Timing of raids.


Fledgling Freddie
May 20, 2004
Alot of players are unahppy that there aren't enough raids to get involved in which while the obvious answer of "organise some then" springs to mind, there is some truth in that.

Then when raids are organised they all overlap!! Example this Sunday a TG raid, a dragon raid and an ML2 raid all overlap and it is likely impossible to be on more than 1.

I bet i am not the only player who is interested in more than 1 of those raids and were they on different days or even different times would have been a part of them. But to the raid organisers, given 3 groups is ideal for TG, 3 groups for ML2, 4 groups fro dragon raid... you can see that it does lower the chances of gettign the right number of players for your raids =)


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 9, 2004
Yep. I've noticed it as well. But it aint easy to organize the raids that they wouldnt overlap.. as most ppl dont have time to play long times at weekdays, thus weekend - sunday, is usually the only option..


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 25, 2003
First of all, I'm planning the dragonraid at 15.00cet because that's the best time of the day for me to have it. When I posted the thread about it, I didn't notice the ML and TG raid because I didn't care for those 2. I made the raid due to public demand as many people don't have time to go to wednsday dragonraid (including yours truly), and I aint forcing anybody to join my raid if they'd rather join one of the others :) If we don't have the numbers needed for the dragonraid, then tough luck - aint gonna happen. I'm not gonna sit and be sad afterwards anyway.. there'll be more raids in the future, and I'm sure it wont hurt to miss out on one or 2 once in a while :)


Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Inca said:
Example this Sunday a TG raid, a dragon raid and an ML2 raid all overlap and it is likely impossible to be on more than 1.
I was first!!!
I was first!!!

:clap: :clap: :clap:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Inca said:
Alot of players are unahppy that there aren't enough raids to get involved in which while the obvious answer of "organise some then" springs to mind, there is some truth in that.

Then when raids are organised they all overlap!! Example this Sunday a TG raid, a dragon raid and an ML2 raid all overlap and it is likely impossible to be on more than 1.

I bet i am not the only player who is interested in more than 1 of those raids and were they on different days or even different times would have been a part of them. But to the raid organisers, given 3 groups is ideal for TG, 3 groups for ML2, 4 groups fro dragon raid... you can see that it does lower the chances of gettign the right number of players for your raids =)

2 Raids?

Or is someone taking over TG?

Arranger of TG raid have quit DAoC....

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