to GoA regarding PVP server.



Lets be honest...
Since GOA has been screwing up alot and pretty much everyone is not pleased with the work you have done so far you need to do something to gain trust in the DAoC community.
A good way to do this is to put up the pvp server atleast a month
before the normal servers get 1.51.

Do like you did with Gorre , so ppl who only wanna play PvP server can patch their game to 1.51.
Not only will you make thousands of players very happy, you will insure the survival of EU DAoC.
Sooo many players are quitting every day, most of em blaim the lack of updates. Sure more ppl will be playing in 1.49, but many will quit while waiting for PvP server and 1.51.

Put a PVP server beta up for a week , and then whipe the database and put it up officially on a friday evening.
This cant be so hard, all you need is a server machine configured, US PvP server code, 1.51.

Do this and you will gain alot of trust in the community.


me too... well, now... it wasnt always that way :)


PvP server will ruin DAoC imo, the game is based upon its clean image of no greifing or abuse etc..
But as soon as PvP comes it will encourage the idiots and the immature kids.. And I think that in tun will cause more ppl to quit rather than the lack of updates.
DAoC isnt about killing ppl in your own realm, it defeats the purpose of the game, which is to work with your realm and conquer the other two..
So I really can't see why a PvP server would make this game better.

Ive only played this game for just over a month, and personally I think 2 updates in that time is damn good..
I came to DAoC after playing Legend Of Mir for a year, now THAT is a poor game, and the lack of updates on that game is appauling.

Its on the American servers, if u want to play PvP buy an American account.


i dont want a pvp server at all.

and goa are doing fine.


GOA are doing a decent job. Nothing in life is perfect but I think we get our moneysworth and then some ! Too much moaning goes on about them, cut them a break please.


/me predicts all the lowest populated servers will be deserted when PvP comes.


pretty much everyone is not pleased with the work you have done so far

Better change this to

I'm not pleased with the work you have done so far you need to do something to gain trust in the DAoC community.


in 2 words:



ps: ofc it was 12 words!


i dont want a pvp server at all.

There are some of us that do want it, and it will not replace the "regular" daoc servers .

As for population, i'm pretty sure the server will get a boost at first with all bored lvl 50ies and offcourse other players as well gving this a go. It'll even out soon and the whining (cs) kiddies will return to safe levelling and only the diehard will remain, making it a rather nice environment (apart from the powergamer just levelling to gank greycons all day long :p)

I really like the idea of putting up a box gorre style tho. (That is, as long as it stays english :p )


im sorry dudes but i think goa has done a good job so far we get the 1.49 in a few days so thats perfect! so i dont need the pvp server :D

old.Gombur Glodson

regarding the powerleveling some people on US made 50 with a played on less than 6 days, quite insane

Uncle Sick(tm)

You know what I can't stand? Assumptious little bastards...

If I rant about something it is about how I feel.
I do not assume that I am speaking for the whole community.

Some people want a PvP server.
Some people don't give a shit - that includes me.

There will be a PvP server.
Either you are:
-go play on the US servers
-or shut up and quite playing

But do me a favor, don't blast away in the name of the whole community.


<whispers to sickofit> That's "Shut up and quit playing" :p

Three reasons why we won't get it before 1.51:
It would require a whole new server put up that would have to go through testing, translations etc.
It would be to crowded because it would have a patch that is later than the one on the regular servers atm.
It would mean earlier patches are put off to get all the items right in the PvP (1.51) server. This would make people whine.

One way to solve the 1st point:
Have it put on Gorre and have it done as testing, before the 1.49 patch has even came out.

Two problems with this:
This is impractical as it would be much more efficient and of alot more common sense to test it at the same time as 1.51
Characters would be constantly deleted meaning more whining.
We would have more "Why have the French/Germans got it longer/first/etc" posts

You will not get the PvP server until GOA are testing 1.51. Weep for it all you like. You're not going to get it.


sickofit posted something serious and on-topic!
And i agree!
/em trails off into incoherencyness or somtehting...hmmghf.....


Is it only me wondering how they did it to 50 in 6 /played days?


Fellow players.

