To - Charonel



Thanks for making me lose 4 hours worth of exp last night

must say i really appriciated that you had to send that beast in i think it was a Savage Lynx. why couldnt you have killed me so i didnt lose all the exp ffs why do i play this supid fekin game :(


last time i checked, eldritches cant tame creatures.....


Charonel is a fellow Red Dragon.

Yip Charonel is an Eldrich and no pets ... other than the scary torc he has under the bed.. but thats a "heating" issue rather than a sex thing.. well so he claims. :D:D:D


it takes you 4 hours to get 1/2 - 1 bubbles of exp? dear god that is slow lvling for your lvl... go and pray... then youve only lost 2 hours


to say i had a bad night was an understatment :(

there was Charonel and someone called sunghul ? as well :(
it was about 12:30am at Yggdra last night


How many times have ppl said this, dont expect xping in the frontiers to be safe! im sure there must be alot of good place inside midgard that are good/safe xp, just ask fb/teza/etc


no, you miss understand, if a person who can charm pets sends a pet to attack somebody and then releases it, it will continue to attack them till they die, and even tho the pet was charmed when it started to attack they will lose exp if the pet is release through a fight...

this is what he is saying happened.. a PC released his/her pet on purpose to get him to lose exp.. and exploite in the taking pets system that needs to be resolved.. although I have no idea what happened, so i am not accusing ne1


Originally posted by Matinex
How many times have ppl said this, dont expect xping in the frontiers to be safe! im sure there must be alot of good place inside midgard that are good/safe xp, just ask fb/teza/etc

you mean the 40+ level people that are always on anon :)


It's not like you CANT msg them because they are anon, try /send anyways. And what? are all ppl that hit 40+ anon in midgard? lol :p


Originally posted by Paranoid
no, you miss understand, if a person who can charm pets sends a pet to attack somebody and then releases it, it will continue to attack them till they die, and even tho the pet was charmed when it started to attack they will lose exp if the pet is release through a fight...

this is what he is saying happened.. a PC released his/her pet on purpose to get him to lose exp.. and exploite in the taking pets system that needs to be resolved.. although I have no idea what happened, so i am not accusing ne1

what happeneed was i was soloing some yellow con's in yggdra then i just sat down after killing a mob only to then see 2 hibbies with a Savage Lynx ? some big cat anyway. then i stand turn and start running towards another middie to help me and they were afk ....:rolleyes: so i died as very low hp from the mob and im geting mauled by this lynx and these 2 hibbies are laying in to me as well so i = dead :(


Originally posted by Matinex
It's not like you CANT msg them because they are anon, try /send anyways. And what? are all ppl that hit 40+ anon in midgard? lol :p

they seem to be even some level 15's are on /anon and not healers as well

personally i think its pointless to use /anon whilst in your own realm


k, well either...

1. That cat was a mob and aggroed onto you at the same time as these hibs...

2. The pet was released... but only if it is a charmed pet not a summoned pet will it not die upon release i believe.. (this could be different in hib)

3. There was a bug that caused you to either lose exp due to you recent fighting.. or a bug which caused the pet to appear to the servers as relased while it wasnt.


Sounds like you ran into a druid and his pet. Just wait until you see one of our hideous trees coming for you.

And yes, I like to feed greycons to my lynx matriarch too.


there were definetly no surronding lynx's and it was with there "group" so it was either charmed or .... i dont know i havnt played a hunter / charmer so im not sure of the logisitcs but it was definetly part of there group and i lost a shit load of exp but ill gain it back tonight (hopefully)


what level are you and what con did the "pet" have to you?
if it was a pet that looks like a cat/wolf, then it probably was a druid that sent it on you, if not, then must be some other mob, and charonel cant charm, so you prolly got aggroed and died that way, sorry. but thats what i think.


If your health is at 99% due to a recent fight with a mob and you get killed by another player it's an exp death. Only way to solve this is not hunting in the frontiers.

I know it stinks, but it's a fact. :(


I still think it takes a sad person to head off to another realms gates with the intention of exp killing people 20 levels lower than themselves. The people are obviously inferior in reality, lacking confidence, probably picked on a lot so take it out on people lower than themselves in the game to try and get their self esteem back up.

Just my 2 cents worth ;)


Twizted, i dont think many ppl have INTENSION to xpkill another enemy player, when i go to other realms, its only because i am tired of emain. All i do is go in, get stunned, gangbanged, release, xp. You have to admit that for lower level ppl its just too boring to go to emain to get whacked by ppl that are so much more and higher level than you.


If your health is at 99% due to a recent fight with a mob and you get killed by another player it's an exp death. Only way to solve this is not hunting in the frontiers.

Ransom this was not an intended exp death im sure, as it was a druid pet to atleast 95% certainty

Just bad luck I guess.

"Life's a bitch and then U die.."


It's a frontier, dont blame your enemies - blame yourself for being there instead


I have been visiting emain since 25

Died on the way, died at emain, died when I released and tried to make it back...basically I spent loads of time dying, but I think emain has been great, I managed to get a few RP's, got exposed to fights and was a sizzling black hole in the ground after a cleric smite.

I have also been at the frontier, been killed a few times, last night I had the pleasure of being spanked by 7 albs who were very purple(everything is purple to me), I didn't even get a chance to wave. Mezz - SMITE! - sizzle - message - wait - BIG FIGHT - elephants - guards - rezz - was great...

