Time we pulled together?



i think its time albion organised a PROPER relic watch . we lost a relic last night prime time and enemy wasnt spotted till 3rd door about to drop .

we had a relic raid against us tonight prim time and again they got through unnoticed and afaik they were 2/3 of the way through 2n door when they were spotted .

i know we have many small alliences "which imo is a big part to blame" and i think each guild or allience should build up a rota for there higher lvls to patrol hadrians on a daily basis . for example lod high lvls stay in hadrians/pennines all day on monday . gol maybe tuesday . bf'#s wednesday etc etc untill we have a rota in place. i know this may not work because of all the rps greedy assholes who prefer to stay in emain and farm rp's there rather than look out for our own realm . that is our main problem when scouting the higher lvl albs prefer to goto emain and farm and expect to be told with messages or thriough there own alience by a lower lvl person that there are hibs/mids banging on our doors. this should have to be the case all it would take is 1-3 groups of people patrolling ourown frontier SPECIFICLY looking for large enemy grps so we can dispatcha main force to defend .

p.s ANY guilds who would be interested in this scouting idea and would be able and commited to kjeeping at least 1fg "or at least 1-2 stealthers" in our own frntier at hmg or mmg in hadrians looking for inc relic armys . please reply below and we can try work out some sort of rota between us to defend our own realm . cos end of the day if we cant even defend/scout our own realm how the fuck we supossed to be successfull vs hibs/mids .


better idea - bring the fight to hadrians

we've had some milegate fights in the past... if we can get killgordes crew killed in sauvage, then move to HW to block them - they'll bring friends.

Voila - big fights in HW :)

admittedly it's harder getting to the frontier rather than porting so you might have trouble getting joe public to join in ... but alliance/guild groups could do it.


Nah! Keep it as your are, your doing fine *chuckles*..

Keep up this zerging in emain plz.. we want all our relics back !


Originally posted by old.Xanthian
Nah! Keep it as your are, your doing fine *chuckles*..

Keep up this zerging in emain plz.. we want all our relics back !

/em kicks Xanthian back into his own forum

Sorry I am a bit cranky, was up too late last night :eek:


Originally posted by bf_kate
Sorry I am a bit cranky, was up too late last night :eek:
"Buffing" Killgorde Kate? ;)

I like having lots of relics, feel free to sleep in again Albs. :p


er, nothing that interesting I am afraid.


How dull... still, that staff you let us have is very nice. ;)


Ok yoda thats a good point but it wont happen.... cause of emain farmers... i think 1 or 2 stealthers is enough or someone with 2 comps 2 accounts puts an alt there

@ fin

Brining RvR to HW is not a good idea u ahve to travel 10mins without speed to get there and stuff.... tbh i dont mind emain but farmers should cut down and do other stuff if rvr was to be move it would ahve to go to odins :)


Sure I had a hard time leveling my infil to 50, as any scout/infil but I am more then glad to go sit on a relic in distant snowdownia so you caster types can kill tanglers faster and ignore the rogues some more... not

As stated 6 months ago and as proven by the statistcal facts of powerrelics in alb possesion Myrddin is too isolated to defend properly. If anyone has 2 computers and 2 accounts AND is willing to put up with parking one of them in relic keep to watch it thats just fine. If you come here to ask for "just 2" stealthers to waste their time in HW I'm afraid your gonna be disapointed.

Zag Barr

My infi would be happy to spend an average of one hour each day in HW. Getting there will be less of a problem with the upcomming speedbuffers at the keeps.

If someone is able to organize this, feel free to put me on your schedule.


Good luck and kudos to anyone who does manage to get a good watch going.


(1) Any idea how an identified raid could be publicised without getting so many false positives that we all start to ignore the relic shouts? It's a rare day in RvR when somebody doesn't claim to have seen a potential relic raid.

(2) It's worth remembering that we don't lose relics any more often than anyone else, and it'll be a cold day in hell before we have less relics than midgard, despite the fact that they seem to be the most organised realm atm. Measured in terms of total hours we've held each relic, I'd be surprised if over the life of the server albion doesn't still have a significant lead.

(3) Wouldn't it be more practical (and indeed, fun) to spend the time you'd spend organising a relic watch on organising a relic raid? Personally I wouldn't mind losing 2 relics a week, if we were getting at least 2 back every week from raids.

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