To All Wizards Respeccing To Earth



Having just had the pleasure of an informal testing session in emain with most of the other regular RvR fanatics of the server, I have gleaned a small insight into what it really means to be an earth wizzy.

Earlier this evening I fired up my gorre login and did /respec all on Wildfire. I gave him 48 Earth, 9 ice, 23 fire, which gave me all the top earth spells for testing, maxed my fire with the remaining points to decrease the variance on my base fire DD, and plugged the rest into ice for the PBAOE. My thoughts on the class are as follows:

- As an earth wizard you are no longer the big uber-dmg-dealer of the group. You're a bastard brother of the theurgist, with a great deal of utility in combination with decent hitting power (given the right situation). You have many AE spells but must use them each in the correct circumstances. You also have what may prove for a while at least to be the earth wizard's surprise ace-in-the-hole; their matter-spec bolt. I'll go over each of the spells seperately to go into more detail.

1) Direct Damage (Major Fiery Maelstrom) - Base Fire
Compared to a fire wizard, your damage is nowhere near on par. Against tanks I was nuking for 150-200 and against casters I was still lucky to top 300-350. As I said before, DDs are not your strength, but still pack enough of a punch to take out casters, but you will need to be left alone if you want to have much effect on tanks.

2) Bolt (Lava's Fury) - Spec Earth
While many had criticised the earth spec bolt for not being up to much, I immedietly found after oneshotting a series of elves, lurikeen and kobolds that this was DEFINITELY not the case. Due to low matter resists on most players, this bolt will hit a lvl 50 caster for 800-950 every time. On characters with matter resist (I noted some people were able to put up (-1xx) figures, this will drop to around 700-800, and you can expect 300-400 per bolt on tanks. This is HIGHER than the lvl 50 fire spec bolt, and from what I've seen in RvR, is currently the most powerful bolt in the game by quite some margin. This will of course change when everyone's resists are maxed by spellcrafting, but at least until then, this bolt is THE DADDY.

3) GTAOE (Earth Wave) - Spec Earth
OK this is where things start to get a little funky. When I first tried this spell I thought I had turned into a smite cleric, the graphics r0x. Damage is very impressive, and at present (not sure if this changes in later patches) does not experience fall-off towards the fringe of the blast. You either hit someone or you dont, and The hits I was getting ranged between about 150-300. Also I noted an odd bug where certain players would take two hits from one cast. It should also be noted that if you wanted, you could use GTAOE as a form of PBAOE - it has 350 radius compared to ice PBAOE's 300, and will hit harder than your lower-specced ice spells. GTAOE is going to become a major factor in keep warfare and milegate standoffs, and for me at least was one of the most attractive features of the earth spec.

4) AE Root (Buckling Earth) - Spec Earth
Most likely due to the mass free-for-all duelling that was going on, this spell was not as effective as it would be in a real-world situation. However, with a 2.5 sec cast timer, and no chunky ice graphics obscuring your view of the enemy players, spamming this AE root as theurgists currently do with theirs could provide albion with some nice new crowd control. I say spam it because it's only a root, and casters/archers will need to be interrupted. Nice spell, another very enticing facet of the earth line.

5) DOT (Greater Sheet of Magma) - Spec Earth
While many have praised the DOT of the earth wizard, I must admit I was somewhat disappointed. It ticks away nicely, but will only shave about 1/2 of the HPs off an unbuffed caster (so make that 1/3 if they're buffed up to their eyeballs like usual). Damage is more consistant than a sorc's DOT as it has lower variance, but still can't match up to cabby DOTs for raw power. Another spell that lends itself to keep warfare - something earth wizards are going to be extremely good at.

6) AE Snare DD (Molten Ocean) - Spec Earth
This I think is going to be one of the earth wizard's best toys. Hitting for 100-200 per target, carrying a 30 seconds snare with it, and a nice 350 unit radius, this will hopefully be the spell you see earth wizzies dropping on keep archers and at milegates. 4 seconds is a long cast though, making quickcast essential in most situations.

7) Damage Shield (Exalted Magma Shield) - Spec Earth
This seems to outperform both hib and mid equivilants in terms of damage output (tested by staff-duelling). A 50-60hp backlash from each of your opponent's hits (figures coming from a spearo and a BM) is pretty nice. Surprisingly impressed by this, but then I wasn't expecting much :)

In conclusion: Wizards now definitely fall into one of three categories. You have the fire wizards, who are going to become top of the DD food chain once again with their reduced casting time. This along with a hard-hitting fire spec bolt makes fire wizzies THE pure damage dealer of the game. You have ice wizards, who although I can't claim to have experience with, seem to be built for PBAOE, and will really need MoC and MoM to be successful. These are the new "shock troops" of albion, who will spend their time either debuffing/snaring for others, or PBAOEing like lunatics. Earth wizards are, in my opinion, now the best siege class in the game. In addition to GTAOE, the ultimate siege weapon, many of their other spells seem to have been designed specifically for siege warfare, and I think this is where they're going to excel, as well as providing some extra (needed) CC for alb forces in general.

