To Anarchy and alpha



As many of you know I am now Thorey...anyway after being hit in the back twice bye a infil then while running away a luri had a pop....anarchi decides to stun me.....So I stand there and she comes and rests in front of me while I stand there like a muppet...She hits me with one more dd and goes into mele...Having Half health and no end (just been sprinting) I was getting rdy do buy a ticket to svas...I evaded every attack but 2 and hit every one of mine killing anarchy..I was seriously LMAO!

Also saw alpha later...had a dance and wave...I wanted to seehow much dmg i could do to i moved to round the front when suddenly up pop your 2 infil mates....While they hammerd me down you stood there watching me like some king sending you minions to do the dirty work... :D any way I was owned but at least your cried for me eh? :p


aye saw u at amg running from nicolas i killed him and saved your sorry ass ;)

Alpha Male


When you waved at me etc, i beckoned you..i had 0 idea that those 2 infils were there, as far as i knew i was alone, so i invited you for a fight....i was as surprised as you were when they attacked, and i took no part in the fight because it wasnt my fight =(...and i cryed at you because i was as dissapointed as you were :cool:


Yeah I wanted to fight you : o (....Maybe next time :), if I see you again I will wave just wait for me :p


1) I'm Anarki not Anarchy so atlest check what you type
2) I'm lvl 46, so it is that i'm almost blue to you as you are lvl 50
3) Lucky evades....when i'll get 50 you will hardly survive 4dd's ;p


Originally posted by old.Anarki
1) I'm Anarki not Anarchy so atlest check what you type
2) I'm lvl 46, so it is that i'm almost blue to you as you are lvl 50
3) Lucky evades....when i'll get 50 you will hardly survive 4dd's ;p

I look foward to it :p


Re: humm

Originally posted by Alpha Male
i took no part in the fight because it wasnt my fight =(...

Wish some Mids followed that norm :p... got surprise attacked from behind by Hug, a con yellow troll in Gorge, and I had speedbuff on, so no auto-bladeturn... did dmg add, and to my surprise I outmeleed him, even after he self-healed... nearly had him down when all of a sudden Llamaherder pops up and starts shooting and kills me... Hug was at 3%, I was at 10% health, I would have had him dammit ( :

I was actually omw to help someone res a friend. When Hug attacked, he ran off : / There's Hibernian gratitude and comradery for you : /

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