To: Albions at Gorre BG



It kinda helps when you guys split up a little, I had a nice fight with an orange con cleric (I lost but my first time i've lived for more then 1 hit) but after that, too many albs. We had 4 Mids online in the BG, you guys had at least 10, when you dont split up we get no action and we just get a stareing contest at the portal keeps. :) (6 albs vs 1 of me, I think ill stay by the guards thx :))

BTW the Kamikarzi Cabalist who ran straight through us and started casting spells at PB range made me laugh :) She was the only Alb to die tho :/


i presume your talking about the 20-24 bg .

if so then you obviously didnt explore the area enough because we always had stealthers and a few kamakazi non-stealthers running back and forth from mid/hib tk's looking for inc mids/hibs

sure a lot of them stick together "i dont, i group but solo wander around" only time im with main group is when there is a stand off at mid or hib bridge .

tonight was a good night "shame not many hibs came " there was numrous midgard groups and on a few occasions the middys had +10 in there small army.

btw i did try telling them to stop corpse guarding and let your rezzers "if any got away alive" to come back and rez you . so we can both carry on the fun we were having .

we seem to have a good pattern starting in alb 20-24 we invite all the labs we see into one big chat group and all the stealthers and others running around solo "there is a lot of em" sending reports of where small "or large" groups of enemys are . hence when u arive at a destination ie: hib bridge . there always seems to be a small army waiting for you .

im glad the way the bg's seem to be comming along ive not heard any complaits of rez kills or exp kills from enemy . and there is a lot of /salutes /bows to dead enemys after a ganking session . of course there are a cple of people who may of been rez killed or laughed at .

one funny thing that happened to me tonight is that i was on top of the wall at the ruins stealthed and i saw a yellow con skald . and so i shot him . and he couldnt find a way to get me . only way he could hit me was with dd's . he stunned me and and i couldnt do anything for at least 10 seconds "if it was less o well butit seemed like 10" and during that time i was stunned he was franticly trying to find the way up the wall to get me . and just as he found the way i fired the killing blow just as he was about to be in melee range :) :clap: :clap: :clap: and he released before i could /salute :(


Hibs coming dont worry!

It seems there is a shortage of hib healers between lvl 20-24, using the test server. When we die, we have to port back in. People get bored of constantly running to Druim Ligen to port back, so consequently there gets to be less and less hibs there. This isn't a rant, so please dont flame me, because i know that when we get the patch there are LOTS of hibs in this level range :)



Mayb u should p-level my big firby ressin machine the last 3 lvls he needs to get into the 20-24 bg then. ;)

I'm currently missin out on the fun due to main bein too high and alts bein too low :(

Ah well, still plenty of orange con mages hangin about emain for me to bolt :D

Anyway, lack of healers is probably due to the fact that most peoples alts are rvr-fun chars like the stealthin classes. It may be hard to lvl a stealther up to emain rvr standards, but gettin one to 20 so you can have fun. Well that aint too hard ;)
Who's gonna want to log onto the gorre test server just so they can res dead people? Can't be that much fun really.

Madonion Slicer

Well i spent 13 hours in the BG 20-24 on Saturday and had the best fun i have had in the game, i made my Wizard just for this and he worked a treat.

Played again on Sunday and he had not lost it's edge, thanks to all the Albs that turned up, and thanks to the Mids and Hibs for being a well formed enemy, was excellent fun.


Well I spend some time on Gorre 20-24 BG's, but I have the same problem as 'the mids / hibs', there are too many Albions and not enough Hibs / Mids ;)

More ppl should play on the BG's, so I can kill you all :clap:
(btw, I think there should be another limit, the current Level 20-24 + Rp limit, but then add 'No stealth-only' ;) )

Ooohwell, by the time the patch hits Excalibur, I'll have my own stealther ready for BG action ;)


Yeah, it's way to many albs around, compared to the numbers of midds and hibbs running about. But hopefully you middies and hibbies can get some people to come over and have some fun. Kinda boring to run around as a armsman and hope to find a archer or assasin to gank.

But from time to time it's been great. So come on bring yer alts. and lower level players over and kick some ass, looking forward to the patching of the "real" servers. :)


You could stay home!

Well, I can think of an easy solution to this problem.......

Some of you Albies could stay at home!

As for the comment about why would healers want to run all the way up to the battlegrounds to rez people, because it's the best laugh I've had in DAoC since beta days!

The guys I group with (not including my guildees who know I hate to leave a man/dwarf/kobold/troll dead on the ground) have been brilliant, mostly trying to get me to run away if we get outnumbered.
Sometimes I make it, sometimes I think what the hell and just bash away with my little hammer.

/Salute to Alissa, who I think has done for me twice, Gage I reckon you got me about 3 times this weekend and a massive big boooooooo at the Men At Arms and Knight Commander, who between them have topped me at least half a dozen times!

Battlegrounds are the best things to come to DAoC for a long long time, it makes perfect sense to me, an RvR spot where the only time you will get ganked is when the keep guards spawn red and you get way toooo close to the front doors for safety.


