To Aussie



hello ;) just want to say to you that you should stop lame around and kill only greens/greys and kill em time after time.. its just boring.. i laugh everytime i see someone get killed by you cause all of the people you kill are green-yellow to me. I mean whats your problem really? cant you try kill a yellow enemy?
That guy Winter.. im afraid of him sooooo..... scared! He got something you don't.
He one shots me when im moving still does 100++ dmg more than my hp. Aussie you had a lucky hit on me yesterday for 600 *laugh*. And hmm a couple of days ago.. i sat down with rez sick and you couldnt one shot me.. EMBARISING!!
Think of it next time you are in emain. Don't just hunt the greens, greys (maybeee you try a blue sometime)..

Hatts Off
Kobbie (yamyam) Hunter


You are bleu to me mr Hatt and a sniper, means good rp's :)

and i'm R4 by killing grey/greens :D (sarcasme)

i sat down with rez sick and you couldnt one shot me..

are you the only one who can have rez illness? :)

btw 90% of mids are skald/tanks and lvl 50... prolly you want me to shoot red tanks in groups of 40 ? ? :DD
btw is there ANYONE who shares you opinion? :D

let me start a thread for al lvl 50's who killed me ? :p


Lol well ok but im getting pissed when i die :)
If you want to kill me, kill me once. Not 5 times in a row plz. Thats just lame and you wont get any good RPs


Originally posted by old.Hatt
Lol well ok but im getting pissed when i die :)
If you want to kill me, kill me once. Not 5 times in a row plz. Thats just lame and you wont get any good RPs

He kept you off our casters, etc, what's lame about that? Duh.


On the one hand i dont think its ok to kill just greens and greys...

On the other hand, if someone dont want to be killed, dont go to the frontiers, Muspelheim in Midgard is good to XP as well... Its war, and i kill each enemy in frontiers i meet, no matter if they grey/green/blue/yellow/orange, sometimes red (purple is suicide ;) and if i want to be killed by something purple i go to tell the guards to do the job)


I wonder what war (wich is what RvR is based on) would have been like if the older men weren't allowed to kill the boys on the opposing side. Seems a bit silly to me to try put a rule on RvR that you're not to kill greys. If the grey doesn't want to be killed he should stay at home and have his mommy tuck him into bed and read him a storie.



Of course its good to kill greys :) But not only.. i have never seen anyone 40+ getting killed by aussie.. thats the point..

And he killed me time after time to keep me away from casters? i quess you sat next to him when he played then. He was solo and shot me in the middle of 30mids. then ran away.. WHY ME?!?! :)
Don't give me any coments plz if you don't know what the subject is..


bah R4 by killing grey and green ..

i must have killed 100000000000ppl :D
and i never unstealth for a grey or green

frustrated kiddies %D


Oh please , when will people realise when you r in e main u r legit targets. If u get shot by an archer and need to recover do what everyone else does and try and get to a safe place to recover. I lost count the amount of times i was killed by purp archers. As they say dont get mad , get even. Its so pleasurable to slam the same archer who stuck u like a beast 15 levels ago , quivering away stunned just before u cleave em.


Good enemy is a dead one ..

some greys/greens can give decent rp's
some greens/greys just rez'd that red/purp whos gona kill you .

although i prefer to kill blue/yellow/orange cons and occasionally red ., if i see a green/grey i will kill it .

i dont see the point in rez killing / exp killing unless you just trying to grieve kill the enemy .

but all in the frontiers are good game and are there to be kill ive lost count of the number of times ive been killed by lvl 50's . and im not lvl 30 yet :) . i can name a few names from mid/hib that ONLY SEEM to go for v low con targets of freshly rez'd or are sitting down . its warfare killing enemys regardless of con makes the enemy force smaller hence giving your realm better chance of overcoming the odds .


I just don't have time to read replies :) you guys write to much.
Gratz Aussie now you killed a lvl 50 chain wearing dude in my guild and a lvl 4x hunter too. Im impressed :) Now we can drop this topic.
Hrm you also killed me when i suicided.. but thats another story :)


Oh joy

:rolleyes: this must have been my biggest victory :rolleyes:


Anyone else laughing at the irony of an old hat complaining thread?

/em shrugs


All Archers live for the one shot kills. 2-3 shots means ur lifes in danger more often than not. 4+ is suicide solo behind enemy lines.


ooooo aussie i am better than u :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

(just joking) oh and grats on ur RR4 :)

rps are rps even if u get em ganking greys/rps although its more fun (imo) hitting yellow cons and then stealthing while watching the 10 of em look for you and ur in the middle laughing ur ass off ;).. but sometimes some sb has to come along and ruin ur fun :mad:

oooo hatts r u the pesky kobold archer btw? :)
I hate it when i shoot u and u manage to get away with like 2hps left or something.. life's not fair :rolleyes:

/salute all


Bah, why mo1 aint killing the balck ones?

Kill what u c seems habbit, but when im alone i get 30 mids/hibs, and i try to BOW to them, that even have some little 1 vs 1, because thats more fun than 1 vs 30 ..........u can start it by rooting or what ever u smelly 1's use, and then wait, if i BECKON, i would like to have rather 1 vs 1 , than 20 bolts to my ass, in a row, and after that laughs and jumping.... =)


Winter aye, thats me :) Just w8.. im gonna get 40+ now fast =) iam 39 now. When i get to hrm maybe 42.. its the end of this 2hit kill stuff guys ;)

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