if you host a CS server for a group of mates, you can use 20kbits+ of bandwidth per person playing, so that cap can easily be reached if doing so for a large period of time.

The introduction of this cap is purely because of poor management within NTL, and that is made more evident by them blaming the customers for the problems within their network. If NTL cant supply a 1Gbit line without capping usage then they shouldnt even of offered it in the first place. As has been highlighted many many times over the past few years, NTL needs to concentrate on getting the service they supply to existing customers upto scratch before they try to build their business further.

This decision has made me seriously consider continuing with NTL as the supplier for my Satelite, Phone and Internet services. It doesnt take many people thinking the same to result in losses of revenue over a million pounds a year.


And another thing they don't mention their shite upload speeds do they? No. Well i didn't see anything when i signed up.


Nothing from Telewest I note, my webpage had 50gig of downloads one month, lol, Telewest are going to offer a 3mb link at the end of the year, a 1GB cap on that wouldn't be nice.


im with ntl - technology maimed in imo.

its not like the tele doesnt screw up and the dns servers suddenly dissappear, now they gotta cap the downloads?


Downgraded to 600k thismorning after making an official complaint to NTL, ASA and trading standards.

Will be looking to move to sky/adsl/bt if I get any threatening letters from NTL


Originally posted by shilak
Can easily hit 1Gb a day if you host a CS/UT server for friends, also if you have more than one comp connected into the cable modem. BTW, getting a higher bandwidth conenction wont affect your ping when playing a game like DAoC with a single machine using the link. But if you host a CS server for a group of mates, you can use 20kbits+ of bandwidth per person playing, so that cap can easily be reached if doing so for a large period of time.

The introduction of this cap is purely because of poor management within NTL, and that is made more evident by them blaming the customers for the problems within their network. If NTL cant supply a 1Gbit line without capping usage then they shouldnt even of offered it in the first place. As has been highlighted many many times over the past few years, NTL needs to concentrate on getting the service they supply to existing customers upto scratch before they try to build their business further.

This decision has made me seriously consider continuing with NTL as the supplier for my Satelite, Phone and Internet services. It doesnt take many people thinking the same to result in losses of revenue over a million pounds a year.

You'd need to host the server for about 5 hours a day everyday to reach the 1gig/day, thats if you're using the full bandwidth, and you can easily play on a public server or book one or schummat.

Average 1gig/day is waaay over what I would expect the average law abiding web user, need to listen to internet radio 24 hours a day to hit that.

The broadband systems would never cope with all users using high amounts of the bandwidth, constantly. If everyone even download 1g/day consistantly, I would imagine NTL's network would be under extremely high load, and people would complain about the pings and the lag and the download rates. NTL wouldn't be able to upgrade to a network that would cope with the subscription payments they are currently recieving, but then, if they never charged that low, they wouldn't have got the customers to make it viable at all.

It's been a long time coming, first signs of it with BT, throtelling P2P ports, putting limits on Anytime products. As an adsl user I wouldn't be happy if I got limited, but I can definitly see where they coming from. Paying per gig/meg is the fairest way they could do it. Currently low usage cabalists ;) are subsidising the high usage people.

A lot of colocation machines have say 100Mbit connections, but pay per gig. The reaon for the high bandwidth being that when you need the bandwidth, you have plenty of it. It doesn't entitle you to use the full amount continuously.


Originally posted by Meatballs

Average 1gig/day is waaay over what I would expect the average law abiding web user, need to listen to internet radio 24 hours a day to hit that.

How can you relate the amount of bandwidth used to how lawful the use of bandwidth? Its complete bull. Here are some simple examples of how easy it is you use that 1Gb up: -

Each DAoC connection uses 14Mb per hour, therefore 2 DAoC connections = 28Mb per hour. So if playing with 2 accounts for 16 hours a day (quiet likely for some people) you will use 450Mb of download. Then once windowed mode is available, you will get people browsing during downtime, using IRC, IRQ, MSN, etc, all of which use bandwidth you will be getting pretty close to, if not exceeding, that cap.

Then you have internet radio, running a live feed at 128kbit (which isnt that uncommon) uses 900Mb of bandwidth in a 16 hour period.

Not to mention video feeds, which can be in the region of 512kbit or more, which will burn your entire quota in under 5 hours.

And we mustnt forget that once capping of this sort is introducted by one supplier with minimal complaints, all the others will follow suit. Also consider that most of those who went with NTL in the first place did so because we were limited only by the speed of the connection. NTL even marketed, and still do, their cable modem package as being unlimited internet access!


