Tips and Tricks on driving



We probably all know what a driver in rvr is, its the guy that leads the way, and that we usually stick to untill he finds us some juicy targets.

Driving is the most underrated role in this game, and also one of the hardest. So why dont we start giving eachother the little tips and tricks that make it both more fun, and more effective.

The aim of driving a group is to get the group some action that it can handle, ie avoid fights you loose and find fights you can win. Basically you need to anticipate where the enemy will be moving from/to and try to intercept them. Best is if you can jump someone from behind or the side.
To be able to anticipate anything about a human enemy you need experience in rvr in the area, or you need to get some tips and tricks, so i guess this thread is for all those that have experience to share, or that want some tips and tricks to help them get that experience.

All my tips are mostly something i learned because i wasnt doing it right, so this could be seen as a history of my screwups

Tip : Watch your groups timered buffs, and head for a safe spot to rebuff when they start blinking.

Tip : Communicate to your team every time you take an action, eg when you start to move say so 5 sec before etc. This may not kill the enemy, but it makes it a more pleasant experience for those you drive.

Tip : When you wish to test if all your team is around you ready to move, stand with face to your team and hold shift while pressing the F1-F8 keys. The names will flash in a new color when you select someone, making it fast to see if someone is missing.

Tip : Try to avoid moving against the flow of enemies, if you move the opposite way what enemy is likely to you will get all encounters head on instead of ambush from side/rear, and you will have no option but fight, even if you encounter a zerg

Tip : If you run along the flow of enemies dont stop for anything, you will then risk to be attacked in the back. If you wish to rebuff, move off the path and stand out of sight to do this.

Tip : Read the chat allways, that way you can react fast if someone spots the enemies on your sides/rear. This can be very hard if its a lively bunch you lead, since there will be alot of spam in groupchat. Ask them to use caps lock if they spot enemies, this helps alot

Tip : Know the terrain, this is a matter of experience i find. I look at maps on the web, and 5 min later its all forgotten. My only way is to learn by doing, running around paying attention to what i see. Start out by patroling mostly along roads and terrain you can easily see far in, then once you are familiar with the general outlook of the zone try moving offroad more, with the road in sight. This way you can slowly expand the area you know, without getting hopelessly lost.

Tip : Ask specific persons to watch the right / left / rear with swivel camera, best is the support classes, except main CC. These do not need to react as fast as the tanks, so can keep lookout better. Make sure they are stuck to a caster / other support so they will stop on encounter, if the lookout is your cleric and stuck to your maintank he will likely find himself ontop of the enemy most times.

Tip : Turn of your TV

Tip : If there is a chat be sure to be in it, if you find the spam blocks out all info leave it again and ask a teammate to give the good info in group chat. This way you can keep ontop of things without the spam.

Tip : Be an offensive tank class, if the group is driven by a class that does not have to stop on encounters it will win some seconds in reaction time. If the driver stops generally it takes 1-2 sec before people stop the sticks and charge, so its best if the driver is the charger.

Tip : Dont chase stealthers for more than 15 secs unless you have an infil with you, they are impossible to find really

Tip : Keep moving, never stop moving unless you have a reason to, even if your hopelessly lost just run in a random direction. A group standing still is easy to get CC off on.

Tip : Be patient, your not the new emperor just cause your infront. Your job is to make it a pleasant evening for all, not to be the WHIP guy.
If you have a serious need for a whip guy, ask someone else in group to be the bad yelling type. If you both drive and act like dictator people will be far faster to dislike you for some odd reason, than if you just do 1 of those.
(I think having someone moan and be a yelling type is a waste of space, but some people wants them there i guess, all comments CAN be made in a friendly and joking manner. If you really need to yell at people maybe you shouldnt be in this group since you cant do that AND have fun)

Feel free to add tips to this list if you wish, or to comment on those i wrote.



b) Swivel your cam, mostly in the front 180 degrees, but check behind too, also lets u be aware if ppl are falling behind.

c) Be a tank (cant be stressed enough)

d) Dont chat (sigh I fail on this one)

e) Communication is important, try and communicate your tactics and intentions.

f) If noone else does it, make sure guards / intercepts / etc. are up and neckcheck.


g) If your group totally sucks and you can stealth, do that when there's enemies inc :p

Anyway, good tips :)


- if theres no chat get someone to PM people who die
- if you die and someone PM's you ANSWER THEM FAST
- Let the driver drive, get someone else in the group swivel their camera, dot get distracted looking around.
- Hide behind/inside trees/glacier giants foot etc for buffs.
- Stealthers DO NOT stealth as soon a someone says inc go interupt something, run through the other gorup first, saves you time stealthing around the other gorup and also gets you behind them, then u can stealth pa some caster etc.



good stuff this :)

I'll probably need to learn it all the hard way anyway :) but advance warning is good.


wait at the top of hills as most people lag going up them.

best way to kill fg vs fg is to ambush them surprise them so find a spot to hide in near a passing point


Tips for drivers:

1. Learn to drive by /locs. This is a simple and ruimentary skill that everyone playing DAoC should have, but seems to be lacking in so many.

2. Pause for a few seconds at the top of hills and when you cross a zone boundary. Many people have lag issues at these points <waves to Tilda> so give them a couple of seconds so they can keep up.

Tips for passengers:

1. Remain stuck to your driver at all times. There is no reason for breaking stick other than combat. The driver needs to be able to react to information, and doesn't want to have to say 'moving' and wait for everyone to stick before getting out of the way of the nearby Zerg that someone just pm'd them about...

