to much sparetime


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
this is not some flame or anything... just have had alot of freetime latley... to much is bad for me...

as u prolly have noticed i havent been on for a long time and subs out again...

logged on mid only to find guild i was in had changed to much for my liking and left it with almost all chars... (no not DH joined em after)

log on alb only to find out that 2 ppl or so can grp up 2 exp but are clueless anyway rest is just...

logon glast only to fid myself alone exping (sux since when u L24- its hard 2 join anything) and ppl in genreal are beeing rude/ignorant

so i dunno if ill open up acc again (and if so dunno witch on glast i have shamm on mid and inf/caba on alb)

is it just me or have most decent players just left or done a switch to rudeness ?

even freeshards r booring now since its more and more leet ignorant 14y old kids that think they know more from 1 week play then some1 that played 4y or so

hmmm i think my life as singel fighting about my right to c my daughter and doing nothing in general has made me think to much.... i miss the old days on mid when ppl where nice, always something to do, when u asked on /as (or whatever) hey im doing this arti (or whatever)
and u get 1fg+ pming and like sure (tho i lost on 99% of arti rolls lol) heck even made 2 of my chars famous (gaino and minimini) so ppl just joined to gimme stuff i wanted, now thats not happening nowdays...

ahwell mayb time to pickup book marathon (read 4 books a 300+pages in 2 days now still 9 books or so in same serie to mash thro)

/ranting thinking of


Part of the furniture
Apr 9, 2005
This is why you should start an online journal.. Nobody actually really cares about most of the stuff you mentioned.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Mey said:
This is why you should start an online journal.. Nobody actually really cares about most of the stuff you mentioned.


funny cuz its true.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
yay more no care attitude thats what every friendly community is about

yea im so leet i dont give a shit about other people =)

hmm sorry but its pissing me off that peolpe consider it cool to not care...

well - start running prolly the best choice... though nothing beats daoc pvp :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Mey said:
This is why you should start an online journal.. Nobody actually really cares about most of the stuff you mentioned.

aye and that also proves my point doesn´t it ?


Part of the furniture
Apr 9, 2005
No not really, I didn't say I didn't care. I also think it's a big shame that the community is at the point that it is.

But to come on a forum and moan about leet attitudes (Where I’d say at least 25%+ of the people that use FH would be considered leet) is not the best of ideas. Sure if you made some interesting points or suggestions I’d take notice, but you don't. You just moan about how shitty your life is and so on. If you don't like the community try and change it.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Gaino said:
even freeshards r booring now since its more and more leet ignorant 14y old kids that think they know more from 1 week play then some1 that played 4y or so

Sorry, but; you log onto illegal servers expecting people to be mature? Riight :rolleyes:

From your post, I seriously suggest you quit daoc, right now.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Mey said:
Nobody actually really cares about most of the stuff you mentioned.

If nobody cares the you don't care correct?

Mey said:
No not really, I didn't say I didn't care.

<Sigh> gotta love it when someone blatently contradicts themselves...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Gaino said:
this is not some flame or anything...

i said not a flame or anything, its just some thinking from my pont of view

the whole meaning of this post was for me to say that the BIG general attitude has changed, and some good players have either left or turned bad (ignorant selfich etc etc not bas as a person, no pointing, just my oppinion)
and more and more immature ppl have turned up thinking omfg im so l33t etc etc
dont take this wrong its good that we get new players, but if they arent welcomed in the right way ... well im to late there...

not saying that every1 is and a**hole or anything but we should start thinking ()perhaps) what can i do to make the game more friendly for all ?
ok not gona happen in 1h but think about it, and if ure a longtime player then u realize that ye it was better b4 when there wasnt many that screwed things up,,, ppl helped eachother with things and didnt forced something in return, just to b friendly,,, u dont c much of that nowdays do u ?

and yes FH may not be best place to say this but most players do look here =)

and eggy i use freeshards to test chars im interested in before i made em on live servers just so i know abit about the class


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
eggy said:
Sorry, but; you log onto illegal servers expecting people to be mature? Riight :rolleyes:.


i just love it how peope wanna point out something is when was the last time u d/l'd something from dc or torrent ? , your comment was unwarranted since u only show what a doublecrosser u are , now go away and stop trolling forums if u can't stay honest.



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Teslacoil said:

i just love it how peope wanna point out something is when was the last time u d/l'd something from dc or torrent ? , your comment was unwarranted since u only show what a doublecrosser u are , now go away and stop trolling forums if u can't stay honest.


Excuse me?

I was pointing out that the fact the servers are illegal, ie people aren't paying for the real daoc experience, means that the maturity levels (seing as kids don't have credit cards, and/or are more likely to not have access to £8 a month) on those servers is likely to be [even] lower than those on the GOA-managed clusters.

