to Gawain..



im one of the ppl in the grp u wanted 2 join at 4am, i realy dont understand what u are so upset about..
we were 4ppl in the grp, and doing just fine. along came u and asked if u could join. we told u that we were fine atm. but if u liked we could put u on the list.. now yes it was 4am in the morning but we were going to keep playing for another few hours so if one of our wizards would have left u could have been contacted... but u couldnt take no for an answer and became upset that u couldnt join and that we put u on a list...
what did we exactley do that was so wrong?
i accually thought it was rather nice of us... :)

and the no rezz list.. lol

the only person whos acting badley and need to growup is u..

And just for the record.. i like having infils in my grp, they are excelent at peeling mobs off me.

wiseguy lvl 48 theurg


Uhm you put ppl on a list for a 4 man group at 4 am in the morning and you ask me whats wrong with that ? Well maybe sitting next to a group at that time waiting for an hour or longer only to get invited 30 minutes before the "Ah im tired, gonna log, c u guys tomorrow" is a bit too much to ask from ppl. At that time I basicly invite anyone who comes up asking for a group and is in my level range specialy if the group was already fine so the new guy won't make things worse or unbalanced for sure can he. And then you say I need to grow up. Carry on plz.


just because u have bad experience with ppl that leave when u join em doesnt mean that we are all like that..
and just because u invite ppl at that time doesnt mean that we have 2 do it..
if we were to invite everyone that would come along and asked for grp we would soon have a full goup and we(higher lvls in that grp) wouldnt get good xp anymore..
And since that time of the day is when i play.. if i did like u said i would never lvl.. is that fair?

Sometimes i invite ppl to the grp just 2 be nice and sometimes i dont.. and i think that u and a hole bunch of ppl with u need 2 learn how to take no for an answer and just go on and get another grp or try another time...


You are worried about getting a full group at 4 am in the morning ?

Bleri McThrust

Early one sunday morning I take a walk along the beach with a friend and we start to duo Tanglers. Along comes another person who we group. No problem. About 10 mins later along comes another, by this time we are 4.

The group is very very safe there is little if any risk to any member of the group from dying. In fact there is little for some of the group to do. The exp is ok the company is good so we are all happy. At this point a 5th person comes along asking for group. We refuse. We decide that 4 will be the maximum. the 6th, 7th 8th etc all get the same response.

Then one person leaves, so we group another making 4 again. Sadly soon after myself and my original hunting partner have to leave for various reasons.

By the way I dont think we are the group to which Arthwyr is referring and the added members were of no particular class. Personally I have never put anyone on a list and would never go on a list either (which is why I dont kill Trees). But groups are made for many reasons and dont neccesarily have to be off 8 people. Or consist of certain classes. If a group is full with only 2 members, so be it.

Are we wrong, are we bad people, or are we just playing the game in a manner which we enjoy, without harming or being disrespectfull to others ?


Well the way I see it is this.

When i log on at primetime there are 5-6 groups doing tanglers, now if i get rejected in one I go to the next one and ask for a spot there after all there are 5 possible groups to join. If one of those groups is willing to put me on a que then its my choice if I wait for it or not, after all it's still early and even if i get my groups spot after some waiting there is a fair chance the group is going to be around for some time. If I can't find one at tanglers at all, not even a que, I can go look in Df, Barrows, Dartmoor whatever, plenty of ppl everywhere.

When you do a /who 40 50 at 4 am you maybe get 30 names of wich 2/3rd is in emain, one is a full high level xp group and the others are at tanglers or so. If you get rejected for a group at that time, there is no other place to go but to bed. You being only group and having all the tanglers for yourself means you can switch camp for camp bonus now and then (already comensating for the other member) The no downtime because you are the only group pulling also increases your Xp/time. Its more of an ethics thing I suppose. Be greedy or share and get 500k less a gobo.


At 4 am in the morning there is always more grps than one and there is always ppl asking 2 join. its not like u are the onlyone that comes along.. and i always play at those times and i have never been alone with my grp at tanglers...

and if u at this time cant find anything to do but go to bed then for god sake go to bed insted of being upset cause u cant get grps..


Boy, always knew I had a good reason not to do tanglers and trees.

When you group 8, they complain the xp isnt enough or player 'x' or 'y' has some sort of reputation, when you dont group 8 ... people complain that ... euh .. you don't have 8.

I know we have turned down people too, simply because we were chatting away and having fun and just being comfortable with each other. I have full respect for those situations. On other occasions, we just made full groups (often with no regard to con and introducing new zones to lower players), gotten to know new peeps and enjoyed a good hunt.
This game shouldn't turn into a pure xp frenzy with no regards for players being OK as they are.

Btw .. Bleri, stop playing on Sunday morning, better make Erren some breakfast n coffee :p


valid setup

I was in this group that Gawain is talking about,
and i honestly dont see the problem with us grouping
with friends and having a laugh.. i have nothing against
Gawain , in fact never seen him till that day, but what i cant
get is why the hell are u whining ? , if i cant get a group i do
other things i doesnt have a problem with a group wanting to
be just 4 - 5 -6 -7 - or 2 even.
As another albion said : Any setup is a valid setup.

I said in the most polite manner that we were full ..
and u think thats way wrong??

If u get irritated just cuz ur not able to get a group then quit the game.

dont add ppl to lists just because u cant get room in a group
I read in an a earlier post made by u something like for the sake
of albion that we should allow ppl to join groups?

I say for the sake of Albion dont do these types of lists..

And accept a groupsetup as desired by the members in it .

I have and always will accept a , soz - group full m8.
nor will i be irritated over that sentence . i'll perhaps go craft , scout our frontier or maybe even log .

Every1 else that night , guess about 15 ppl asked to join that night. guess what .. they all accepted , some even wanted to be put on a list , so we started one..

I have nothing against Rouges ( I'm one :p ) , scouts and infils
infact we group with a infil almost every night.. damn nice guy btw. ( so this is not class related )

Gawain i wont add you to some kind of list cuz of u adding me to one .. nor will i refuse u to join should we have the need for one more in any future group..

cheers :)

Mordekai - Minstrel - 48


pffft... at 4 in the morning with a 4 ppl group. I would invite anybody just to be nice, had a level 24 infiltrator in my tangler group just sitting back and leeching exp a cpl of weeks ago, np with that. People are just sad and egoistic I guess...

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