To Agromin


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Apologies mate for that Mental adding up on you, I had no idea he was inc. And grats for the 1st time, you played amazingly (i was soo powned) :)

That first fight is IMO what the game is all about!


Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2004
that's the second thread he's getting! I've been playing since the beta, and I've only got one thread :/

lucky bastard! :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I've never gotten a thread :(

...then again, I suppose most people don't like admitting that they got anally raped by a Healer. So i've only got myself to blame :D


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Archeon said:
I've never gotten a thread :(

...then again, I suppose most people don't like admitting that they got anally raped by a Healer. So i've only got myself to blame :D

U didn't exploit the attack spd debuff enough


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Wonkey said:
that's the second thread he's getting! I've been playing since the beta, and I've only got one thread :/

lucky bastard! :D
That does not beat me! So much Ive duoed with Zoia but he gets all the threads. ;(
Zoia was even grey to me when I was 50!

And I swear it is all because he rolled a female norse and dyed her pink!


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 23, 2004
Yeah thx fot the fun, you might have had me that time the caster added, i had many stairs to get down before i could reach you while you were arrowing me :p

And on the duel i felt alil bad for starting with bolts, wasnt sure if you had that in mind since you didnt use youre bow??
But considering how fast i killed you i might have won anyway :p :p (Landed a couple nice hits)

Too bad all those other hibs ran around eventually, no fun for soloers/duoers then :(


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Agromin said:
Yeah thx fot the fun, you might have had me that time the caster added, i had many stairs to get down before i could reach you while you were arrowing me :p

And on the duel i felt alil bad for starting with bolts, wasnt sure if you had that in mind since you didnt use youre bow??
But considering how fast i killed you i might have won anyway :p :p (Landed a couple nice hits)

Too bad all those other hibs ran around eventually, no fun for soloers/duoers then :(

I ain't happy about zerging soloers/duoers with my fg, but as again, don't you just love when that solo/couple adds on their realms fg when you're fighting with them :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Lothandar said:
I ain't happy about zerging soloers/duoers with my fg, but as again, don't you just love when that solo/couple adds on their realms fg when you're fighting with them :p
retarded excuse.
how would you notice a stealther not adding on you exactly?
even non stealth soloers who dont add would prolly turn away at clipping distance, i know I do


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
retarded excuse.
how would you notice a stealther not adding on you exactly?
even non stealth soloers who dont add would prolly turn away at clipping distance, i know I do
retard responce

would you leave a stealther who potentially could screw up your fg vs fg engagement?
The day ALL stealthers dont add is the day i stop steamrolling soloers, that will never happen..


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
My point is that Agromin is a well respected opponent who fights great, on whom I'll never add, and one who managed to gain respect from someone belonging to an enemy realm. If you wanna add roleplaying into it, I think this tops all (to be respected by the enemy).

Thanks and grats for last night as well mate.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 23, 2004
Same to you Gear, fun last night aswell ;)

I must I have grown strong respect for Gear aswell, a worthy opponent who gives fair fights.

A guy who wont /rude you or bring 5 friends to get you, but a respectable opponent.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Chronictank said:
retard responce

would you leave a stealther who potentially could screw up your fg vs fg engagement?
The day ALL stealthers dont add is the day i stop steamrolling soloers, that will never happen..

Lol if 1 solo stealther adding can turn a fight against you....
Just admit that you kill soloers cos FGs are too much hard work.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Rulke said:
Lol if 1 solo stealther adding can turn a fight against you....

1 scout adding on an already more than a fg albs who we are winning against, for example, can turn the tide of a fight.

Rulke said:
Just admit that you kill soloers cos FGs are too much hard work.

Yeah right, did Sherlock teach you?

If it hurts your wickle mentality so much that we kill soloers because we don't like them adding, that you resort to calling others names, then your opinion on my personality (retarded), is not only invalid, but childish as well.

Go play diablo 2 or sumit if you want 1on1s 2on2s


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Lothandar said:
1 scout adding on an already more than a fg albs who we are winning against, for example, can turn the tide of a fight.
Get some skill.

Last night in odins, did I add on your group even once? no.
Did your group add on me? yes

FGs kill soloers cos they want those 200 rps, some FGs want their 200rps so bad they chase me all across the zone. Can you think of any other reason for this than its easier than fighting a FG?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Rulke is usually pretty vocal in /gu when he is beeing chased by fg's for 20 min - please stop chasing him :D


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Rulke said:
Last night in odins, did I add on your group even once? no.
Did your group add on me? yes

FGs kill soloers cos they want those 200 rps, some FGs want their 200rps so bad they chase me all across the zone. Can you think of any other reason for this than its easier than fighting a FG?

I don't give a flying fuck if YOU add on fg vs fg fights, the case is 99% of soloers don't hesitate to do so, hence I have zero tolerance towards them, regardless of the person.

I have no idea why you put me in the case of some idiots chasing a soloer throught an entire zone, which we obviously can't do, as we are running without a skald, but we wouldn't do it anyway.

My group doesn't chase anything for more than 1000-2000 range, in case a. It's a wicked bard/silly mincer, we can't catch up, in case b. We catch our target and kill him and in case c. The soloer/duoer/whatever stealths off.

Rulke said:
Get some skill.

You get turned on by making remarks about my sk33lz/personality, or wtf?


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
The nature of the game is simple - kill all enemies.

Some people have their own rules, and roleplay, or fight each other in duals, 1on1, and it's a shame that once 2 ppl have /bow'ed to eachother and started fighting - they should be immune to melee until one of them dies.

Unfortunately FGs will fly by and kill any stragglers, it is the nature of the game. Annoying as hell (I've had so many kills by FGs of hibs hunting me around the mg's in Emain (bastards! :)), but that's the way the game is.

I think Rulke/Turgon's frustration comes from the fact that Odin's is generally pretty quiet and tends to become a bit more of a soloer's and duo's paradise - where fights are more fair and square, more exciting as the odds are pretty even. And then a FG of Hibs will turn up, or maybe Albs, or maybe Mids. The zone gets a little unbalanced, but it's still ok.....then a second FG of Hibs/Albs/Mids turns up, and all the soloers and duo teams who have had enough of the Emain zerg see "their" zone / territory / hunting ground and enjoyment spoilt by the groups running around. A FG in Odins almost constitutes a "zerg" by their standards, amongst the soloers there.

Anyway, I know FGs will never not kill a target if they see them - we're all here to get RPs in the end, it's just that some people like to get their RPs with some skill involved - and for soloers - this involves duelling in the frontiers. I think the soloers resent being killed in 2 seconds flat, steamrollered by FGs - but until the game makes a place for them, unless they maybe do a place like fight club and hide in some obscure location in odins (where the hibs seem to find you anyway..^^) life will go on, with FGs killing all in their way on their journey towards their next FG v FG fight.

Oli - Illu

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