Your accusation that I download illegal sofware/music is without ground or reason.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
i thought freeshards were legal? something to do with not charging for the service or smt? probably wrong but if they were THAT illegal surely would have been shut down by now, and they are very easily available


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
eggy said:
Excuse me?

I was pointing out that the fact the servers are illegal, ie people aren't paying for the real daoc experience, means that the maturity levels (seing as kids don't have credit cards, and/or are more likely to not have access to £8 a month) on those servers is likely to be [even] lower than those on the GOA-managed clusters.

to be honest, after playing these servers a while, just isnt true. new players to daoc buy the real version, i tend to find that freeshard contains mostly experienced players, yes a lot of inexperienced as well but to be honest the community is better on most shards (except the pvp shards, average age mentality of 12~) than it is on the US servers for sure.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
eggy said:
Excuse me?

I was pointing out that the fact the servers are illegal, ie people aren't paying for the real daoc experience, means that the maturity levels (seing as kids don't have credit cards, and/or are more likely to not have access to £8 a month) on those servers is likely to be [even] lower than those on the GOA-managed clusters.

Your accusation that I download illegal sofware/music is without ground or reason.

u gotta just love it how some people have the urge to explain in spectacular way's have a friend irl that u should meet , every weekend we go out i smack him in the face for being so much uptight when were drunk , damn btw don't come i would just end up hitting u aswell :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Teslacoil said:
u gotta just love it how some people have the urge to explain in spectacular way's have a friend irl that u should meet , every weekend we go out i smack him in the face for being so much uptight when were drunk , damn btw don't come i would just end up hitting u aswell :)

Lol, that’s the spirit, when you find out you don’t have a leg to stand on, punch him in the face. :worthy:

I wish we had more of your type in the world, really !!!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Teslacoil said:
u gotta just love it how some people have the urge to explain in spectacular way's have a friend irl that u should meet , every weekend we go out i smack him in the face for being so much uptight when were drunk , damn btw don't come i would just end up hitting u aswell :)

I have no idea what you are blabbering on about, but as you "smack" people "in the face" at weekends, you are obviously someone who has a mature and valid opinion on a topic itself relating to maturity and legality.

Or maybe not :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 4, 2004
can annyone point me in the direction where it says that daoc freeshards are illegal?

if there is anny that is :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
as far as i know they are not illegal as long as they r free but company like mythic/goa dosnt like em due to its a emulation from the original..


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Im assuming there will be a whole infringement on intellectual property thing and an argument that the fake is costing Mythic money...

It'll be a very similar thing to the fake Gucci bags you see everywhere... Confiscate on sight I guess :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 6, 2004
I don't really like the idea of free servers for a game like this. As a game developer myself I know how much effort goes into an MMO so to have a considerable amount of your community move to free (legally grey) servers then it is a pain.

Mey, you are acting like the personification of what Gaino was talking about in his first post. Personally I think what he says is very true. So what if his personal life is mixed up in the post. Real life, virtual life, it's all the same in the end. If you act the same as you do in game as on this forum then prehaps you felt his post was aimed at you?


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Dakkath said:
Im assuming there will be a whole infringement on intellectual property thing and an argument that the fake is costing Mythic money...

Well I don't think it's costing Mythic money (atleast not much anyway).
Most Freeshards have their own Mods like Instant 50, 5 times exp and damage in PvE etc etc.
People that don't like what Mythic has implented in their version play on freeshards because they like for instance to instantly be able to be on par with everyone else instead of spending a few months levelling, doing arti's MLs and getting through those lower RRs.
Those people would have quit playing on the 'real' servers anyway because of that and now they play on the freeshards and thus Mythic/GoA doesn't lose money from that.

However there seems also to be alot more cheaters on those freeshard servers because of the low amount of cheat prevention that's going on their and all cheaters that get banned of the 'real' servers and still want to play go to the freeshards.
This will also not cost Mythic/GoA money as those people would have been banned and not able to renew their account anyway.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 1, 2005
Theres nothing illegal about it, aslong as you dont make money off it, encourage players to modify their clients(hacking etc.)..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Gaino you should stop playing this game tbh, I don't play it anymore and I'm glad, it's an expensive waste of time in my opinion, though these forums are fun :p

Sorry to hear about your daughter, I have alot too say on subjects like this but this aint the place, and I would probably be considered a racist lol.

Anyway.. quit daoc ! :D


Jan 22, 2005
Elitestoner said:
to be honest, after playing these servers a while, just isnt true. new players to daoc buy the real version, i tend to find that freeshard contains mostly experienced players, yes a lot of inexperienced as well but to be honest the community is better on most shards (except the pvp shards, average age mentality of 12~) than it is on the US servers for sure.

And also most people on Instant 50 - RvR everyone is in the same boat, ie been messed around too much, not happy with certain features in the 'real' game. This considerably imrpoves the community.

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