Tiger Woods 2008


Old Cow.
Dec 22, 2003
If any of you are looking to buy Tiger Woods 2008 in the near future - my advice is, don't.

I quite enjoy a game of Golf and certainly also on the PC, and have been playing Tiger 06 and then 07 for a fair amount of time. 07 wasn't short of it's annoying bugs (you've got a 5 iron in your hand but the game thinks its a 5 wood - instant mishit) and "This putt for a birdie..." - no, it's for a par, actually.

But 08 is laughable. Gamewise, nothing much different from 07, graphically it's the same, you'll still want to turn the HDR features off to make it look good and be playable. But, it's missing half it's features. PC games used to be all about expandability, and previously you could make your own courses with the Course Architect and Course Utilities programs - and these are not part of Tiger 08. The console versions have things like GamerNet which allows you to save shots, rounds or parts of rounds and upload/save them to wherever you want. A user-profile thing which allows you to take your own photo and use that in the game so you're character looks more like you than before. But no, not in the PC version.

By all means if you're gonna line EA's pockets with your hard earned dosh, and you want to get a golf game - get 07 for the graphics or 06 for everything else. Just don't do it with this pile of turd, it's not worth it.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
I didn't like TW at all, every fucker holing their approach shots to the green, got fucking tedious after a while.

If you're at a party; ten pin bowling on the Wii for the win, insta-fun, easy to play, can jazz it up with spin shots.


Old Cow.
Dec 22, 2003
have to admit, the bowling on the wii (as with most the wii sports and many wii games) are damned good fun after or even before a night out with a load of mates round.

Especially on a 100" projected screen ;)


Old Cow.
Dec 22, 2003
Ironic, really, when I'm bitching about the moronism of people abandoning the PC platform for the same of cut down games consoles that should be getting cut down games, and this gets moved to the Consoles forum!

Not that I'm moaning about that. More of a "whats happening to PC gaming" thread in general.

I feel dirty now, having officially posted in a console forum :(


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I thought that after moving the thread, I thought you may be on about the PC version of Tiger Woods but even so........I dunno I just moved it and I can't do shag all about it now its in here.

Sorry but hopefully it will warn more people about its shiteness whether for PC or console.

TW went downhill after 2003 which was awesome.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Ironic, really, when I'm bitching about the moronism of people abandoning the PC platform for the same of cut down games consoles that should be getting cut down games, and this gets moved to the Consoles forum!

Not that I'm moaning about that. More of a "whats happening to PC gaming" thread in general.

I feel dirty now, having officially posted in a console forum :(

If PC gaming had more then 1 game each year to spend a silly amount on upgrading/buying a new pc then it would be a hit!

Unfortunalty people are just a little fed up with spending £350 each time they want to upgrade to play the newest best game ala Crysis.

No ty il take my watered down console which brings out more and better games then the PC any day of the year.


Old Cow.
Dec 22, 2003
Trem : no worries - I spent 5 minutes pondering where such a game discussion would fit best, forum wise :D Nearly decided on "Sims" but not quite right, really.

Aada - I couldn't agree more. I could spend ages fuelling some kiddies argument about which platform is better, but it's not worth any of our times - however I do feel that the development for PC has always been (and probably even more so in the future) stunted for the sake of mass sales for the millions of Playstation owners. After all, these people making games aren't actually here to entertain us - they're here to make money from us, they're just in business.

Just the biggest gripe is why cut something down for a platform even in it's "midrange" spec, technically better than the consoles. Especially when said cut features are nothing to do with performance or anything that might slow things down - just little "nicities" that help us along the way.

Assuming that otherwise the console versions (360 and PS3) are identical, gamewise, it's still hardly worth a buy. All the animations and sounds are just ripped straight from 07 (and then probably 06 and 05). Apparently these were motion captured from real life but I've never seen Tiger do a Churchill Dog (insurance) impression that enthusastically.

Speaking generally though, how long before "gaming" is narrowed down to a single standard platform base manufactured by different people, akin to our sky digital boxes. Might never happen, but it seems to be the trend. I think Sega might have had the right idea, and I can only hope Nintendo keep their innovation coming.

The definate shame is, up until around 2 years ago, everything that came out for the PC was miles ahead for quality. Nothing even close. How things change.


Part of the furniture
Dec 19, 2003
I got 2008 on the 360 and i am enjoying it, the controls are only slightly different in that when lining up your putt you only get one chance to view where the shot will go per stroke.

Also it seems alot easier to hook or slice your swing compared to 2007.

All in all i think its an ok game on this platform.

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