To: Any high lvl Friars



My Friar is now 40 and his Rejuv is only 15. I have staff 39 and Enhance 25. I keep being asked to join groups as a healer.
I always turn down the jobs as primary healer cos we have no instas casters tend to die :( and I feel bad when they do.
Should I boost my Rejuv or stick to tanking (I can out damage all but the best specced pole armsmen and I hit faster than them too)

Personally I want to tank but if it helps me get to lvl 50 quicker I will consider grudgingly upping my Rejuv.

What to do guys?


Stick to the melee template m8. Lots of smite clerics fake being healers to 50 so why shouldnt u :)

Friars should never take the job of main healer, backup or auxillary yes, not main. I know its a pain, my lowbie friar used get the "HEAL!" shouts in Mithra groups even tho he was severly outdmging the tanks. The way I played him was melee till ppl got hurt, back-off heal em and get stuck in again. Shame tho cos all I really wanted to do was spam the mega dmg :m00:


I'd stick to melee too, well, Staff + Enhance... At a patch in the future, you will get a 70 DEX/QUICK buff (self-only) which increases your damage output a lot (your staff is dex based)...

But hell no, dont put more in healing m8...


I am the same level as you (40.5) and I am more surprised that you have such a low enhance spec, than by your 15 reju.

I agree with the enhance/staff points above and I think 15reju is fine and wouldn't put anymore less you want to. I have 18 (final level) myself since I found a nice spec plan which leaves me with only 1 point left over.

Of the top of my head I hit blue/yellow norse for 250ish, on something like a 1.8/2.0 sec swing (thats with my self attack haste) If I used a slow staff it would be much higher but one miss/block could break you.
I have started logging RvR hits and I know a polearms my level so hopefully I will figure out how this all ties together soon. Let me know what your damage is because your staff skill is higher than mine...

I found that I can be main healer in goblin groups so long as I have PBT and Power Song. That said I remember going along to llyn barfog at lev24 and chaining fishermen with 4 tanks, so it depends on the skill of your group as much as anything.

If you are worried about it the lev40 epic staff has a +rej version which might be what you are after?

I am curious to know the spec of enarion etc. cos they must have got to high level before the 1.5spec points came in. I imagine those friar went very low reju? Did they pump up their reju with the patch??

PS I parried in emain for the first time last night!!! dont forget parry its great PvE :) if not RvR :(


I reached lvl 50 with only 10 in rejuv, with the template I had in mind at character selection I would have only gone 14 rejuv anyway. It has not been a problem for me having such a low rejuv and I have often had to step in as main healer at trees group, but I would not recommend that role if you do not have pbt in group :)

I can honestly say theres not much wrong with my healing only a few annoyances!
1) My heal varies too much...usually tickles the tank for 200 hp while in battle but will heal him 280 while he is sat down..pfft go figure......
2) I can heal fine but I run out of mana way too fast, if I am main healer I heal until I am out of mana...that usually leaves at least one mob left at a 3 mob pull at witherwoods. But luckily because I have not used much end while healing I can jump straight into battle and style away while all the tanks have no end left.

Regarding how to spec "your" character, its how you want to play. For me it was very clear of what my end goal was, I had to make my build as viable in RvR as possible and I'm afraid that left little for points in rejuv as the line is not good enough to invest in.
Lets look at what you need for a viable RvR build.....high staff and higher enhance!

You can find my build and equipement to date here....
Faith Demonsbane Dont think that because you adapt your build to suit others they will group you up because of it, friars are much better in battle than healing.. this is fact. Bonus of healing too, you play your character well...thats what will get you in group! Stand next to that caster/cleric and left them watch as you save their arse! First by getting agro off them or jumping out of battle to heal them.

Btw out of curiosity how many lvl 50 Friars is there on exc? I play on Prydwen and we are only 2 here, myself and a guild mate. Atomi :clap:


I think its two on exc to. Enarion and Hinanthesecond.


