To: Damini



Told you i would post! :)

Extremely sends his regards to your very nifty lookin kobold woman :clap: hope it wont be too long til I see you again!
It was very nice grouping with ya... tell me if you need that money, anytime!

(btw... made it to lvl 8 so now I can protect your sorry ass :p )



Protect *my* sorry ass? Well, I shall let you believe that, since any kobold as short as you is bound to have insecurity issues :)

And right now I have no want for money; I've got clothes prettier than any human would dare to wear (those lankies are so drab!) and a pointey sword I'm aiming to use on anything and everything. Midguard better fear my minature wrath!

I'll see you in game soon.

And to anyone else, I've started a character on Midgaurd Excal since I heard that your realm was in desperate need of pretty kobold ladies to gnash their teeth on the battle field.


Hehe yes... your clothes are very pretty! Altho I had to buy new armour for Extremely so I lost my spiderman outfit :( *buhuuuu*...

Have to trade some more money so I won't feel so insecure when out hunting... Got that extra boost from the outift, wonder what super hero I will be next?!?! :D

Hope to see you soon altho... my adsl-modem is in for reapairing so I really really hope I'll get it back tomorrow. Sitting on a friends (Arael's) modem atm :)...

Ah well off to work it is... Really love my job at the supermarket... :rolleyes:

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