To avoid further hijacking an already tiresome thread with a subject which has drifted beyond the original posting, I have decided to make a fresh post here in order to clear up some issues. It is obvious I didnt make myself perfectly understood in my reply to your comments and this has obviously led to some misunderstanding between us. I will attempt further to do so now and to this end I have pasted below both my reply and your subsequent reply to it.
My comments you will find at the bottom.
Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Noita, before you start collecting wood for a burning, consider a few things calmly.
1) One person does not speak for all of Midgard.
2) Everyone is free to their opinion.
3) This may just not have been a "threat" but a badly formed joke.
4) First bit sounds like a joke, second bit sounds badly worded.
5) Why drag this out? Let the person be. He/she could feel aggrieved by what happened.
First of all I am calm, was calm and am calm now even in the face of such an attempt at patronisation.
1. I am fully aware that one person does not speak for all Midgard
2. I am also aware that everyone is entitled to an opinion, I hope that you include me in your stunning revelation there by the way.
3. This may be the case, but it wasnt perceived or received by Mak as anything other than that.
4. In your opinion
5. Well you seem to be the expert in dragging things out, having read some of your voluminous postings here why dont you elucidate further on just why this should be concluded at this juncture. And yes, the person may be aggrieved, he/she may or may not feel justified in being angry, but that is no excuse to start sending messages which were obviously perceived as being a lot less than cordial by the recipient. Any queries or complaints should be addressed to the organiser(s) of the hunt.
Furthermore, as you are apparently closely linked with the Admins, event staff or something or so Ive been told. I dont think its very apt for you to be advocating that a possible direct abuse of the CoC be swept under the carpet in such an arbitrary way. Or are you suggesting that the CoC is ok for issues you agree upon but can be ignored and disregarded whenever one feels aggrieved? When I signed up to the CoC I cant recall seeing an *If I feel like it at the time* button to push, just one marked *Accept* and one marked *Decline*
Originally posted by old.Noita
I dont think its very apt for you to be advocating that a possible direct abuse of the CoC be swept under the carpet in such an arbitrary way.
What? That someone sent a PM saying this? Hell, just ignore the fool then. Were you implying this:
Users are expected to show respect for one another, to contribute to the cordial atmosphere of the game. Harassment of another person, insults or remarks made with the aim of hurting another person will not be tolerated.
- was being violated? If so, then Makwaerk should report it. Since PM's are something only the sender, receiver and GOA can see, I recommend that if Mak feels trully aggrieved by this PM, that he report it via RightNow.
Or are you suggesting that the CoC is ok for issues you agree upon but can be ignored and disregarded whenever one feels aggrieved? When I signed up to the CoC I cant recall seeing an *If I feel like it at the time* button to push, just one marked *Accept* and one marked *Decline*
Oh FFS, get off that horse, it's lying beaten to a skeleton already. You know nothing about me ingame except for what you occasionally perceive my troll warrior do. You don't know jack sh*t about how much effort the E&E people put into stopping people cheat, taking their own time to investigate possible cheating. You know...a GM of a guild on Prydwen recently said that he referees rugby league, and that he goes onto that field totally unbiased, and leaves it the same, but you know what? More often than not he leaves the field having both teams hate his guts thinking he was biased against them, which he wasn't.
That's what I pick up from so many of you guys. You think I decided the rules? That I play judge? Hell, if I played judge I'd have a quickbar button to delete characters and randomly generate new names. Fact is, I don't. If I see a bad name, I write it down, and I report it later. The fact that 95% of the population on these servers don't give a f*ck and then say that I'm the bad guy because I'm trying to keep the place legal and "clean"ish, makes me shake my head.
If you have a problem with the way I report CoC violations, please, go ahead, report me to GOA/Kemor/Zargar, I miss the days where I held the most complaints against me on the old forums.
If I see someone breaking the CoC, and am able to speak to them (i.e. in Midgard), then I'll tell them what they're doing is against the CoC. If they continue to break it, they get reported. Names, well, they just get written down and reported. I long for the day you will all just accept that I am NOT biased against anybody, and do NOT decide - "Ok, today I'm going to hunt down CoC violators". I look, I listen, I see, I report.
Well... having read your reply I would suggest it is you rather than I who is in need of a little calm.
1. Nowhere in my reply is there any suggestion that I know anything about you, I do not purport to know anything about you nor what you do as part of the EandE team. I wasnt even sure if my information was correct, which is why I was hesitant in my suggestion that there even WAS a link between you and the Admins. But please be careful about telling me what I do and do not know, this street flows both ways, and you know even less about me than I know about you, remember this before you start making judgement calls of that nature.
