Thanks for making me laugh in Thid today.. I'm going to leave Thid to level now (I've got 60rps, but I'm fed up of zergs) and that was an entertaining last few minutes..
I'm swimming near the HB (hibs have CK) and a Guardian starts shooting me. I end up fighting the guardian in the water, and due to a load of unlucky fumbles I finish the fight with no end, 10% health and 20% power. I swim under the bridge to rest, and I get mezzed, by a Bard I think - don't know hib classes. I think "ah well, thats me dead" and said yellow celt (Dimdim) starts thwacking me. I lifedrain, and desparately start poking him unstyled (no end = ouch for a reaver) I get him to 50% health. He sprints away.
I don't really mean any offence by this.. it was just damn funny.
I'm swimming near the HB (hibs have CK) and a Guardian starts shooting me. I end up fighting the guardian in the water, and due to a load of unlucky fumbles I finish the fight with no end, 10% health and 20% power. I swim under the bridge to rest, and I get mezzed, by a Bard I think - don't know hib classes. I think "ah well, thats me dead" and said yellow celt (Dimdim) starts thwacking me. I lifedrain, and desparately start poking him unstyled (no end = ouch for a reaver) I get him to 50% health. He sprints away.
I don't really mean any offence by this.. it was just damn funny.