To Crey



Well is something that happened today. I was going to DBolg with a cleric friend when we saw a grey skald was following us.

My friend went LD and while i was waiting the skald begun to dance and i did too. We did /bow, /beckon, /dance, /flex, more /dance , etc.

At that moment i saw an elf going to DCrim and we fighted. The skald helped me or simply he tought he could get some rps. We killed Crey and i was at 0,01 HP and the skald didn`t kill me (im not sure if he could).

After that my friend came back and all three went toghether. We find again Crey and 2 celts (blue and green) we killed them.

Well the fact is that Crey saw 2 albs and a mid fighting together and he must think something strange.

I only want to say that is the first time i see that skald, not a friend of mine. A lot of albs would kill him, i respect them but i didnt. Was a funny guy and we laughg a lot dancing until hibs killed us :).

You fighted nice Crey and without help i would be dead.



yeah it was kind of strange the first time.. wasnt sure what to make of the grey skald. Didnt attack him cose i though whata hell a grey, (wont happen again) so he instad me for 10 dam? =). and screwed my casting.

thx for the slam.

some ppl dont like crossteaming and im one of them. plz dont,.


No more crossteaming :)

I think slam is the only thing that saves my gimped paladin. Well rezz people is really cool but my damage really sucks.

I thought that my paladin was great but i have a Spear Hero and at level 22 does more damage to a yellow than my level 50 paladin. Im pissed off abut it and slam is my ultimate weapon :(

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