2. I am very pleased that you have now advised the reporting of the incident through RightNow, which was at the very heart of my reply. It was your #5 (Quoted above) which really surprised me. Makwaerk in his original posting concerning the incident and his follow up to it confirmed, that he had been distressed by the comments made, whether rightly or wrongly, and as such the very first thing that should have been suggested was for a report to be made to RightNow and NOT as you suggested originally, to let it be because the person sending the PM may have felt aggrieved! Like that would justify things?? Hence my comments regarding acceptance of the CoC. Hell Glauthrong...there are many things that happen in the game that make me feel aggrieved, but that doesnt give me, or anyone else the right to send unpleasant PM's to players. My criticism, if criticism it is, is that your advice concerning RightNow should have been given originally to Makwaerk, and not halfway down a multiquoted reply to MY posting.
3. I dont have any problem with the way you report things, as I said, up until you confirmed your role (above) I had no idea what you did within the game, merely a little information concerning a link between you and the Administrators. I am sure that you perform your function admirably otherwise you wouldnt be in a position to do so as the Admins would have removed you from it. Nor am I under any illusion that you get to make the rules, if this was the case I am sure that your warrior would now be wearing af110 plate
(a reference to your wish list on another thread).
4. I am at a loss to find anywhere where I suggested any bias on your behalf, surely bias in its purest form means favouring one side over another? Im sure I never suggested that you act or have acted in such a way, I am also sure that in your dealings with the Prydwen community and any other server community you are the very soul of evenhandedness, and act according to guidelines laid down for you.
5. Had you included a #6 in your list (above) and inserted the advice you gave in your reply to me then I am sure that this unfortunate misunderstanding between us would never have arisen. At the very worst this was a minor oversight on your behalf, one that even someone with your obviously bright mind is allowed to make.
I do hope that I have clarified my position enough for this to be laid to rest.
As far as ranting and flaming........ well no flame perceived and if your rant got stuff off your chest and has made you feel better then its been worth it.
Take care G, I'll see you in DF no doubt, I have been looking but to date have only briefly seen you once.
Have fun.
Noita Helsdottir
Spiritmaster of 46 Winters
Eye of Odin
Flammen Vakten
To avoid further hijacking an already tiresome thread with a subject which has drifted beyond the original posting, I have decided to make a fresh post here in order to clear up some issues. It is obvious I didnt make myself perfectly understood in my reply to your comments and this has obviously led to some misunderstanding between us. I will attempt further to do so now and to this end I have pasted below both my reply and your subsequent reply to it.
My comments you will find at the bottom.
Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Noita, before you start collecting wood for a burning, consider a few things calmly.
1) One person does not speak for all of Midgard.
2) Everyone is free to their opinion.
3) This may just not have been a "threat" but a badly formed joke.
4) First bit sounds like a joke, second bit sounds badly worded.
5) Why drag this out? Let the person be. He/she could feel aggrieved by what happened.
First of all I am calm, was calm and am calm now even in the face of such an attempt at patronisation.
1. I am fully aware that one person does not speak for all Midgard
2. I am also aware that everyone is entitled to an opinion, I hope that you include me in your stunning revelation there by the way.
3. This may be the case, but it wasnt perceived or received by Mak as anything other than that.
4. In your opinion
5. Well you seem to be the expert in dragging things out, having read some of your voluminous postings here why dont you elucidate further on just why this should be concluded at this juncture. And yes, the person may be aggrieved, he/she may or may not feel justified in being angry, but that is no excuse to start sending messages which were obviously perceived as being a lot less than cordial by the recipient. Any queries or complaints should be addressed to the organiser(s) of the hunt.
Furthermore, as you are apparently closely linked with the Admins, event staff or something or so Ive been told. I dont think its very apt for you to be advocating that a possible direct abuse of the CoC be swept under the carpet in such an arbitrary way. Or are you suggesting that the CoC is ok for issues you agree upon but can be ignored and disregarded whenever one feels aggrieved? When I signed up to the CoC I cant recall seeing an *If I feel like it at the time* button to push, just one marked *Accept* and one marked *Decline*
Originally posted by old.Noita
I dont think its very apt for you to be advocating that a possible direct abuse of the CoC be swept under the carpet in such an arbitrary way.
What? That someone sent a PM saying this? Hell, just ignore the fool then. Were you implying this:
Users are expected to show respect for one another, to contribute to the cordial atmosphere of the game. Harassment of another person, insults or remarks made with the aim of hurting another person will not be tolerated.
