Thx Mallus



Thx Mallus for Great duels it was fun to fight a minstel in pure mele.

Beeing a sb its no use in figting vs stunns nukes stunns lame duels when we have the same armor and weapon skills... just to bad ppl had to mess it up, it was from both sides both albs and mids.

To thouse of u i one shot without duels; sorry but come back when u behave, helping ppl in duels is so dull.


Mallus is infiltrator m8 :). And very good at it too :).


Always nice to see Mallus in action. First he looks like losing seriously but then he pulls of those superfast chainstyles Love it :D


Hehe yes was fun. Just wanna know if your a pure shadowzerker/5 spec or what? Think it was 3-1 to me in the end or something like that ;) . And I agree fighting classes like skalds in duels is lame, they just dd, dd, mezz, rest up and repeat. Can't wait for epic armours then maybe fights won't be over so damn fast. And to those who were being twats (Mus, Paris, and quite a few albs I saw) get a life instead of blatantly just trying to piss people off.


Originally posted by MallusTheGimp
Hehe yes was fun. Just wanna know if your a pure shadowzerker/5 spec or what? Think it was 3-1 to me in the end or something like that ;) . And I agree fighting classes like skalds in duels is lame, they just dd, dd, mezz, rest up and repeat. Can't wait for epic armours then maybe fights won't be over so damn fast. And to those who were being twats (Mus, Paris, and quite a few albs I saw) get a life instead of blatantly just trying to piss people off.

well yes was 3-1 but 1 of the times i was winning then i was hit by god knows how many ppl so... :<

my specs was at that point: steath 37 axe 42 la 34 evenom 26 and crit 39... so im a soul blade (i think...)

anyway it was fun


Originally posted by Sheba

my specs was at that point: steath 37 axe 42 la 34 evenom 26 and crit 39... so im a soul blade (i think...)

5-spec, soulblades have no env (except the leftover points at 5 and what items give). Evil anyway ;)


I was fighting one of your trolls at his invitation and winning when you jumped in and nuked me, Sheba. Given that there were no Hibernian healers at all in Emain at the time, I thought that was pretty poor sportsmanship on your part. And as for the Alb archer who decided to finish me off for a laugh after Danyan cleaned my clock and left me with 5% health, well, :rolleyes:


:rolleyes: Thx Fatbelly its always nice to duel a Friar with staff spec ...:rolleyes: :p

1.) Minstrel has Chain armor ...
2.) Infiltrator Pfft :p

im lost )


Originally posted by Alrindel
I was fighting one of your trolls at his invitation and winning when you jumped in and nuked me, Sheba. Given that there were no Hibernian healers at all in Emain at the time, I thought that was pretty poor sportsmanship on your part. And as for the Alb archer who decided to finish me off for a laugh after Danyan cleaned my clock and left me with 5% health, well, :rolleyes:

lol dont think i nuked u mate... i cant nuke im pure melee....

onlyones i attacked was ppl useing ae spells or teamed up 2 vs 1 ...


Originally posted by MallusTheGimp
Hehe yes was fun. Just wanna know if your a pure shadowzerker/5 spec or what? Think it was 3-1 to me in the end or something like that ;) . And I agree fighting classes like skalds in duels is lame, they just dd, dd, mezz, rest up and repeat. Can't wait for epic armours then maybe fights won't be over so damn fast. And to those who were being twats (Mus, Paris, and quite a few albs I saw) get a life instead of blatantly just trying to piss people off.

Errrm this wasent me.
I havent logged in excal for past 4 days and i dont intend to anytime soon.
some friends use my account but get ur facts straight plz before u start dishing out blame...


paris this was gorre...

and yes u where there, with some minstels on your ass :)


Originally posted by Paris

Errrm this wasent me.
I havent logged in excal for past 4 days and i dont intend to anytime soon.
some friends use my account but get ur facts straight plz before u start dishing out blame...

Rofl? You do know it's only char name that's listed ingame not player name? Exactly how are people supposed to know it's your friend playing?

None of the facts were wrong, it was Paris (the char) who did it and that's all he ever claimed, and all he could ever know. You should expect to be held accountable for whatever your friend does with your char too.


I dont care what ppl do on my account,i dont think ill b useing Paris for a long while.
Us servers much more fun and less bitching plus df owns and the fact there is action whenever i log in and its all in svauge penines and hadrians.
Ill prolly end up selling my eu account tbh but thats neither here nor there.
Btw mallus if he was acting gimpy its even better.When u guys get see hidden infils sbs and ns's are gonna b as close to invincible as is possible so i infact hope u get abused for as long as it is before we get realm abilities.

Paris - lvl 50 skald Excalibur
Nazeer - lvl 50 ranger Guinavere
Naljier - lvl 46 hero Guinavere


Originally posted by Sheba

lol dont think i nuked u mate... i cant nuke im pure melee....

onlyones i attacked was ppl useing ae spells or teamed up 2 vs 1 ...
You hit me for 350 and killed me instantly while I was fighting a troll who had been /beckon /beckon /beckon me.

I wonder how many other duels you interrupted by mistake while you were running around being a self-appointed referee.

Active grey killer
I believe it.


Originally posted by Paris
I dont care what ppl do on my account,i dont think ill b useing Paris for a long while.
Since you're cheerfully admitting on a public forum frequented by GOA's two english-speaking GMs that you're a cheater and that you're already breaking the terms and conditions by loaning out your account, and that you're planning to break them some more by selling it, you probably won't be using Paris for long, nope. ;)


hmm that may have been a nice little pa in your face :)

i like to play ref :p

really i did interup your duel im sorry right after i was killed 3 vs 1 i got kinda upset. then i changed my mind about 1 shot all that i was able to and rather just watch it....

and yes killing a grey in 1 shot its like opening a tincan without an label, u never know what u get :)


Would u like to comment further how im cheating?

Sure. This is the rule you have already bragged about breaking. It's in the "Property and Publicity" section of the code of conduct (the one that you clicked "I Agree" on when you started playing).
A DaoC account is personal and individual. You do not have the right to give, sell, rent out, lend or exchange your account, whatever the circumstances. Any activity of this kind may result in various sanctions being applied, including termination of the account.

The rule that you bragged that you're planning to break soon is here in the Terms and Conditions - that's like the software EULA. It's in section 7, "Termination of your Subscription".
You may not sell or auction any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

The funny thing is that normally the only way GOA can even find out about this kind of cheating is if somebody reports you on RightNow... unless you're stupid enough to brag about it on a forum that's read every day by the Game Masters. They already saw what you said before you went back and edited it.

The even funnier thing is that I think you're lying about it. You were caught out doing something stupid and rather than admit it, you're pretending, "oh, that wasn't me, that was a mate i lent my account", and for that you're risking getting your characters deleted. Keep up the good work! :clap:

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