On one occasion though and it was great to see I was XP'ing in the frontier, a purple infiltrator sat down next to me and watched me kill the monster, I thought I was toast, but they waved and stealthed then moved on. Would be nice if more people did this to grey cons, i mean what is the point of killing someone so grey, they are practically transparent(talking about on the frontier here, not at emain, grey cons at emain are rezzes waiting to happening).


Twizted, i dont think many ppl have INTENSION to xpkill another enemy player, when i go to other realms, its only because i am tired of emain. All i do is go in, get stunned, gangbanged, release, xp. You have to admit that for lower level ppl its just too boring to go to emain to get whacked by ppl that are so much more and higher level than you.

hehe tell that to them albion minstrels and infis that admitted in a previous thread of mine that they go out with intent to exp kill, and enjoy doing it


I can't count how many times alpha xp killed me in collory before patch 1.45 with his comrade Ownz. Oh well, alpha sucks, and thats his way of having fun.


Excellent story Nol and I agree. Killing grey con's is pretty pointless.. :D

I was soloing in Mt Collory region last nite .. just because I had joined a hunting group out there a few mites ago and couldn't remember the way back.. also I didn't see another living soul.. so no leaching going on.. nor BAFing.. So sweet exp.. kinda lonely tho. :(


Yellow Savage Lynx at 35? Must've exped quite a lot... Lynx Matriarch propably.


ok just got back from work to find this...

well. one. sorry if you lost xp but the only orange con's we killed in yggdra were two who were dead a few seconds before i cought up with the ench and druid i was with anyway :( so i missed the fight. BUT! i'll apologise anyway. if i'm solo and see someone low on health from fighting a mob i dont kill them for a while anyway... been xp killed myself that way and i dont like it for obvious reasons (one main reasons why i hate the idea of xp killers so much).

two. i do NOT go xp killing people on purpose!

three! it wasnt a charmed mob. it was the druids lynx adult. how the hell it conned yellow at lvl 35 i've no idea. the druid (seungle although not completely certain of the spelling there :) ) was only lvl 34 and the lynx would be a few lvl's below him too.

three. you dont lose xp from being killed by a pet. it must have been that you were on low health. but like i say, by the time i caught up (the ench was using speed buff) the fight was over...

four. i needed to catch up since i wasnt grouped for reasons of safety with the guards. ie if someone get's run down by a patrol he wont come all the way across yggdra for me since i'm not in the guys group.

five. matinex. there are plenty of intentional xp killers... a certain albion thurgist has rooted me in collory twice after pulling irewoods :( not Fun when they mezz you after too, then let the mob kill you.

but yeah me, the ench, and the druid with his lynx adult (SUMMONED pet. not charmed, ie you release it and it will just die) were together. i was just lagging behind a bit due to runnign the wrong way before... that's all, that and the enchanter's speed buff.

but like i say... if you lost xp then it was an accident... a rather trigger happy one by us (i would have looked at your health before attacking though) hibbies but it was still an accident... i'll have to mention the low health thing to them since they dont like xp killing either as far as i know. probably didnt know about it.

oh and about leaving the greys alone.. yep. i dont always kill them either. depends entirely on how i feel. your as likely to die by me as you are to live if i come along and your grey. but if i just wave to you etc... then you can just carry on doing what ever it was you were doing since i'm basically just going to leave you alone :) if i shoot at you however then yoru toast. no way to tell. except if your in odins for instance. i'll probably leave all grey cons since i know what it's like to have to run ALLLL the way back to emain. can't be too different going to odins either.

oh but if it makes you feel better... the other day i was in yggdra and got a troll sneaking up on me... (yeah i know!) anyway. i stunned him but because i didnt want an orange con troll who was already in meelee range i just ran, straight into a bunch of BIG scary aggro mobs :( which slaughtered me :( but that's the chance you take. xp isnt everything. irritating i'm sure but you get over deaths in no time. i've died loads but i'm not twisted by it or anything :) it's just a game.

but i have to aggree. each time i hunt in the frontier i expect it to happen at some point. i just feel lucky when it doesnt

another thing... if yoru getting attacked by a charmed pet that can kill you on it's own then why fight it? when it get's released it'll aggro the one who charmed it so if you dont hit the damn thing then it should just go after the charmer? dont know though since i've never seen this happen personally. but i'd guess it does :( mythic should really stop a class from being able to just greif at will imo.


/me waits for the inevitable, though painfully unconvincing, 'bad boy' post from Jazhara :)



all is forgoten :)

ok im not really in to the RvR yet i only have 91 RP and 11 BP :) at level 35 that's what my SB's gonna be for :)

but it just really annoyed me *at the time* of loseing all that exp and late at night so i was anoyed :) ok its the in-evitable of getin a hibbie /alb but hey im not that expereinced in RvR to have though you can that close to the gate at Yggdra forest :rolleyes:

about the pet conning yellow i aint really got a clue it was all over very fast i think it was yellow but i was runnning from it so ?

see u out there wheni have level'd some first :)


thinking about it. the lynx adult could have been yellow con... the con system is too unpridictable by those levels to be sure... aeiedel con's purple to me. but he says that i con blue to him so it's a bit wierd.

Anyway if i see you again i'll just give you a /wave from behind a tree and leave you there as a way of saying sorry. but granted that another 20 odd albs will probably turn up five mins later though :) there were LOADS of people running around in yggdra that night! it seemed a bit like a mild version of emain but with patrols to watch out for too!

good luck with the xp anyway. but pls get some groups!!! xp'ing at that speed at lvl 35 is just SLOW! go easy on yourself and group!

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