to all mids


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 17, 2005
guys/girls i had a bg today here was def bledmeer/nottmoor. i left because i got total mad on people because they were not listning too me.

here is the problem: when a mids see a hib/alb they all will run after him and not stick up as one force. and then we get wiped. when i try to hold on people they just run off because they think it gose too slow. and die and come back to and die. all the time people do that it will take more time because we is need too be 1 mid to 1,5 alb too handle them. so if there is 100 albs is we need 75 mids to kill them. and when mids just run out and die that will mean it will take longer time to get out and def our realm.

but we got them away from bledmeer and began too charge nott it went good untill we was in and got farmed. ( i am not sure but i think we had a spy in bg becasue when i said charge they had like 3 lord wizz walking closer too the door) then we went back wiped a few albs on the way and got too the keep there said i charge in but non did they all went too the tower. the problem is there we had them if all had charged. they had not been ready on that fast chain. ( albs weakness is get in too melee and they are easy. stand on range and they kill you). we got wipe some of us.

we went back and wiped a few hibbis. on the way 1 or 2 hibs when too the water and in it i said stick up. and keep us as once force. i saw a few mids come to me and i hoped more was ready. we began too move nottmoor and rand in too 1-2 fg albs and got wipe when i turned the cam i saw only 8 mids or some behind me out of all them here was befor.

the point: keep up as once force and we will win split up and we will die!

as it is now i only see midgard as a really splitted force. we is need some more working as a team. please try to help with this is we shall try too run some raid on the albs.

i will still try too run a raid on albs the 9/12 at 19 cet (18 gmt) if mid can work as once team


(if there is any problem in this do not blame the guild i am in but me)

Chr Thornhoj

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 20, 2005
Be devided and die, I agree. Problem is that I becomes more and more important for more and more ppl in the community.

About youre raid the 9th december. Im not sayint that it cant be done, but Brad is hosting a ninja raid the same day, so question is, if there is enough ppl for both raids, i dont know.
If you deside to hold on to the date, I wish you the best of luck with it:cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2006
the biggest challenge as a BG leader is getting peaple to work together.

to acheive this you have a few options.

you reputation is high enough so peaple trust you, and will follow you commands. (exelent example is ardamel)

You build up you reputation by gaining victories for the BG.

in the avarge RvR BG about 50% will listen, and 50% will do there own thing.
all agree staying together is best, so when the 50% charge a small grp of 3-4 peaple, push the zerg against them, that way you keep peaple togehter.

when regrouping the BG, try and use landmarks, just saying stick make it quite hard for the peaple who got to far away from the BG. saying moving from surs t2 in 30 sec. gives them some time to regroup.

also go when you attack a keep, many groups run in to see if they can get some to follow them, if they get to many, push the zerg after them. (either you kill hem quick or they will run like hell, if they run stop the bg and let peaple regroup there)

to make succesfull keep takes, you need siege.....saying it in BG MAY get some rams, but as the bg leader, your group usely have to suply most of the sieging eqiupment.

if some of the setup groups are roaming in the area, try to enlist them, to achieve a common goal, could be anything from taking a importent tower, to make the first charge against a keep hole/bridge.

after a fight where you moved the BG, give peaple time to get back.
say something like get on stick moving in 30 sec.
when you have most of the BG with you, then you can start moving, counting down usely help peaple to stick faster, like saying 30 sec, and when they are up, say 15 sec, so peaple "think" you gonna move without them, usely get them back to the BG

toon for leading bg's (yes is actuly importent)
Paccer at high RR this toons ownz for leading BG's since you able to start the push on your own. (ae stunnign ½ there zerk, usely make it all much easier, only trouble is it req. moc2/3 + purge2)

thane (ohh yes)
nice range, and more importent aoe interupt with nice gfx, one those hammers are pounding, the zerg dare to attack. (moc 1 is nice for this)

because you have charge + banelord to start the charge.

they die to fast, so you will have to get someone else to make the push for you, wich complicate things.

what you wanna avoid......
a standoff, fx. if you at a keep and have no rams/trebs
if you fighting a keep with supirior defense, considor doing another target.

learn to indentify the zerg killers and get someone to take it out.
the best example is probely if you trying to go through the main gates and a defended keep.
to do this you need to get both oils spots down, or you WILL loose.
hunter can usely take out the one on top.
But the inner oil you need to unlist some sb/warriors to take it down.

running BG's is hard work/low rps and peaple blame you for evrything, but in the end of the day, you feel like to made a diffrens wich make up for it all.

//this is taking out from my own expirence as BG/group leader.
//and good luck with it


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
getting people to do as you say, without question, has always been my main struggle:(

though, over time, talking weeks here - not a few hours, you SHOULD gain the respect from your allies, and hopefully they will listen. your BG's should then have a larger impact on the game/realms


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Its weird because only mid struggles like this, over the years I have watched albs and hibs both saddle up as large groups of FGs and move together as a zerg, mids tend to form and FG and run around like headless chickens. Sorry, but its true, just watch outside crim for 30 mins, youll see hib groups gather together and move as one, while mids get 1fg outside bled and off they go, leaving loners and not full grps to fend alone.

I just cant figure why we have this mentality, despite how people try to organise things.


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
old.Whoodoo said:
I just cant figure why we have this mentality, despite how people try to organise things.

I thought it was fairly obvious. Midgard is lacking in good long range and zerg classes. If mids are in a stand off with another realm we will generally lose it. You have to move fast and push into the enemy. If I am leading a FG and I see 12 or so albs I would much rather try and get the jump on them and push right into them than have equal numbers but not get the jump.

Its also much easier to get FGs to work together. You just need to contact the pac healer in the other group and the rest of them should follow.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2004
Mids are bad front vs front yes, but own in melee-range, so as cadelin said you need to be smart so you get the jump.

But its also good if BG charge quick and fast, instead of just standing there at range, or running away getting killed. :)


Mar 13, 2006
looks like a load of crap to me, no one cares you suck we know it, k thx for playing

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