AgreeNailez said:48 rej 50 enh 13 shield 29 crush imo is best spec
Hellsvip said:50 flex 50 enhance 23ish shield 9 rejuv
Standard heretank will hold its own and plays like a reaver but isnt ideal anything you can do a reaver can do better in the melee stakes.
Hellsvip said:Those are the standard ones all work just decide on your style of play if your solo often then i would advise 50 enhance and if you like to stay near zergs and so on then the higher rejuv is for you if you would rather go off and try build a soloer style reputation you can do that with a heretank spec or a caster one both works![]()
kirennia said:Except tics do more damage, more consistant interupting for open field fighting, tics have much better defence too and the instant snare. Slam is wubbly (I'd love it on my tic) but paralyze followed insta snare will give you over 9 seconds of levi damage on a running target.
Puppet said:How do tics do more damage then reavers if you spec 50 flex? AFAIK Reavers have more WS, due to better raising stats (for melee) then tics do.
Puppet said:no access to the melee-orientated melee-bonusses.
Puppet said:Also, reavers have a self-dmg add on a timer which is better, even the elementalist base-dmg add overwrites tic one.
Puppet said:Pure melee-tics with 50 flex/50enhance dont have that good 'consistent interrupting' - they dont have an UI focus DD for example. Instant-dot/snare requires tick to stand still and has 500 range.
Puppet said:Insta-snare + paralyze simply doesnt compare to slam at all. Slam is a true anytime, if your enemy decides he wants to face you abit, you will not land a *single* Levi at all as Tic.
Hellsvip said:Defence wise yes we take less damage per swing but with a reaver having both parry and higher shield spec there is the defence.
Hellsvip said:But i am afraid the 50 flex 50 enhance 27 shield 9 rejuv IS NOT better than 50 flex 43 enhance 36 rejuv 13 shield in group situations, you are still part of the assist train when wanted but you also have the ability for ranged interrupts, but yes you will lose the rear style 6 sec stun but to me it is a far far more adequate trade off.
Hellsvip said:And yet strangely that scout could bypass that pd4 with a legendaryAs most smart stealthers that encountered me when solo did.
Vodkafairy said:guess it does depend on your exact role a little, but:
if you need melee dmg in groups: 50 flex is a must
if you want to solo: 50 enh is a must
if you want to have more use then a braindead assist stick tank: 36 rej