To infs



hi guys ive got a briton blade inf on prydwen, i want to know what do you infils solo on?

at the moment (lev 6) i can only find Bandits, which are too close together and very aggro so as soon as i backstab i get an aggro and die.

ideally i was wondering if there is a large amount of neutral animals vulnerable to slash somewhere?

plus any other good spots to solo for levels 7,8,9+ etc. and btw killtasks are no good since i know fuck all about where any mobs are :)


Just goto PK Bridge and wait for some high level Theurgist/Wizard to respawn at the bindstone then nag him/her for an EB/Haste/Magma shield.

Then you can slap orange about with a green con dagger :p

Forget killtasks at early levels, EB is the way to go.

Oh btw, Bandits are for L6-8
Mithra the tomb is L8-L11 (after L10/11 you should move on IMO)
Plains is L10/11-L19/20
Keltoi is L19-L23/24
At higher levels you should be in Cornwall/Barrows/Lyonesse/Dartmoor.


Whatever you do do NOT go to mithra unless you want to get frustraded or are tired of the game and are looking for an excuse to quit.

At your level i would go for ants E from cotswold near the guard tower hook up with someone who can pull and slap ants, if they hit to hard run to the tower, it has merchants, guards and is close to the mob spawn. After that you can move to avalon, follow the road there to cornwall at a certain point you will see a big spawn of trees at your right , nice to kill from 7-10ish. After that kill river racers on plains (preferably with eb haste buffs) they are neutral mobs and spawn fast. Better get maps of the areas though. If you wanna lvl real fast get eb haste and slap orange mobs you will be lvl 15 in no time.


There's some spiders in North blackmountains. These are neutral and not over camped :). Watch out for those lynx/tiger mobs cos they are aggro.

Spiders are west (i think) of the double bridge.

Zag Barr

Slash?? Infiltrator?? Must be a BG char ...



IF ur going for 50,dont go slash
level 50 thrust style owns :D ( experience from playing Cute's char )


after the 1.51 or 1.52 patch, cant remember, thrust gets -30% damage on leather (other stealthers) so if u want a stealther killer slash is the way to go


just a hint for those later lvls: dont solo
infil solo means blues, or looking for yellows which dont baf, are not too close together and on which you have a dmg bonus cuz otherwise you're pretty much dead


<em takes pity on Novamir>

do a /who Merlin and ask anyone in the guild if I am online (would be smart to ask Twis hes always online anyways ;)>

I´ll help you out a bit with hunting areas, and might even a group ;)

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