to mids at orions


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
nice fights some of bad the rr10s duo m8 is to afraid to fight when u kill his rr10 duo partner that he has to go hide until he gets back...what fun is it to duo at 6-7 in the morning when no albs/hibs are running duo...if u dont dare face a solo rr3 HO merc all alone then i think u should play another class instead of a stealther!!!

and Autolykos...thnx for the 1 vs 1 i have hade towards u...i think the score is 3-2 now or so u hit pretty hard for being a few RRs higher then me...iguess i´m just lucky the times i have won...1 of the fights my charge and IP was down and i still beat u down...but your dot killd me after :(

And yess i know what u gonna say...i got WTF pwnd so what...atleast i have gotten a few solo fights

Taema lvl 50 rr3l1 HO merc


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
DT on SB and SB will hit you for jackshit while you DS away or just stun with crushstyles, go side and kill him in like, 5 blows.

Wonder why SBs dont jump mercs, aye, I really do :) Only way assassin can ever hope to win is landing a really nice PA, dotmine+dot and hope to live long enough until a merc is dead. Which, isnt the easiest thing to accomplish, especially if the Merc MLdump.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
to use DT is coward play...i hardley use it.. only vs rr10+ ppl :) wich i know i cant kill


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Dwali said:
to use DT is coward play...i hardley use it.. only vs rr10+ ppl :) wich i know i cant kill

well that doesnt say on your tag so.. how are ppl supposed to know that? :eek7:


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Dwali said:
to use DT is coward play...i hardley use it.. only vs rr10+ ppl :) wich i know i cant kill

Aye and it cowardly for hib casters to use stun, stealthers to PA, pet classes to use ml9 conv, healers to use insta's and tics to use abs buffs :p

It an ability to give you an edge when you need it, aint cowardly to use it because the class given it for a reason


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Its nothing to be blamed for...but u cant go around saying that peeps r too scared to attack u...maybe there is a reason why that happens. And that reason is DT+rr5+ml dump on all mercs


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 30, 2004
Corran said:
Aye and it cowardly for hib casters to use stun, stealthers to PA, pet classes to use ml9 conv, healers to use insta's and tics to use abs buffs :p

It an ability to give you an edge when you need it, aint cowardly to use it because the class given it for a reason

So you saying they sould unerf warlock then Right O


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Nuxtobatns said:
Its nothing to be blamed for...but u cant go around saying that peeps r too scared to attack u...maybe there is a reason why that happens. And that reason is DT+rr5+ml dump on all mercs

As a stealther it is easy to get around though, attack them, if they DT you run and restealth, if they charge while you run you merely vanish.

Wait 20seconds (or however long it took you to get away) and DT drops, you PA again. This time charge and DT down, maybe they will rr5 DT. No problem, cna just go restealth. If use crippling poison or disease that is the easy part.

Now at this poiint they got no DT, probably not at full health either so they can either run and heal, or you got them in good position. They may have ML's left if they didnt blow it on first attack as it seems most tanks seem to do so just got to be bit weary


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Dwali said:
to use DT is coward play...i hardley use it.. only vs rr10+ ppl :) wich i know i cant kill

Heh, well after haveing faced some very easy opponents when playing Elrandhir solo I have changed and if I see someone low RR I try to use as few abils as possible, or none atall.

Still some higher RRers p00wn me like sh*t when out and my lack of parry and Purge is kinda crap when playing around soloing =P


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
to bad i dont have any mls on my merc or cls or rr5 ability and i still manage to kill a rr10 then his rrx killd me :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Nuxtobatns said:
Its nothing to be blamed for...but u cant go around saying that peeps r too scared to attack u...maybe there is a reason why that happens. And that reason is DT+rr5+ml dump on all mercs

i really don't get why ppl are "scared" of some enemies, i hardly ever give a shit what i face when i play my inf. and that's not coz i pwn everyone, but i'm out to fight, not to run away... :eek:
i really hate this behavior when i'm on merc, ppl /wave at me and don't attack, they just piss me off as i know they're there, but they are scared of a character in a video game :p


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
AngeLujo said:
i really don't get why ppl are "scared" of some enemies, i hardly ever give a shit what i face when i play my inf. and that's not coz i pwn everyone, but i'm out to fight, not to run away... :eek:
i really hate this behavior when i'm on merc, ppl /wave at me and don't attack, they just piss me off as i know they're there, but they are scared of a character in a video game :p

Basically cause i am not out rvring to give free rps :)
Also i almost never want just to score a kill and die just after :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 31, 2004
AngeLujo said:
i really don't get why ppl are "scared" of some enemies, i hardly ever give a shit what i face when i play my inf. and that's not coz i pwn everyone, but i'm out to fight, not to run away... :eek:
i really hate this behavior when i'm on merc, ppl /wave at me and don't attack, they just piss me off as i know they're there, but they are scared of a character in a video game :p

No point fighting most mercs as a solo tank/stealther, so why not just run past the merc instead of having to take a boat or some stuff again? :)
I wouldn't roll a merc for soloing anyways, unless I was some "Iwannapwnall" person :)

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