To all VW'ers!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Since my brother is playing with my SB, i can't play my newly Thane as much as i want to. Therefor, i figured it might be time to roll another "odd" class - the Valewalker. Since i have played weired classes almost all my time in daoc, i figured that this could very well be my next project...
So my question goes to you that already have your lvl 50 VWs and ToA suits and mayhaps some ML's: What do you think if the class?

Most of my time in RvR, i play solo or maybe a duo. It's very rare for me to play FG, since my guild is "afk" irl.

How do you preform?

Saying stuff like "they suck" doesnt bother me much. Try play a Heretic at rr1-2. :) Even tho it was hard like hell first couple of weeks, he turned out pretty good at later RRs. Now i've soloed to 6L5 and preform very well in 1on1. I love a challenge!

Comments plx!


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Well I think they're a great class.

Must of made half my realm points duoing with Blizzardblade before he rolled his vamp.

Lack of banelord/charge hurts them though.

Judgeing but your movies and the fact you like playing the lesser played classes, i'd say a VW would be perfect for you.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
definitely watch the videos from frozensolid and blizzard, as pims said, i think a vw is a class that would fit your needs quite well :D


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
The VW is a great class if you like a challenge. It is also a reasonably viable group class, unfortunately most groups turn their noses up at a VW.

People mention Frozensolid, who is arguably the best of the active VW's but for my mind, players like Schyte (and Psychox was it?) really defined the class way back when no one knew how to play them effectively in rvr. Unfortunately i don't think these guys made video's, which is a shame. I'd agree the VW vid's will really give you a real taste of what the class can do, and in the hands of a good player they kick ass.

Very few albs or mids know how to fight a VW which i think is their main strength. Lost count of the stunned stealthers who i have seen trying to strafe and kite or run away from a VW only to be lifetapped to oblivion :)

<edit> Duo with a bard and watch the RP's roll in :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 17, 2004
Bonehead said:
Since my brother is playing with my SB, i can't play my newly Thane as much as i want to. Therefor, i figured it might be time to roll another "odd" class - the Valewalker. Since i have played weired classes almost all my time in daoc, i figured that this could very well be my next project...
So my question goes to you that already have your lvl 50 VWs and ToA suits and mayhaps some ML's: What do you think if the class?

Most of my time in RvR, i play solo or maybe a duo. It's very rare for me to play FG, since my guild is "afk" irl.

How do you preform?

Saying stuff like "they suck" doesnt bother me much. Try play a Heretic at rr1-2. :) Even tho it was hard like hell first couple of weeks, he turned out pretty good at later RRs. Now i've soloed to 6L5 and preform very well in 1on1. I love a challenge!

Comments plx!

If u gonna start a VW pm any of my chars ingame and i give u a hand


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 13, 2004
Hehe welcome to the VW class then mate :>

Hard class to play ect, but can be quite good imo in the hands of a player that know how to play it. There are very few active VWers left. Ive seen so many come and go. But if ur looking for a challenge hehe :>

If u got any futher questions (or anyone for that matter), u can always contact me ingame, i'll be happy to awnser all of ur questions and get u started :)



Fledgling Freddie
May 23, 2005
found the change from my BM to the VW very hard i think till RR3 or so, no charge no BL abilities.
I had a very hard time till RR4 then i got purge2 and IP 2 and most of my problems are solved since this.
I still have a very hard go against the good players, but have the ability to take 2 or 3 of the bad once down(someone mentioned this bevore).

Good tactical play(and a good template) is they key to success.

Edit: bind the sidwalk keys and the stick key next to your movement keys, you will need it to get styles off and to get out of view from the double weeler enemies.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 20, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
definitely watch the videos from frozensolid and blizzard, as pims said, i think a vw is a class that would fit your needs quite well :D

Do you remember using my rr3 VW to pwn in duels outside DL? :D


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
valewalker is the best thing that could ever happen to me :worthy:
really a nice class to play...and I know you will enjoy it too
we're getting some love in 1.83 anyway :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
As long as you understand that VWs are not in any sort of demand by groups, and that the best stuff from ToA in unavaliable, by all means roll a VW.

They are nice concept.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Well mythic should give us possebility to use battler in offhand imo ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Anyone have some time off to pl me? :)
Poor unbuffed lvl 20+ vw solo xping sux! :touch:

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