As many of you know I am now Thorey...anyway after being hit in the back twice bye a infil then while running away a luri had a pop....anarchi decides to stun me.....So I stand there and she comes and rests in front of me while I stand there like a muppet...She hits me with one more dd and goes into mele...Having Half health and no end (just been sprinting) I was getting rdy do buy a ticket to svas...I evaded every attack but 2 and hit every one of mine killing anarchy..I was seriously LMAO!
Also saw alpha later...had a dance and wave...I wanted to seehow much dmg i could do to alpha....so i moved to round the front when suddenly up pop your 2 infil mates....While they hammerd me down you stood there watching me like some king sending you minions to do the dirty work...
any way I was owned but at least your cried for me eh? 
Also saw alpha later...had a dance and wave...I wanted to seehow much dmg i could do to alpha....so i moved to round the front when suddenly up pop your 2 infil mates....While they hammerd me down you stood there watching me like some king sending you minions to do the dirty work...