From a Grab bag:

Q: Why is evade an ability that rises with level, as opposed to parry and shield which require points? All three are defensive maneuvers.

A: Well, I don’t have a complete answer for you – but part of the answer is the placement of the element in the formula. (Refresher course from earlier this month – the order of resolution in combat is hit/miss, evade, parry, block.) Those elements are in descending order, more or less. Evade is a bigger part of each formula than the others, and each level of evade can be likened to a major improvement in armor class (in terms of damage taken). So while wide variations in the smaller elements like parry or block (within characters of the same level range) are acceptable in terms of game balance, the different levels of evade are relatively HUGE, and thus are doled out over the course of levels.

so the engine check for a parry first, therefore if you want to use the styles which trick off evade keep your parry a bit lower...

A couple of spec systems:

For a hardcore fighter with a half decent decent heal:
50staff, 14parry, 18reju, 38enh (you just need a enhance cleric for the buffskis come 1.51)

I prefer the more balanced: 41staff, 11parry, 18reju, 47enh at the moment, prob prefer summat else tomorrow :)

PS i 'think' there are 4 50 friars though not all are active...


To Continue...

I hit a red guy to me in RvR the other night for 150pts (full self buffs on nothing else) at lvl 40 if he's red means 49 or 50. Ideally I want to be hitting for 300 plus when those guys are yellow (at 50 for me) so I presume therefore to keep my staff at 50 will help that...I reckon if I go staff to 50 my enhance will be 38 - could be wrong but i think 38 is ok :)


aegis / fatty

Hello m8y...i would take staff to 44 m8 and just put enough points into rej to get your poisions sorted...personally i wouldnt worry about the healing stuff...clerics do that m8.....but staff 44 is a must for the chain moves before it. excominicate is shite m8..dont bother. as i said healing is for clerics,u already got rezz so wtf, kick some butt. base heals are enough for friars. hope to see you when i return from retirement and the .u.s. servers...take care and good luck m8.. your old talon leader :

DRAEGEN :cool:


seems like im a rare friar, im planning on taking my rejuv to 25 (to get the next big heal that heals for the same as the lvl 46 base heal but without the variance). ok, i may not hit as hard as friars who go only 7 rejuv, but at least i can act as primary healer if needed.


lvl 50 friars i know of arer hinanthesecond/starion lightbringer/enarion


and okies im guna make an admittance
i was originally working on a plan of
44 staff 47 enh 18 rej and about 10 parry (cant member exact figures

along comes 1.48 and i get uber loads of points off i run to my trainer thinking yeah uber enh spec time instead by accident a bash 26 in rej now my plans fucked by really its not so bad :)

39 staff 45 enh (for last self sheild and 44 +15abs buff) 26 rej 10 parry

ok i can main heal at gobbys without a bt therg (tanglers easdy as pie) after 1.51 i will be able to raise staf to 50 with items (hamadryads drop lots of +staff eg +2staff bracers and with a god staff usually around +4 staff thats + 8 alrdy) the 44 staff move is bugged and awkward to pull off (impossible in rvr) eg its a long dur stun but third in chain with a stun opener, stun over a stun dont work :/ if this gets fixed (hasnt been in 1.51) then ill be able to respec to change for new move :)

and with 26 rejuv a caster sees me first roots me then dds me, while hes casting his dd i bash of a self heal that lands after his dd (you can time this right btw) im full health running to a caster and about to slap his brains out :p done this a few times


i also agree friar really shouldn't be a main healer as even with my spec i outdmg armsman,

staff 34 enh 26 parry 10 rej 26

as for you deepfat matey i really would go 44 enh minimum to get the +15% abs buff with your 10% from leather thats 25%abs meaning your a chain wearing (chain is 27% abs so with buff your damn close) staff weilding evade 5 ninja slapping friar and that will also give you the uber dex/qui buffs later which will increase your staff dmg therefore making up for not speccing so high :p but thats just my opinion :p i really do think all friars should go for 44 enh tho :p

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