Tips for constant framerate


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 13, 2004
Hi all, I've started playing CoD on the PC again after many months away... I got it at release, but never played it all that much (other games to play, etc.), but after being inspired back to FPS' (while I wait for WoW), I decided to give CoH another run.

I was playing today, and I'm able to play it on full rez (1280x1024) with max settings, etc.. and for the most part, it runs very well... but it's not perfect, and I often get graphics lag just at the wrong point (such as an enemy appearing in front of me, or while turning or something)....

And it's giving me a headache (the fact I've been playing shooters on my xbox, with it's constant frame rate, does not help much.. going from that to this is a real brain-sore).

Anyway, can anyone here suggest anything I can do is make it run smoother with a constant framerate? I don't mind doing things like knocking the rez down (which I did at one point, but didn't solve the problem), or changing some of the settings, but I don't think that's acully going to fix the problem.. so are there any hidden config options I might be able to play with?

Thanks in advance...

Oh, I guess you'll be needing my spec:

Evesham Voyager 6400 A30
AMD Althlon 64 3200+ Processor
1024 MBs RAM
60GB Hard Drive
15.1" SXGA+ TFT Screen (1400x1050)
ATI Mobility Radeon 9600 128MB
Windows XP Home
Latest Catalist drivers - I think, recent ones at least (using Patje's Mobility Modder to make them work on my laptop)

PS, I'm talking about online play.... not singleplayer...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 13, 2004
wow, this forum is deader than my sex life... :p


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
u kinda posted in the wrong forum, tech forum is great for these kinda problems.

I have had a lot of exp with COD but it may be because u are using a laptop.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 13, 2004
I'll repost it in the tech forum then. Thank you :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
The commands in cod are very very similar to quake3. You could probably find a decent webby specific to cod with a quick google .... but an excellent q3 config guide can be found here:

and should be very useful. It's particularly good at explaining framerates and helping you get your fps up and capping it and other settings at sensible levels.
The config files for cod can be found at

'C:\Program Files\Call of Duty\Main\config.cfg' for your single player (offline) config, and
'C:\Program Files\Call of Duty\Main\config_mp.cfg' for your multiplayer (online) config

compare some of the settings suggested on the link above to those in your config files and play about with them. Or you can try each command from within cod in the console. If you find a setting that works, use '/seta' followed by the command and value and it will write that setting to your config file for you.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
ooo just noticed dec04, old post ;)
You either sorted it by now or gave up I reckon ;p

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