As topic says, im stopping with DAoC. The main reasons for this is the RvR-situation. Always IRvR, always zerg, too few FG's out. I've been inactive for a while already and 2 days ago i tried to go out solo, and decided that it would be the last time. My subs also ran out yesterday and i aint gonna repay them.
Execpt the RvR state part, i've also been using alot of time on school and more time on friends, so i cant really find my time to keep on going. Only thing i really can find my time to is games like CS and DoD
Through the time i've met a lot of nice people, a GM who didnt care that i was total n00b when i joined the guild (Alliance of Power - Miril), alot of helpfull guys to get me startet, but ofc also a few retards which i wont tell names on here.
It has been some gr8 years and the people who made the game fun and worth playing is the ones i'd like to say thanks to:
The first guild i was in, Illfirin Arda:
Elricsstormbringer and Biratan. The only 2 i really remember from that guild, both nice and respected players.
From Alliance of Power:
Miril, Adeanad, Navalore
From Vita Luna:
Lamara, Mylhia, Donder, Tobruk, Nephillia, Average
From Llaw Arian:
Prodical, Akagi, Gravediggerr, Hestethun, Frozensolid, Bloodlusty, Vrislar, Nightsend, Auriok, Bencevur, Cyrdias, Douglas
From Post Mortem:
Thesa, Soledad, Censimilia, Lick
I might have forgotten some, but it's a lot of people to remember, so i hope its okay
Signing out!
Execpt the RvR state part, i've also been using alot of time on school and more time on friends, so i cant really find my time to keep on going. Only thing i really can find my time to is games like CS and DoD
Through the time i've met a lot of nice people, a GM who didnt care that i was total n00b when i joined the guild (Alliance of Power - Miril), alot of helpfull guys to get me startet, but ofc also a few retards which i wont tell names on here.
It has been some gr8 years and the people who made the game fun and worth playing is the ones i'd like to say thanks to:
The first guild i was in, Illfirin Arda:
Elricsstormbringer and Biratan. The only 2 i really remember from that guild, both nice and respected players.
From Alliance of Power:
Miril, Adeanad, Navalore
From Vita Luna:
Lamara, Mylhia, Donder, Tobruk, Nephillia, Average
From Llaw Arian:
Prodical, Akagi, Gravediggerr, Hestethun, Frozensolid, Bloodlusty, Vrislar, Nightsend, Auriok, Bencevur, Cyrdias, Douglas
From Post Mortem:
Thesa, Soledad, Censimilia, Lick
I might have forgotten some, but it's a lot of people to remember, so i hope its okay
Signing out!