As an earth wizard you will not create uber deathspam unless you are inside a keep (and lucky), but you have the capability to cause widespread pain and problems in an enemy force.


Excellent and informative review mate. Many thanks for the heads-up.

Cya out there.

Waynedalf Stormcrow Lvl 50 +12 earth wizard Albion Excalibur


It ticks away nicely, but will only shave about 1/2 of the HPs off an unbuffed caster

Some earth wizzie dropped a DOT on me while I was standing around in emain (50 Zerk, 1600 hp unbuffed). It took away about half my hp ticking for 100-150 per tick or something like that. Didn't bother to check exakt numbers but 100+/tick, what I do know is that I was about half hp after the DOT ended so It's quite powerful.


A well written and very informative post.
Will answer many of the questions wizards (young and old)have at this moment regarding the earth specc line.


Yep :) played around with the new toys with Ererim, and agree with Wildfire's analysis.

The Earth-spec bolt is identical to the Void and Runecarving bolts incidentally... so I've no idea why people thought it was crap before :)

Roll on wednesday...

Now, to decide if I want to go full matter with my Sorceror....

Madonion Slicer

Excellent report, did a full respec with my Wizard last night but could not find much to test it on :(

But lucky i can respec now to earth and use my single line respec at 40 to Fire again if i wish.


What's a respec then? you mean you weren't always earth!

Fear my Gimpzard!


Thanks a lot Wildfire, I was looking for a post like this, you just answered any questions that I would have had ><


Originally posted by new.Spesh

Some earth wizzie dropped a DOT on me while I was standing around in emain (50 Zerk, 1600 hp unbuffed). It took away about half my hp ticking for 100-150 per tick or something like that. Didn't bother to check exakt numbers but 100+/tick, what I do know is that I was about half hp after the DOT ended so It's quite powerful.
Well the level 36 dot on my mentalist was hitting for over 100 per tick on most people, so I think Wildfire is right when he says it doesn't pack the punch of the cabbie dots.


it's the same base damage as the cabalist spec one... except it's one level below (cabbie is levle 49 doing 89 damage a tick, calefaction is 87 damage a tick at level 48)

They're both matter damage, so very similar :)


Hmm I was using...
35 Greater Mind Melt 63 4 sec. 3 sec. 22P Enemy 24 sec.
And getting about 105/tick on most people... Guess it's the whole having two power relics thing. ;)


So in other words, and I don't like to say this, earth wiz is the siege specialist mythic original labelled theurgists as...


Was gonna say that as well Landshark, theurgist are meant to be the;
25: Engineer
30: Summoner Prime
35: Engineer Prime
40: Combat Engineer
45: Master Summoner
50: Master Theurgist

but they are not at all, siegebolt is so poor and we get no GTAE, no dot's..
The earth line for theurgists should be more like the earth line for wizards, i mean those who got 45 earth spec have no dmg at all, there only offense is an earth pet :(
Also siegebolt should be at 40 earth spec or something.

Read a nice idea of a new pet RA siegepet, has a long duration, can be cast on doors and siege stuff only. Does very heavy dmg etc.

Are you sure that DoT wasnt the sorc RA Spesh?

Cabalist and earth wizard are both supreme at keep offense//defense, theurg is just a gimped body spec sorc with pulsing bubble (and a nice nuke if u spec air, until spellcrafting).


Having wanted the respec for a while and studdied and played with the spell's this is a good write up mate,
A few things to note
Dot will disrupt a casters first spell meaning they cant cast for about 7 sec's thats a bonus reguardless.
DD while you may not hay the power in your DD it is also very Power hungery as you will need to rely on a Lower 2x focus staff or 1x focus staff. unless you very lucky and have a leigion drop

For an alternative spec you could go 48 earth and 24 ice leaving 4 in fire with no points spare. with this you get all the Earth as before, you will get your PBAOE at higherdam rating, but on a good note your base line dd for ice at lvl 50 is 179, where as fire is 171 and with the higher points in ice your damage range will be tighter

I personaly will be going the ice route


thx for the nice summarized info wildfire!

wanted to make some experience myself last evening, but gorre wasnt online the whole time...damn it.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
So in other words, and I don't like to say this, earth wiz is the siege specialist mythic original labelled theurgists as...

earth wizards are trebuchets
theurgists are siege-rams

(their pets are handy for knocking down the doors when there's a manabomb behind it)


Although I've played with Full-Earth too, I sure as hell didnt like it... And I'll go through the steps same as you ;)

1) The base-fire DD is 'nice' although a lot less powerfull, still does 'nice' damage... But the power it uses is just too damn high...

