To Flint




I just want to know if it makes you feel good ganking greys ? You not only killed my lvl 21 Druid , wow whoopsee doo , but you stood and laughed ? a bow anything , but you laughed , when I was finally rezzed , you killed my rezzer and myself , who still had rez sickness , what possible fun is that ? You know what , I know I'm in DF and got to expect it ,but it was the way it was done , only 5 people in the whole of DF and I'm solo , wow I must have took all your skill . Like I say its expected , but not in such a lowlife way . Oh I have never ganked a grey i dont believe in it , some do some don't , but after that episode they are now all fair game , thankyou for changing my attitude , no longer will I wave and bow to greys , I'm now going to take them down , and hope against hope one of them will be your alt , see you around lowlife . Oh and shove your Arcanium dagger were the sun don't shine :)
To all who read this , I have been ganked on numerous occasions and never once complained , hey it's war , it's just the method used , maybe when he's a little older he'll understand "value" and "honour" . You don't have to reply to this thread with "it's war" or "expect it" or "you should'nt be there if you dont want to die " I know all that :) It was the method and that alone


U don't have 2 put up with the messages he sends complaining about the lack of hibs though while he's hanging about ur merchants :p

I could give you details of his alts but I won't.

Could've been worse at least he didn't get u xp killed so ur quite lucky he's an inf and not a Minst like my alt ;)


erm no mercry :p
gank em do em just kill em!


Never nice to be killed by another player, especially a purp. Happened to me at the hands of Hibbies a lot and more than once they mocked over my body.

Kinda think that the game is about unfriendly rivalry between then realms, perhaps you should get revenge with one of your higher alts?

Hit ^_^

no1: "it's war"
no2:"expect to be ganked if you enter hostile enviorments."
no3:you should'nt be there if you dont want to die

protect the lower lvls of your relm by killing theirs ;)
an enemy is still and enemy.
just more or less easy to kill.


Didnt any1 tell u theres a war goin on every1 is fair game..i will kill any1 and anything for the glory of albion u foul hib :)


You know something , I always thought "hey it's just another realm " whenever people badmouthed albion , but hey I see the attitude that comes over , lol , it's all true . If you cant beat em join em , looks like I joined em :) out of 7 replies , 5 of you never read what I said :) complete and utter morons , but hey its "Albion" woot , feels good .


Hibbies do the same... Make them stop and some of us might consider leaving your gray-cons alone.


Originally posted by caelithar
out of 7 replies , 5 of you never read what I said :)

Well I read it, does that make me special ? :)

I'm not a laugher in game unless it's to smeone from Alb that I know that I see dead, or maybe to people I know from other games or the former Albs that rerolled but that doing it to people I know.

If Flint chooses to do that for whatever reason though that's up to him I guess. It isn't restricted to Albs though saw it done by a Hib a couple of days ago despite him having little if anything 2 do with the kill. Seen Mids so it and had a go at Albs doing it.

Can't say it bothers me if someone laughs though which means I have the advantage over the laugher because I assume they do it to try to wind the dead person up and I couldn't care less what they're doing cause I'm normally reporting on their posn and numbers to other albs.

Flint killing you and ur rezer irrespective of ur con is a good tactic though because it gets you out of the best place for you 2 xp (because of the camp bonus) and makes it harder for you to lvl as well as making the dungeon safer for Albs, even if a lvl 21 isn't much of a threat.


I dont think its the Grey killing he peeved about, I think its more the fact Flint thinks hes somewhat "hard" doing this, by laughing.

Bowing yes, laughing? just immature tbh.
Yes ive killed greys and yes its fun and i'll do it again.. but I will NEVER laugh at one, its not the hardest thing to do is it.

And b4 u gimme all the bullshit about were enemies etc.. just remember ITS A GAME :) Have some common decency PLEASE..


Yay Xanthian got it :) now if the rest can read very slowly :p


Maybe u want 2 think about what you post cause this is clearly the sort of reaction a laugher tries to provoke.