So far most of my time in the BG's have consisted of running around looking for enemies. It's always fun when a stealther comes up to me in the hope of stabbing me in the back but gets a taste of my insta PBAoE mezz instead. :D There's been occassional highlights when the albs didn't outnumber the hibs/mids and those fights have been great. I also loved that time when mids attacked us from the back when we were fighting hibs at their PK. That was chaotic and so much fun. :) Also, I hate all those casters with their mega-range bolts. No fair, my smite spells go like one third of their range. :p

Madonion Slicer

Talking of range, i seem to have the exact same range as a Hib Ranger or Mid Hunter, i see them draw and move closer then draw and move closer, then at the point that they can aim and shot, i am able to cast a bolt.

Is this Rangers and Hunters using wrong arrows or bows, or does my Fireball have the same range??


Well today me, Marq (another thane, but a troll) and Hulgar (sp? kobald hunter) took out about 6 people :) 2 yellow con armsmen charged us after we nuked them with hammers, 2 hibs we attacked while running past our tk, blademaster and another tank (nice green sword btw) then a cleric, armsmen and scout I think, though Hulgar couldnt escape the armsmen and unlike can taunt them off once they smell blood :)

Great RvR today, but for the 10 albs camping the mid TK with just me and Marq really think were gonna charge you when you outnumber us by that much? :)

btw...shield+engage owns scouts :p


I think only a scout can outrange an eldritch. Which says a little something about eldritch's. :)


Originally posted by old.Rhino-DAoC
Well today me, Marq (another thane, but a troll) and Hulgar (sp? kobald hunter) took out about 6 people :) 2 yellow con armsmen charged us after we nuked them with hammers, 2 hibs we attacked while running past our tk, blademaster and another tank (nice green sword btw) then a cleric, armsmen and scout I think, though Hulgar couldnt escape the armsmen and unlike can taunt them off once they smell blood :)

Great RvR today, but for the 10 albs camping the mid TK with just me and Marq really think were gonna charge you when you outnumber us by that much? :)

btw...shield+engage owns scouts :p

you didnt kill me "the scout" u nearly did a cple of times when u chased me but a soon as i stealthed you had no chance of finding me. it was extremely funny standing right next to you ."by right next toyou i mean we could of made a trade iwas so close" and i was waving /laughing /saluting you :)

btw engage doesnt own scouts . it just stops us hitting you as much . and even then it took you about 20 mins before you got the idea to use engage. i woulda killed you both but you kept runing back up hill out of my range :( i killed your kobold friend :) only took 1 arrow :)

its good fun and i sure when patch goes live the rvr there will be trmendous fun with more folks and armys there .

p.s sorry also but there was only 6-8 albs at mid tk . and even then they kept running back and forth from centre kee-hib tk 0 mid tk . from memory ithink there was 1 mins 2 clerics 2 scouts 1 merc and 1 tank

you had 2 trolls 1 norse and a kobold "not that it makes sides farily matched . but when they left to goto centre keep you only had 2 stealthers to find/kill and didnt succeed .


To be honest I was trying to do engage as soon as I saw scouts but was very newbish at it :)

And was that 1 shot kill on my kobald friend a critical? we were all shocked/scared after :)

btw there must of been 3 different scouts there, if you had teamed up you could all critical shot the same person and kill them (even tanks) I cant engage you until you shoot me and it doesnt work against multiple people.

We had to keep running to the keep though, there were so many albs out there it was suicidal not to be close to the safe area :) (we also had no rezzer online at all, so if you killed us we had no choice but release...I saw a few clerics)

And to the poor armsmen who I killed twice just as he got rezzed...nothing personal :)

btw..when we got the 1 minute warning we did a kamikarzi charge on the keep in the middle, we couldnt even get the knight commander down to 75% :(


yea the one shot on kobby was a crit . i always use crit in those circumstances unless i dont have time or somebody has hit that particuler person whilst i am drawing arrow cos i can only crit shot on people who are aggro free .

was lots of fun though :) and afaik u can engage different targets "i may be wrong" at the same time . and there was only 2 scouts there . myself and thermal . the other stealther was a minstral . prolly if there was other arrows comming at you it was tanks using there x-bow


Originally posted by Heish
I think only a scout can outrange an eldritch. Which says a little something about eldritch's. :)

Yes, and not even they once i hit em with a range debuff. ;)

Incase anyone doesn't know range debuffs are far longer range still than void bolts. Makes it well worth while poppin a few spare points into light for it. :D


Originally posted by old.laughingboy
Talking of range, i seem to have the exact same range as a Hib Ranger or Mid Hunter, i see them draw and move closer then draw and move closer, then at the point that they can aim and shot, i am able to cast a bolt.

Is this Rangers and Hunters using wrong arrows or bows, or does my Fireball have the same range??

Might have been our Breni (RM)casting nearsight on anyone he could see :)

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