to: Motorhead and Woodhind



nice 2v2 we had there ;)

Me and Waemohs kinda owned didn´t even get one of us to half hp :p

And we are only lvl 47 and 49 :D

hahaha rofl :D


A Druid and a Warden, not the most offensive combo....


so well done on winning a fight with 2 healers LOL

All our healers R belong 2 U mr L33T :p



not much stopping power when it comes to 2 healer types, i can understand that. but wardes get styles and crap, how come they don't do so much damage? :)



Yes...I get it, they are healers :)

Sorry bout the first post....It was very nice of you to not heal :)
Hate when ppl heal in rvr...You could have smited or something tho...I donno what hibbie healers do :)


Wardens and bards get styles and crap yeah but do hardly any damage.. Bet I'm laught at a lot..

Hibbie healers don't smite.. druid gets a crappy dot and that's it..
You probably stumbled on them with speed spell up, this means no bubble or other useful spell active..
Beat a non support class, then you have something to brag about ;)

Our support classes aren't uber .. especially not in RvR


Mmh yea, sounds like they got jumped. They should've destroyed you guys if they had bubble running and had rooted you...


they can mezz/root cant they , probably if they mezzd one of the albs they coulda taken em one by one "with healing" . do they also have insta heals ? if so they coulda used them also ... do they have group insta heals ? if so they coulda used them also , so maybe 2 tanks killing those two hibs aint as easy as u hibs are makin out .. also not to forget the hibs woulda been maybe blue/yellow con ? "btw i dunno what lvl the hibs were but if they both lvl 50 the the above cons should be correct ?


Off topic about Moterhead (only hib's name i saw), thanks or thanks to your hib buddies for parilyzing me and ran off, saved me 5s :p
Albs killed me on the way to Gorge anyway :rolleyes:


Organ - You cannot mezz/root while you are being hit, you cannot cast while being hit. If you are a hib healer, generally you are screwed in a fight, especially against tanks. This would be a bit like a hib hero runing around rubbing over killing a rejuv cleric(which probably has better tanking skills anyway), try use your logic. Your hatred of anything hibernian is seriously weird, it is a game...


Originally posted by Nol
Organ - You cannot mezz/root while you are being hit, you cannot cast while being hit. If you are a hib healer, generally you are screwed in a fight, especially against tanks. This would be a bit like a hib hero runing around rubbing over killing a rejuv cleric(which probably has better tanking skills anyway), try use your logic. Your hatred of anything hibernian is seriously weird, it is a game...

if they had seen the tanks before they got to em does that mean the tanks done well in killing them cos they couldnt use there mezz/roots ? if they tanks got to them before they got spotted its the healers faults for not spotting them . hence tanks did well getting there unspotted ...

as for my HATRED of hibs ,i dont hate hibs im sure a lot of you are cool guys . i ONLY hate lame ass bug abusers / cheats . lame tactics like exp killing . if you really think banter on a forum board constitutes for me hating hibs then u must be really silly :p
i even hate albs/mids that cheat etc etc . cos imo this sort of game is better of without them .. im sure if u look through the threads ive posted/replied on you will see im mainly flaming people for being assholes ... on old forum i made a full topic calling albions cowards "posted as zarifra on old forums" i say it like it is . i like to express my opinions . as im sure a lot of others do . as for the other minor flames i give mids/hibs thats just fun to piss you off :) which seems to work often by some of the replies i get :) . lose the cheats/lamers that grief play others and ill be as happy as larry :) but we both know that day will never come cheats from ALL realms will carry on abusing floors in the game thus ill prolly keep flaming them . it has nothing to do with hatred . hates a harsh word to use on a cpu game where i dont even know the person on the other end irl .


to organ

hey organ :)
droods dont have mezz, only root - wardens have bubble and are low dmg dealers :/
but hey they still got owned - so nice counter strike thread :puke:


Organ grinder get read albion have just as many cheats any either of the other realms. I've no doubt that there's people in hibbie that cheat, but I KNOW there's just as many (probably more) in albion. More people in that realm so more than likely even more cheats :p

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