To all those who duelled saturday 18, at 19:00 on brjna.

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Fledgling Freddie
Nov 30, 2004
nice thing up there with no add's and every1 sitting next to each other watching a fight.. like in OF.. i have a couple of thig's to say:
to Theodon... remeber me when i see u to run away :p.. i almoust got ua in 1st fight but the 2nd u pwned me.. so /mil
to imparied.. wery close fight ... i won cause of battler.
to BROM.. i am relly sorry... i saw u backing up i started backing up to but i forgot to drag my weapon's away.. really sorry m8 didn't want to kill ya.. very good fight.
to kaxxen (or so) sorry i relly forgot u r name.. big but good looking firbbie hero i think.. nice fight really.
i wanna thx all mid's who was there watching//participating in fight's but didn't add.
BUT i wanna /slap /slap /slap alb archer named knockknockurdead.. i mean cmon .. i was like 2 % hp when Theodon retreated from fight and he let me live.. u at least could have w8 and come to duel's insteed of leeching.. but hey that's daoc.. :cheers: guy's for nice fight's.


Part of the furniture
Jul 21, 2004
yeah was fun.. you're a tough 1 Theodon

/salute to all who were there.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
glad you had your fun ogmonda, you're also a nice fight on my shade. shame you have to join whitelights group tonight and add on us all the time :)
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