2. As soon as combat is over, find your driver and restick BEFORE you sit to rest.

3. Use /follow rather than /stick. Follow has a better range, and is less likely to be lost in lag or running over hills / zone boundaries.

4. Give USEFUL information to your driver QUICKLY. If the driver has to break concentration to ask 'where?' or 'How many?', you're going to end up either missing out on the action or running into a situation you can't handle.

5. If you need to stop for a rebuff, tell your driver and WAIT PATIENTLY for them to find a safe spot to stop in. They should NOT stop out in the open just because your shield dropped, so don't whine at them if it takes a little to find somewhere suitable.


Very good tips all.

Driver additions:

1) Avoid turning sharply around trees, buildings or even landscape as people get caught and drop of /stick, and theres always going to be someone afk and not notice.

2) If you have room on your QB (unlikely I know) have group chat macro with an incoming warning message, in capitals to get everyones attention, something like 'INCOMING, SPREAD OUT!'. works well as often your group will relax and not be at full attention if travelling for any length of time.

Passenger additions:

1) If you drop of stick, speak up straight away, in capitals, its not good falling off stick and out of speed range trying to keep up for a minute or two, tell them straight away so they can pick you up and make sure they see your message.


Driver tips:

Never drink and drive.

Always leave enough breaking distance between you and the 4fg of hibs in front.

Passenger tips:

No, we are NOT there yet.

No, we can't stop for you to take a pee by the side of the road.

Yes, I DO know where I am.



Tip : Read the chat allways, that way you can react fast if someone spots the enemies on your sides/rear. This can be very hard if its a lively bunch you lead, since there will be alot of spam in groupchat. Ask them to use caps lock if they spot enemies, this helps alot


We had a point runner who read chat once every minute
so when someone lost speed, he just kept on going.

The person with speed should never be the point runner if there is another who can do the same job... unless you have 2 people with speed.


- If you drive regularly have macros for moving, engaging and retreating
- When you start to move, turn 180 degrees and walk backwards to ensure that your group are all following. Move ONLY when they all are.
- The driver must ALWAYS be a tank or someone with AE CC. If they are the latter, they must have their dex buffed to the eyeballs, and MUST (even if they're a wizard) open with their QC CC rather than any other spell.
- Use the spinnycam yourself. Excessively. Make sure you have a "camera reset" button. When you're running through an area where enemies are likely to come from the sides, this is very important.
- MAKE YOUR COMMAND MACROS IN CAPS AND SPAM THEM - Some will no doubt say this is rude, inconsiderate, blah blah blah blah blah. Sod them. When you're in a fight and you absoloutely, positively have to make sure your team get the message, they're not going to spot your one line of non-caps "ok we're leaving af me please". Orders must be loud - in text conversations, loud = spam. 3 times minimum, but don't bother with more than 10 lines, no-one really has that many lines of text box :p
- Learn routes and predict them - a good example of this happened this evening. FC had 2fg at MMG when Llaw attacked with 1fg and then aborted and ran due to our numbers. My group immedietly gave chase towards mmg grogans and I told alithiel to run straight to stone valley with her group. Sure enough, llaw managed to lose my group, but alithiel's intercepted them at stone valley bang on time. They died, but that's another matter :p
- Be decisive, and remember - who dares wins. Whatever your group is going to do, do it without hesitating. Plan your route ahead, and do it. Running in circles getting nowhere will never get your group anywhere. If your plan is APK > AMG > MILL > LEVIANS > DC > MMG then do it. If there's an alb zerg moving from AMG to MMG and 1fg of mids are reported at MMG, don't bother going there. You'll make the zerg situation worse and you'll be too late to get any RPs.
- The most important point for any driver is to ALWAYS LEAD. If someone else in the group is calling the shots then you'll always be spinning around, having to ask questions, having to stop. Your group should follow you everywhere, not engage unless you do, not split off from the group etc etc. If you are alert and doing your job properly, this will focus your team and make you more effective. If you're caught sleeping, this will mean your group being ganked one by one behind you. Which of these two paths you take is down to your own ability.
- Oh and one last point, if you think your group is elite, head to breifine for some group fights against hibs coming to emain. Test your mettle and always challenge yourself to do better.

edit: if NOT driving it is your obligation to do be as helpful as possible to the driver. If you see death messages CHECK THEM. Check their location, the number and realm of the attackers, and the number of friendly players in the area if possible. If you find an opportunity that your group could get some good RPs from, don't hesitate to tell the driver where to go.

Also for group members rather than the driver, have /follow macro'd. When I asked (this was a long time ago, k) what the difference was, it was described simply as "about 6 feet". /follow is a looser stick, will not leave you facing backwards when the group leader stops (due to lag) and will often save your ass when trying to dodge an AE mezz targetted squarely on your driver's forehead.


I agree with tilda that the driver shouldnt have to turn his camera, kinda defeats the idea of being driver.
I remember before in a group we had one person looking left, one right and one behind which seemed to work well, the driver was always looking forwards tho.


When driving never run in straight lines, always zig-zag. You will see incoming enemeies from a wider range this way.
Whilst zig-zaging u can sometimes 'feel' where the lag is coming from and thus know which direction the enemy is before u actually see them.


zoom out
always gives a better view on the scenery and grp sticking u

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