Llo guys. Lenda will finally come back to Hibernia. After a long absense and a lot of problems connecting to pryd server (dunno why ) , I now finally have the time to play my beta realm again.
My questions is : Orion (armageddon now ), can I persuade you in transferring some funding to your fun alb character I met ?
Just a bit to get me started on the right foot.
To all the others who were there in beta ... cu guys soon and send big Loco (gratz on 50 m8 ) my greetz if u see him
My questions is : Orion (armageddon now ), can I persuade you in transferring some funding to your fun alb character I met ?
Just a bit to get me started on the right foot.
To all the others who were there in beta ... cu guys soon and send big Loco (gratz on 50 m8 ) my greetz if u see him