Giving them the satisfaction of letting them know that it got to u isn't very likely to stop them doing it if anything they'll do it even more I guess.


Im with Xanthian on that. Cant complain about being killed it just narks u off when they start laughing. Its just common decency. It might be war but i cant recall the films showing your shell shocked soldier standing over enemy bodies pissing themselselves laughing. Lets face it the RvR pros if they get a good fight from someone will show their mutual respect regardless of realm by a bow or something. Other gestures i think is a little immature but then again theirs alot of immature players.


Like I say its expected , but not in such a lowlife way

I have never ganked a grey i dont believe in it , some do some don't , but after that episode they are now all fair game

Can we call you lowlife now too?



Thane's Rant

We have read your post Thane.

Hibs/Mids have done this to me many times, but it doesn't make me want to make me behave the same as the plonkers who are laughing at my corpse.

The thing that does wind me up is all this "Albion sucks as a realm" nonsense. These actions happen accross the board but you only see them from one perspective. Do you discriminate and generalize on things like race/nationality in real life? If so, you are a biggot.

Play the game how you want to play it, you don't have to act like these fools. Just keep remembering you are playing this game with all sorts of people, some very young who don't know better, and some who are just plain idiots: you'll find these people accross *all* the realms. So quit with the Albion's suck nonsense.

49.5 Sorcerer
(Who never posts here unless he feels strongly about something)


/yawnz at ppl complaining at grey ganking, its war it happens this is the 10000000001'th thread about it dont lie it dont play thread it happens to all realms all the time, hib zerg in df regularly kills lots of greys even lvl 15s. Do you see any threads up here?shush and stop throwing ya toys out the pram , if ya dont like dont play :)


Originally posted by old.Ozwin
Im with Xanthian on that. Cant complain about being killed it just narks u off when they start laughing. Its just common decency. It might be war but i cant recall the films showing your shell shocked soldier standing over enemy bodies pissing themselselves laughing. Lets face it the RvR pros if they get a good fight from someone will show their mutual respect regardless of realm by a bow or something. Other gestures i think is a little immature but then again theirs alot of immature players.

imho its best to do no /em due to some how somewhere you do any sort of emote someone will find it offensive, few ppl i would spm /laff would be evenum , karam (ooo i wish he was a middy or hib so i could kill him) . reason being couse there twats :)


Cadire , please read what I said , it was the way he did it "laughing after he killed me , not the fact I was grey , ffs will people read posts properly ? I could'nt give two shites if I'm killed a 1000 times by every purple con player in the game , grrrr just read.

Sorceror ? Thane is not my name , its a class and not even the one that got ganked , if you direct any post towards me use my name , twice you called me "Thane" I respect you by calling you by yours , please do the same .

Oh vireb , go read the post , its not about been ganked as a grey "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHH"
when will people read before replying .


ow well just found this thread,

dunno but i consider my methods as quite human for the fact that i
1. dont exp-kill
2. didnt gank greys, i ganked all hibs that where there
3. my styles are a pleasure to watch and are worth every single hp of you

P.S.: my alts are written down in the sig


if i btw remember right i /laughed at you coz i killed you about 0.001 millisecs after you meleed some mob which made you 2 fall at the same time giving a nice mixture of your and the mobs´dieing sound

quite amusing innit :)


He laughed at your dead body even tho you were grey.
Cry me a river....


You dont xp kill you say , yet you ganked me 0.001 miliseconds after I meleed a mob , you say ? And how are your styles a pleasure to watch if you one shot and remain stealthed :p , Oh I could go on , but I've even bored my self with this thread now :) cya around :)


haha what a thread.nice to see that some ppl get wound up if u laugh at em.gonna do it all the time now


i just got myself a beatiful new high % qua guarded rapier from Kiarra (the legendary),

i call it Silverleaf ;]

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