thx for the help with 50th epic



i just wanted to say THX for all of those who helped me and my guildmate tempestblade finishing our lvl50 epics out there in lyonesse !!!

first i felt really ashamed we assembled so many ppls, cause the wiz-task is kind of....ehehe...easy...dunno if these demons where buged but they didnt move at all so we got them down easy.

but then this named guard for the armsman-epic....what a nasty evil mob that was....double-group-wipe out :(

so again a big THANK YOU for all who gave there lifes and even tried again after the first attemped failed.

and finally i wanted to say sorry that i had to leave afterwards so immediatly and couldnt help with athena's paladin-epic which was set up to do afterwards. i dont know if it was done by the rest(still not at home, didnt talk to guildies), if not call me any time in game for help, if needed.

and now im gonna pick up my robe :clap: :clap: :clap:

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