- was being violated? If so, then Makwaerk should report it. Since PM's are something only the sender, receiver and GOA can see, I recommend that if Mak feels trully aggrieved by this PM, that he report it via RightNow.
Or are you suggesting that the CoC is ok for issues you agree upon but can be ignored and disregarded whenever one feels aggrieved? When I signed up to the CoC I cant recall seeing an *If I feel like it at the time* button to push, just one marked *Accept* and one marked *Decline*
Oh FFS, get off that horse, it's lying beaten to a skeleton already. You know nothing about me ingame except for what you occasionally perceive my troll warrior do. You don't know jack sh*t about how much effort the E&E people put into stopping people cheat, taking their own time to investigate possible cheating. You know...a GM of a guild on Prydwen recently said that he referees rugby league, and that he goes onto that field totally unbiased, and leaves it the same, but you know what? More often than not he leaves the field having both teams hate his guts thinking he was biased against them, which he wasn't.
That's what I pick up from so many of you guys. You think I decided the rules? That I play judge? Hell, if I played judge I'd have a quickbar button to delete characters and randomly generate new names. Fact is, I don't. If I see a bad name, I write it down, and I report it later. The fact that 95% of the population on these servers don't give a f*ck and then say that I'm the bad guy because I'm trying to keep the place legal and "clean"ish, makes me shake my head.
If you have a problem with the way I report CoC violations, please, go ahead, report me to GOA/Kemor/Zargar, I miss the days where I held the most complaints against me on the old forums.
If I see someone breaking the CoC, and am able to speak to them (i.e. in Midgard), then I'll tell them what they're doing is against the CoC. If they continue to break it, they get reported. Names, well, they just get written down and reported. I long for the day you will all just accept that I am NOT biased against anybody, and do NOT decide - "Ok, today I'm going to hunt down CoC violators". I look, I listen, I see, I report.
Well... having read your reply I would suggest it is you rather than I who is in need of a little calm.
1. Nowhere in my reply is there any suggestion that I know anything about you, I do not purport to know anything about you nor what you do as part of the EandE team. I wasnt even sure if my information was correct, which is why I was hesitant in my suggestion that there even WAS a link between you and the Admins. But please be careful about telling me what I do and do not know, this street flows both ways, and you know even less about me than I know about you, remember this before you start making judgement calls of that nature.
2. I am very pleased that you have now advised the reporting of the incident through RightNow, which was at the very heart of my reply. It was your #5 (Quoted above) which really surprised me. Makwaerk in his original posting concerning the incident and his follow up to it confirmed, that he had been distressed by the comments made, whether rightly or wrongly, and as such the very first thing that should have been suggested was for a report to be made to RightNow and NOT as you suggested originally, to let it be because the person sending the PM may have felt aggrieved! Like that would justify things?? Hence my comments regarding acceptance of the CoC. Hell Glauthrong...there are many things that happen in the game that make me feel aggrieved, but that doesnt give me, or anyone else the right to send unpleasant PM's to players. My criticism, if criticism it is, is that your advice concerning RightNow should have been given originally to Makwaerk, and not halfway down a multiquoted reply to MY posting.
3. I dont have any problem with the way you report things, as I said, up until you confirmed your role (above) I had no idea what you did within the game, merely a little information concerning a link between you and the Administrators. I am sure that you perform your function admirably otherwise you wouldnt be in a position to do so as the Admins would have removed you from it. Nor am I under any illusion that you get to make the rules, if this was the case I am sure that your warrior would now be wearing af110 plate
4. I am at a loss to find anywhere where I suggested any bias on your behalf, surely bias in its purest form means favouring one side over another? Im sure I never suggested that you act or have acted in such a way, I am also sure that in your dealings with the Prydwen community and any other server community you are the very soul of evenhandedness, and act according to guidelines laid down for you.
5. Had you included a #6 in your list (above) and inserted the advice you gave in your reply to me then I am sure that this unfortunate misunderstanding between us would never have arisen. At the very worst this was a minor oversight on your behalf, one that even someone with your obviously bright mind is allowed to make.
I do hope that I have clarified my position enough for this to be laid to rest.
As far as ranting and flaming........ well no flame perceived and if your rant got stuff off your chest and has made you feel better then its been worth it.
Take care G, I'll see you in DF no doubt, I have been looking but to date have only briefly seen you once.
Have fun.
Noita Helsdottir
Spiritmaster of 46 Winters
Eye of Odin
Flammen Vakten