Think of it another way if you dont this its overpriced: -

You can buy a decent IDE harddisk for less than £1 per gigabyte. (IBM Deskstar 120GXP 82.3GB UDMA100 @ £81.00 inc VAT)
Yet it will cost you over £1.12 per gigabyte to download from the internet with NTL. (£35 / 31)

Reverant Mezz

well they can kiss my arse about this cap, i just want them to send me a letter :)

guess if they want a fuss they will loose my £50 a month for the net and the full sky package money too, good goin ntl :D


Originally posted by shilak
Think of it another way if you dont this its overpriced: -

You can buy a decent IDE harddisk for less than £1 per gigabyte. (IBM Deskstar 120GXP 82.3GB UDMA100 @ £81.00 inc VAT)
Yet it will cost you over £1.12 per gigabyte to download from the internet with NTL. (£35 / 31)

too bad the hdd doesn't come pre-filled with stuff you want...

in other words, your comparison sucks...


A danish ISP somewhat did this. They're called StofaNet and run your traffic thru cable.

It's been long since I was customer there, but when i was, you had no caps on traffic. I left when they introduced a cap where you had to pay for every extra MB you used, it was extremely expensive at first and they lost alot of customers. When ADSL really started getting big, they lost even more.

They aren't very large anymore afaik, I don't keep myself updated but they changed their prices to somewhat match ADSL I think, but you gotta be subscribed to their cable TV package as well.

Looks like NTL are digging their own grave with this, at least I doubt anything good will come from it.


How about another way of thinking about it ...

Currently ...

With a 1Mb link from NTL it costs you approx £0.11 per gigabyte to download.
With a 512Kb link from NTL it costs you approx £0.15 per gigabyte to download.
With a 128Kb link from NTL it costs you approx £0.37 per gigabyte to download.

If they put this cap in ...

With a 1Mb link from NTL it costs you approx £1.13 per gigabyte to download.
With a 512Kb link from NTL it costs you approx £0.81 per gigabyte to download.
With a 128Kb link from NTL it costs you approx £0.48 per gigabyte to download.

Who in their right mind is going to stick with the 1Mb or 512Kb services when you arent even garanteed it being 1Mb/512Kb all the time? And as for saying that 1Gb a day is easily high enough for people, its bullshit. So far today I have clocked up 1.3Gb of download on my line, and I have been using it far less than normal!

If they go ahead with it I will be taking my business elsewhere, which means they can kiss goodbye the £150 a month they get from me in tv/phone/internet charges.

In their adverts they claim to have over 500000 broadband customers, even if only 1% of them choose to change suppliers that will cost them in the region of £6 million a year in lost revenues. Another thing, they wouldnt even consider such a limit unless there are a significant number of users that are regulary exceeding it.


NTL customers shouldn't worry too much about being chased if they go over their broadband limits. NTL is unable to get enough people to answer its help-lines let alone find the staff to send out letters to so-called broadband hogs

nuff said


Just to show you how well informed NTL are keeping their staff informed, i contacted them today to cancel my telephone and cable service as im moving home and think BT might be able to do a better job. After speaking to the normal minions who spent ten minutes trying to convince me to stay with them with some untempting offers of discounts which didnt amount to anything, they then put me on hold and a customer service manager then went thorugh the same speel, and asked me why i thought the service lacking. Now alongside the sh1te performance ive had lately i then laid this on them which they knew absolutely nothing about so i directed them to the web site with the ntl statement. I was the followed by silence at which point she decided to give up trying to buy me.
This almost reminded me of the ntl customer service rep who advised i should have checked the web site for outages after i spent half an hour in a queue to tell them my cable service was offline.


LOL@ all you saying your going to boycott NTL in favour of BT. Ill be laffing my socks off when BT do the same damn thing :)

If it wasnt for the likes of NTL you buttmunches on BT would be paying 2 or 3 times what you are now, NTL provides the only half decent competition.

Im not saying I think NTL are right, far from it, it does suck. But I hear a lot of threats in here abot this whole thing, and TBH a lot of you are all mouth.

In my eyes NTL have worked from scratch to bring services to ppl around the UK where they can. BT and co had the advantage of expisting cabling and setups to get them going on the BB front. Give NTL some credit, their phone and BB service is cheaper than BT, and until this cap was mentioned, you lot were happy to only moan about the lousy customer service.

The fact that some people are using their service to run web hosting, games hosting or whatever means the minority are spoiling it for us average ppl who just want a good connection, fair DL speeds and web pages to load in seconds not minutes. Yes we should be able to use its full potential, but there are limits where you start taking the p1ss.

Im quite happy to stay with NTL, and maybe ill get better con now with all the leeches gone. Thanx for leaving.


I'm totally not bothered by this cap, unfortunately where I'm gonna be moving to there is no cable in the area :( So it'll be back to dialup while I see if I can get nilly there :(

NTL's biggest problem is imo their billing department, followed closely by their customer services deptartment. Never had a problem with anything else from NTL. Couldn't say that about BT :(

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