2) Bolts, I think even Wildfire has to agree that bolts are useless 80% of the time... They just have too much against them, they miss, they get resisted, they get blocked by a shield and they get blocked by [bugged] melee... I never bolt tanks and often get the melee bug in my face when bolting other casters...

3) GTAoE is a nice 'feature' but as said, only usefull at milegate stand-offs and keep defense... It also has a horible 6s recast timer... This would still be 'ok' if it wherent for the horrible way of targeting the ground, use it at the milegate and you can drag your target back to you when you are at a keep...

4) AE-Root, this I like, same duration as I think a theurgie gets... But, even this has a but :( Its buggy, from what I heard if 2 earth wizards root the same target, the 2nd will BREAK the root... I havent tested this myself, but heard the complaints on the US boards...

5) DoT, I love this one too, its nice, does 132 per tick for me on goblins (checked it monday on Gorge) which is more then my cabalist friend did... (I might have more int/whatever then him though) (it also kills a single blue goblin)

6) AE-Snare DD, same as root, I like the idea... But due to 'snare' being the same negative effect type as a root... means you CANT root a snared tank... That could get nasty... :rolleyes:

7) Damage Shield, the usage of this shield definitly depends on your group... If you have a group that only has root as CC... NEVER put this on tanks... Damage Shield breaks root... (tanks hit other tanks, get damaged, root breaks) So I'm not sure how usefull it is, 50-60 damage for hitting sounds a bit much though... But it could be (I had no way of testing)... Its depended on the weaponspeed of the person hitting you...

So my conclusion, the DD you have available costs too much power and isnt powerfull enough to deal damage (I often get very low numbers as 50 fire as is)... Bolts in general are bugged (not just the Earth bolt)... GTAoE is nice, but with ground targeting 'bug' and the 6s recast timer, it lacks the potential it could have had... The root is nice, but (if its true) bugged and could cause more problems then that it will solve... The DoT is nice, but only single target, who single target dot's someone in RvR? The AE-snare DD is nice but bugs with root, it might be good as a 'get-away-card'... And damage shield only has limited use...

In my eye's, an Earth Wizard is the underdog of wizards... Expect to be OOP a lot... (no 50 fire & 50 earth focus staffs available atm)

But I could be wrong ;)

Madonion Slicer

I have a lot of respect for you Wedge so now reading your report i am in two minds arghhhhhhhh respec has become my knightmare now......

/em pulls hair out

My question will Earth make me more group friendly, AE Root, Damage Shield, Earth Buff which i hear is strong if Earthed specced

oh what to do what to do


Originally posted by -Wedge-
In my eye's, an Earth Wizard is the underdog of wizards... Expect to be OOP a lot... (no 50 fire & 50 earth focus staffs available atm)
Um, yes there are 50 earth/fire staffs. They drop from DF princes.
As for the OOP thing, find a minstrel. I'm switching to baseline nukes on my mentalist this patch and the power cost is pretty scary, compaired to spec nukes, your power just vanishes in seconds.


Yep, here we go...


Originally posted by Fingoniel
it's the same base damage as the cabalist spec one... except it's one level below (cabbie is levle 49 doing 89 damage a tick, calefaction is 87 damage a tick at level 48)

They're both matter damage, so very similar :)

<cough> With 50+12 in matter, Tildas sigle target AoE DoT does 111 dammage per tick 99% of the time (ie. ive never seen it do less that 99%) <cough>




Bolts useless? who exactly are you trying to use them on wedge? Bolts are first-strike weapons, which require the player to be awake to use. I'd say 90% of my bolts land (and do plenty of damage), the other 10% because I've just been too slow. You want to know what I personally use them for?

1) QC them at casters. No half-clevar caster is going to be charging towards you, so there should be no problem there unless your tanks are stoopid and are ignoring the enemy's CC to charge down their nukers. I haven't had problems with the melee bug when going for casters, ok its come up a couple of times, but even when I've been doing 8v8 and the target has been stood among our tanks (typically a mana chanter moving in for a MOC session) the bolt connects fine and he chews grass.

2) In group combat, QC them at bards, healers, whoever you like. If you're on the ball, your bolt WILL hit them before your tanks arrive, and will interrupt anything they try and do. What I'm hoping is that in 1.52 bolts will still be able to hit before the bard/healer can bring their win-button in range, therefore putting them on their 3sec timer and (as happens currently) giving our tanks time to charge them down and introduce them to the simple pleasures of cold steel.