At the risk of annoying many more, I would much rather forsake any thought of a PvP server, for just one day on a RP server.

And yes, I have even considered buying a US account !

Bleri McThrust

Hey Im pleased with GOA.

Again I havent always been but they seem to have learnt from there original mistakes and taken action to correct them.

As for a PvP server, Im not sure if I want to play on it but there probably is a market for it and we will probably get it slotted in at the appropiate patch time.

We do seem to be catching up with the Americans patch wise which is a good thing imo. Patches bring new content into the game and waiting for that content is good for longevity. What would have happened if we had the epic zones and DF at the same time ??


GOA have already stated that we will get the PvP server WHEN and only WHEN we are patched to 1.51 as that is the min version required to run the PvP .
Is it so hard to be patient about things ?

Theres 2 choices for everyone : A) continue to play and enjoy the game .


B) if you really cannot wait , go play the US version .

Personally I am happy with the service atm and will continue to wait for things as they are delivered .



First I must say that GOA has been doing a hella better job than they started with. We have actually gotten weekly updates, the 1.49 patch is coming sooner than I thought it would and the servers have had no serious trouble lately, at least not for me.

Secondly I am one of the people who will be happy to play on a PvP server, but I don't think it should be rushed at the cost of other things getting slowed down - GOA should rather just concentrate on getting 1.51 translated and tested as soon as possible so we can then get the PvP server without serious amounts of extra work for them.

GOA did a horrible job at first, but we can't, or at least I can't judge them forever for those mistakes, since they have improved.

Lvl 37 Hero, Excalibur
Lvl 27 Armsman, Prydwen


I partially agree with Xana, and no i don't think GOA has done a good job overall. Just because some of u ppl don't have very high demands or expect that they do what they told us they would do doesn't mean they are doing a good job.

When i started playing daoc, it was in europe was said then by goa we would be a couple of days behind on the US with patches,
errrr they must have ment months. Over a month ago they said we would get our Chronicals soon, now i don't care why we still don't have it, i only see we STILL don't have it :~

However xana's idea will not solve anything, and the last thing on GOA's mind will be running another independant patched server, not sure they would know how. Otherwise the english servers might aswell be patched to the us version right away.

Things i want the most atm:

-New Chronicals with all the gadget a site can possibly have.
-patch any1 ?
-english servers on a different patch server so we can have the latest us patches ( i can dream, right ? ^^)


Originally posted by mele-nko

Over a month ago they said we would get our Chronicals soon, now i don't care why we still don't have it, i only see we STILL don't have it :~

so you want the newest patches AND the chronivles, and you still whine despite the fact that kemor himself said there was a problem with 1.49 and that the team had prioritized (sp?) the patch over the Chronicles.

why is it that all you whinning people have to moan about EVERYTHING? enjoy the game, have fun, and for gods sake stop moaning, you´ll get chronicles soonest possible after patchday, lvei with it, or move

k thx bye


yes i want them both, and i don't think it's an unreasonable request considering the time we have to wait for it.

As i already said i don't care about the fact there are problems getting the chronicals up or why they delay patches.. that's non of my buisness. I want to see a good end-result.

I realize a lot of ppl don't see the 'problems' u get when u play this game a lot, enough to be called a powergamer or whatever name u wanna give it. I hear it every day that ppl are bored.
This are mostly ppl that alrdy have a lvl 50 and high alts (40+) or ppl who can't stand the thought of lvling a new char to 50.

Ppl like slim (2, lvl 50's), Deathwish ( 2, lvl50's), Myself(50,46 and 2 40's) Xana(2,lvl50's) Kiranian(1,50 ) etc..

These are all ppl who used to or still play a lot of hours a day and without constant change ppl like this start leaving. Ofcourse u say, héy but wait that are powergamers ofcourse they get bored faster.
My point exactly, powergamers are usually the first ppl who see the problems since they play the game the most. It's only a matter of time before more casual players start getting the same 'problems'

After all this bla bla i'm still not happy with GOA's service and i still want all the goodies the US players have ( for the smartass who will say, "move to the us", i considered it many times, but i know to much ppl here and to few ppl over there :)

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