TL cloth (+ LFG :P)



hello was wondering if the TL cloth parts has different rarity or something?
cause atm ive got 3 boots and also a hat and sleeves... but im missing the rest.. just bad luck with getting 3 boots and not the rest or is it like that?
anyone got any of the other parts (vest, gloves, leggings) for trade/sell/free maybe?

ooh btw.. im also LFG for massive exp and maybe a drop or two most days and nights :p
(lvl40 runie with PBT ofcourse)



Well I have a TL vest...sat killed stuff in Spin for nearly a whole level before it dropped, and that is the only TL cloth I have ever seen drop...Im 43 now and have been in Spin on and off since 35ish.

If you want to give me a shout in game Im always up for a hunt...perhaps we could try to get a grp for Raumarik, its my favourite zone at the moment and more so now that drops have been increased. A Full grp of 8 with a couple of 45 Tanks is good for quite a bit in there. Sweet xp and nice caster drops too from Frore Liches n stuff.

Noita Helsdottir
Spiritmaster of 43 Winters

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