



The rules say that timenudge of - to + 50 is allowed, but do you know how such big timenudge affects the play? You need to shoot 2cm infront of the player to actually hit them, this is not the
way quake should be played. I'd say lower the nudge to max +/- 30 for the next season.


from a FAQ of cpma :)

( http://www.quakeshit.com/cpmafaq.htm#timenudge )

"what timenudge does when used with a negative number, essentially, is turn off clientside player prediction. for the client that is doing this, it causes the movement of all other players to chop slightly. this is because the client is no longer smoothing out the movement by prediction where other players are going. timenudge gives the player a feeling of a very low ping when used with a high enough number. it is not cheating, either - dont let anyone tell you that it is. when used in moderation, negative timenudge will have no effect on how other players see you on a server. however, timenudge can effect how other players view you when used in the farthest extremes - ie +200 or -200. when used with those high numbers, you will appear to skip across the screen for others. it is very difficult to play with those settings, because everyone else will appear to skip as badly as you do. dont bother trying to use it. most servers have timenudge moderated and you will not run into this problem."

tn & psychology, old story ;)


yeah and 'the farthest extremes' start when some guy pings 150 and uses nudge -50. he's jumping across the screen, and you must aim 2cm away with the rail to actually hit him, like I said.
I miself use a nudge of -20, wich is acceptable like -30, but not -50. I don't say that you can use it with low pings, it compensates, but if your ping is above 100 and some PL, you just hitch through the screen, and your real position is somewhere behind.

Example: Playing DM7 with some guy that had -50 nudge and pinged 135, he was at the stairs at plasma, and he got QUAD. He wasn't even near the quad, from my view. So this is not the way I wan't to play.

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