To all Small Guilds



My guild, The Fallen, has existed since DAOC went retail in Europe. We have about 10 active members (i.e. they play a few hours a day) and a few more that are less active.

Most of the players have a main who is lvl40+, and we are now finding that the xp grind necessitates either full grps or groups with the right make up of character classes. As the guild is small, this isn't easy to achieve, especially as there is rarely all the members online.

As our alliance channel is for rvr/events/keep defending we are looking for like minded small guilds to group/chat with for xp/rez etc.....

We believe that there are many other guilds in the same position as us, who are finding that some of their players are considering joining bigger guilds just so they can progress at a reasonable speed.

We do not particularly wish to join one of the larger guilds in the realm and lose our identity and values and we therefore invite other guilds that are experiencing the same problems as us to look at our website and read our code of conduct. If we sound like we may get along then get in touch. The website has a guest forum you can post to, or msg any of our members ingame.

We are eventually looking to merge with any interested guilds.

Plebo Lazarus
Lvl 45 Mercenary
The Fallen, Prydwen

Sarum TheBlack

Nah, LoE are teh Borg, SotL is teh Zerg.


Perhaps your guild has not chosen a wise alliance for your needs. One of the other goals of alliances should be to arrange xp groups to get the alliance members working together in PvE as well as PvP. but with a huge alinace like the new unity, I can see why this wouldnt be possible to give all 1200 characters alliance chat access because of the spam.

There are still a few allinaces out there besides Unity that might offer what you need as a guild. The ability to still have access to your alliance channel for other than superduper important information to use it for xp groups as well as rvr things.

So maybe you should take a look around and find an alliance that can meet your needs instead of trying to merge with other guilds or assimiliate into a bigger guild to keep your guild afloat.

Besides Unity there are the Cthulu Knight Alliance, Shadowblood Dynasty Alliance, Carnificis Minsterium, Disciples of Aldur and of course The 30 (my guild). Im not sure how it works in these other allinaces, but one of the main purposes of our alliance channel is to arrange xp groups and we arent as strict with its use since we are just one big guild allied with 4 smaller guilds. So not too many people to spam the channel :)

Wyleia Mythweaver
50th Sorc of The 30


Hehe, Carnificis Ministerium's alliance isn't a real one. We made it because i was too lazy to send PMs to my guildies when playing my alt in Carphatian Corps. Sounds quite stupid i guess, but that's my fault not the others in the guild. :D

Killerbee lvl 50 Cleric
8XX Armorcrafter
<Carnificis Ministerium>

"[Party] Hitokiri "but if u come here ill ave to pass down my medal of crazyness to u"

I'm still waiting Hito... ;)


Cthulu Knights is a good alliance for forming groups etc and has some pretty good organised RvR and Event stuff.

The one downside I sometimes find is they seem to want everyone and their mum in the alliance which means you get a lot of 'transitionary' guilds in it until they fall apart and the level 23 GM decides to join the borg.

But otherwise it is a good friendly fun alliance :)


Originally posted by wyleia
Perhaps your guild has not chosen a wise alliance for your needs. One of the other goals of alliances should be to arrange xp groups to get the alliance members working together in PvE as well as PvP. but with a huge alinace like the new unity, I can see why this wouldnt be possible to give all 1200 characters alliance chat access because of the spam.

There are still a few allinaces out there besides Unity that might offer what you need as a guild. The ability to still have access to your alliance channel for other than superduper important information to use it for xp groups as well as rvr things.

So maybe you should take a look around and find an alliance that can meet your needs instead of trying to merge with other guilds or assimiliate into a bigger guild to keep your guild afloat.

Besides Unity there are the Cthulu Knight Alliance, Shadowblood Dynasty Alliance, Carnificis Minsterium, Disciples of Aldur and of course The 30 (my guild). Im not sure how it works in these other allinaces, but one of the main purposes of our alliance channel is to arrange xp groups and we arent as strict with its use since we are just one big guild allied with 4 smaller guilds. So not too many people to spam the channel :)

Wyleia Mythweaver
50th Sorc of The 30

Very wise words wyleia,and quite true,there are 2 sides of this game.

1,to hunt,either for xp or drops etc.