Who cares if they're blocked by a shield? It doesn't matter because you shouldn't be aiming for those targets. Even with healers (who have a small shield) you're not aiming to do lots of damage, you're aiming to get the first hit in and interrupt.

edit: The staff above is the one I was using, so my power usage was nothing to write home about. Also, in response to wedge, why would you bring the GTAOE back to your feet in keep sieges? If I'm not mistaken (havent actually been able to try this) the ability to place an AE nuke on the blind side of a wall is one of its' main uses? The 6sec timer is perfectly fair IMO otherwise keep sieges would be totally impossible.


Originally posted by Tilda

<cough> With 50+12 in matter, Tildas sigle target AoE DoT does 111 dammage per tick 99% of the time (ie. ive never seen it do less that 99%) <cough>


Those are base damages. My 65/tick base damage AE dot was doing about 110/tick on targets without resistances with 36+9 mana (at level 40).
In the same manner the top fire wizzie nuke is 219 base dmaage but hits for a lot more than that.

BTW "sigle target AoE", er which? :p


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
2) In group combat, QC them at bards, healers, whoever you like. If you're on the ball, your bolt WILL hit them before your tanks arrive, and will interrupt anything they try and do. What I'm hoping is that in 1.52 bolts will still be able to hit before the bard/healer can bring their win-button in range, therefore putting them on their 3sec timer and (as happens currently) giving our tanks time to charge them down and introduce them to the simple pleasures of cold steel.
3 sec timer? There isn't one on an insta mez... :p They run at you, get bolted and just hit the win button. You get mezzed.


First of all, reading your reply makes me almost believe I made a personal attack against you... Its not, its my own conclusion and experience which I thought I'd share...

Anyway, the reason I say bolts are (almost) useless is because a cloth casters is the only target thats worth hitting with a bolt... And even then I often get misses or the melee bug... Must be that I 'sleep' all the time...

If you hit anything other then cloth armor with your bolts, you (often) hit for less then your DD damage, if it wears a shield, why even use a bolt, since it does less then when I hit them with my staff + EB... I've hit green tanks for under 180 damage with a bolt that has a base damage of 331!

You let me know the time that you 1-shot a yellow healer or bard, or even 2-shot them... Because 1.52 introduced the 'win-button' to bards too... (you might not be mezzed, but the 'tanks that charge' are, which leaves you as the only target to go after, and your Bolt did put that nice 'kill me first' sign above your head)

Fact is, the first strike 'bolt' is pretty useless on a lot of targets out there... (cloth wearing casters is only a small part of what you encounter) And I would definitly not want it as my only real way to do damage... (bolts are suppose to hit hard, but they dont, except on cloth casters (and some bad-resist leather/studded wearers))

And GTAoE 'bug' I was talking about, test it... Put the ground-target at the milegate, then run (without dieing, since I think it resets the GT then) to a keep, and place it on the door... Oh wait, your GT is still at the milegate... (its not a distance from you, its a fixed position on a map) (and yes GTAoE allows you to nuke outside view)

This isnt 'such' a problem at AMG and Bledmeer (for example), but kinda irritating if you have to drag your GT from AMG to Fenslair...

You might have different experiences, but this is mine...

I find the Earth wizard the underdog of the wizards... And even the underdog has its uses, and for an earth wizard, Milegate stand-offs and Keep-defense/offense are a dream come true...

Oh, but be carefull with GTAoE on Hibs, because it sends their enchanter nuke-pets (which nuke WAY harder in 1.52) on you... And they shoot without LoS too...


Originally posted by Tilda

<cough> With 50+12 in matter, Tildas sigle target AoE DoT does 111 dammage per tick 99% of the time (ie. ive never seen it do less that 99%) <cough>



was listing the base damage :)

so you get 2 points more base, which will scale appropriately.


Sorry if you interpreted my post in that way... wasn't intended.

My point regarding "why use bolts" is the big range. Against casters and rogues they do plenty of damage, and when have you ever met a group that doesn't have one of either? You will always get an opportunity to use them, after which point their long cast time (even without the 20sec timer) would relegate them to second place behind much faster DD casting.

edit: With respect to the GT, your positioning of it will remember how far away from you the crosshair was when you left it. When you move the mouse, it will reappear at that range, it doesnt matter where you are.



just did /respec all to the sweet 2s cast time fire spec
and specced myself to ice
pbaoe is nice
and all the debuff are pretty good
its kinda diff then a fire..
need to test more in thidranki
and see how it goes (problem so i heard is the huge cold resist that you can get)

anyway albion need more ice wizzy so here is one =)

but if ice is not that good so fire or earth at level40 =)

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