To dmwhore/muffinthemule



Hi Are you still alive :p

Ive been paging you solid for the last 2/3 weeks !!!!

Im still looking to buys those items off you.

Plz post , when you will be on so I can meet you


( Anyone else sell dartmoor items ??? )


Yes, I'm Spartacus... erm DMWhore! NOT falcor :D

:clap: Falc for not spilling the beans earlier, even though he knew my identity.

With all the new loot and crafted available, I didn't think people were interested anymore. Ahhhh, after checking my notes, you wanted a pair of stonewatch bracers... soz, gave them to some guildies :uhoh:

If anyone else reading wanted stuff from dmwhore, msg me and i'll check the vault.

Statix, If any more come into my posession I'll reserve them for you. Haven't been to DM for ages now but you never know.


statix come with me and my guild to dm tonight=) get some xp and maby some drops while ur there:p

to dmwhore=) does the prices fall now or what?:p


Thank you for the offer Second , normally I would jump
at the chance for a Dartmoor run but im afraid tonight is a
definate no no for me , I wont be able to get back online
till friday afternoon . ( that is my a good example of my luck right
there the one night I cant get on , I get invited to the one place
ive been trying to get to all week :( )

Again thanks Second , hopefully again sometime. :)

Ahh my elusive friend Dmwhore ....
Dont worry about the bracer if you have given em to guildies.
I understand, we never seem to be on the same time.
perhaps you should do 1 final listing of any weapons / items
you have to sell. Im still in the market for a feather lite axe
or even a lava sword.



if i find a set of bracers that i wont need then i'll give ya a shout when i see ya=)

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