To be in a RvR based alliance has a negative effect on the smaller guilds,when no socialising as such to help xp groups form is allowed,whereas the bigger guilds still have gc to reach their minions,us smaller ones need the benefits of /as for this purpose as much as the big boys need it for RvR.

Anway Plebo or Bulge, the new joint/gm of the Fallen get in touch with us ok:).


Preach on brother, preach on!

#Reads Meine-Camp-Biatch by Maxgirth#



Originally posted by Sade
Preach on brother, preach on!

#Reads Meine-Camp-Biatch by Maxgirth#


Lol, whatever goes on in pallies brains,you are a breed apart:).



<never needed /as to level to 50 twice>

people do things different ways i guess. say if Im looking for a cleric I will /gc who and see if we have any clerics in guild, others will just /gu Any clerics need a group?

Oh and people need to use the Find group button and the /advisors more imo :d


Originally posted by Meatballs
<never needed /as to level to 50 twice>

people do things different ways i guess. say if Im looking for a cleric I will /gc who and see if we have any clerics in guild, others will just /gu Any clerics need a group?

Oh and people need to use the Find group button and the /advisors more imo :d

Guess the problem with that in our guild, using /gc who to find a cleric, is that many of us have multiple chars.. i might be on an alt and a DF group needs a cc-er for seal hunting, i would hear it and log on the appropriate char... If your giuld isnt big enough to field people to group with at any one time, then that is where /as will come in. (some guilds dont even have 8ppl logged in at a time, much less the class u need to complete your group). I usually dont put myself on the looking for group list when i want to go money farming :) I usually cajole other guildies/alliance into it :)

We use /as all the time, even us t-30 being the bigger guild in our alliance. Find xp groups, find money hunting grps, find out where people are and if anything interesting is going on. But in a big alliance, with bigger guilds in it, that just cant be done :/ Since it would turn into spam with so many people listening and responding and what not. BUT then again if you are in a larger guild, you probably dont need to look to your alliance much for groups anways since you have a big guild of players to draw from..

Its the smaller guilds that are addressed here.. They dont have the pool of people online to form groups from, and if they cant use /as for such things since it would spam if lots of ppl listening/responding, they are kind of stuck out in a large alliance with the larger guilds who could be self sufficient just using /gu.

Wyleia Mythweaver
50th Sorc of The 30


well, theres always the obvious: /who <level range> to find members :)


Originally posted by liste
well, theres always the obvious: /who <level range> to find members :)

Agreed Liste,but then why have an alliance??;).

Same as/advice, or ask on /as.

Anyways it is all sorted now :clap: and everyone seems happy with the system:).


My guild (NightHawks) found itself in a similar situation to Phlebo. Luckily I bumped into Yrrab gathering cash for his guild in Lyoneese, had a chat, and we found our guilds had similar principles; based on real life friends, big age gp span etc.

So I'd recommend you msg the Hells Angels GM (Egor) or Yrrab next time you're on and see if you can join the alliance - that's if you on Excal & Albion of course ;)


We're on Prydwen, but we've taken some action now to resolve our issues.

The Fallen have now joined a new alliance with Immortals and Rose which is a lot more like a guild expansion rather than an alliance. Early days yet, but things are looking promising.

Thanks to Maxgirth for getting in touch.

If you are a small, esablished guild, then it may be worth you getting in touch too, as I expect the alliance may expand a little more.


Originally posted by old.Plebo
We're on Prydwen, but we've taken some action now to resolve our issues.

The Fallen have now joined a new alliance with Immortals and Rose which is a lot more like a guild expansion rather than an alliance. Early days yet, but things are looking promising.

Thanks to Maxgirth for getting in touch.

If you are a small, esablished guild, then it may be worth you getting in touch too, as I expect the alliance may expand a little more.

I hope we have more days like yes`day:),members dinging left right and centre,epics being sorted,2 great fun hunts, which yielded some nice drops:), ( love the diplomatic way drops are now sorted,all who want, roll 100 dice:) ).

It was good also that the Grail Conclave joined us for the Barfog hunt,as they will be joining us upon Ordens return tommorrow.

Anyways we know we are in our infancy, and have many issues to iron out,but it looks a very promising alliance from where I am standing,in terms of the way we all enjoy playing this game:).

/salute to all those who made it possible:).

:clap: :clap: :clap:

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