To Hitokiri




What are the chances of you wearing a cowbell around your neck, you sneaky devil you...., when you are out prancing around in Yggdra? Or a big neon sign that points out your location when you are stealthed.......


You've Killed me 7 times now.... and each time sneakier than the previous.

Okay, its obvious you hit like a friggin Freight train, (658 damage to my fragile hunter on your crit)....

But Next time, damn.... can you at least SHOW ME your evil smile before I die, and not AFTER?

- Bolo



Im the New, Improved Bolo... one who replies to BW posts with viable, non-aggressive, non-threatening content MINUS the US ebonics ........

Besides, this is concerning Albion. I respect Albion. Id rather see you guys be #2 than Slime-bernia. ( :) ).... Now if this were a post to THOSE single-celled animals.............

hee hee.....

Bolo II, the sequel


:flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame: :flame:
Here you are 7 evil smiles...
...and heres number 8 for the next time :flame:


No offence mate, i didnt even knew it was that many times already...i think Trollisko got his share as well when he was still xping in Yggdra :D some peeps have just the worst of luck...

But today well the GM's of my guild got this lil' get together hunt in Yggdra to get our RP's up, hoping to get some farming done :m00:
Let me say we were already happy you showed up, or we had to release cause we wouldve died from boreddom.
Shame you ran from Nomercy tho :( was waiting behind you wondering what you were gonna do, and well you run straight for me...sorry for pressing 1 :cool:

Well this gives me a good oppotunity to say this to Narve: Do you love getting ganked or many times did you just come back to die :p , was even considering of letting Nomercy melee you to give you a chance...well better luck next time :clap:


Man At Work

Nice to see hito causing mahem as usual and letting his gimpy boss leech from behind the tree. I tell u wht bolo, it was funny watching hito gank u every time, especially when he shows u his blades and u fall down, i guess he shouldnt draw them so fast lol

Anyways expect him around there for a while coz i told him an inf with less than 100k rp at lvl 50 should be shot and made into a pally :) .....................

I guess that scared him enough!

Ill join u for another round of leeching hito sometime, and the odd res :)

And nxt time a chain of ressick mids keep comming out im gonna log on Nomercy to chain root on em for 5 min :p

l8r peeps!


:( shhh... cursed godfather, that was my own lil' gimpy secret, well i think i shoud start aiming higher then just grey cons :cool:


awww.... BRUTAL....

You, sir, are EVIL.... :p

I guess there is no chance of that cowbell or neon lights,
Hitokiri ???????


Godfather.... you are JUST as evil.......... :)

See you guys out there.....

NEXT time, Ill have my 46 healer handy so I can rezz quickly, and die again.... a 2 for 1 ......

So you owe me an evil smiley there Hitokiri ........





It was nice to see you for once in My position...... face-planted and dead on MY TURF (yggdra) ....

FOR THE RECORD: my LAST death was due to a bad spot for logging.... but you still got me, and thats 8 now......

I saw the Godfather faceplanted as well, I did the cordial wave and dance to the both of you, and I even shushed off a very frustrated middie who wanted to shoot your corpses....

You are STILL evil, SNEAKY, and DESERVE to wear a cowbell around your neck to let us Middie Greys know you are out and about....


Till the next time, my respected Albion friend (enemy),

- Bolo the Crazee ass 3x hunter of Midgard
- Ozill 46.9 Healer extraordinaire



Number 9.

I dont like that Invisbl fella. My death to him today just didnt settle with me.

Please tell him Id Like to have a go at him, Just Him and I. No stealth, no backups, just him and I.

Mano a Mano.



Lost the race...

Damn i know...invisbl let me have the 1st go at you :m00: but when i said i wanted to make it a nice even 10 she claimed i was greedy :clap:
So we decided to do a lil' race to decide who got the pleasure off cleaning their swords on a fluffy soft Bolo :cool: Well she won... :p

But dont worry number 10 is on the way ;) (to be honest i cant wait till youre 50 so i can have fair fight with you :D )
And yes everytime i see you i get tempted to get my PA out :flame:


Your PA? Im assuming you mean your Paladin? Hes level 2x....... He would con The Lightest shade of grey to bolo....

OH Wait.... you were trying to be funny....

/* Courtesy laugh for Hito */
*** LOL ***


I too, cannot wait til that magic number... (50)


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