Thx 4 a gr8 night


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
Hey all midgardians !

Aravan(A pink paladin) from Albion here. Just wanna say thx 4 the other day, where we tried 2 capture your relics.
I have really been missing those kinda nights, since ToA.
Made about 12k, defending Bleedmeer
How did ya manage 2 get that many ppl in such a short notice?

Good defending all ! We should do it more often

Cya All ;)


Dec 24, 2003
You are welcome.

I cant take any credit, as i w8ed til the very last moment to participate due to us bashing typhoon (ml7.10) at the time.

But in my opinion it is time we did something other then the TOA/emain threadmill.

Expect more in the near future.
In the same bat channel, other bat time.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
CorNokZ said:
Hey all midgardians !

Aravan(A pink paladin) from Albion here. Just wanna say thx 4 the other day, where we tried 2 capture your relics.
I have really been missing those kinda nights, since ToA.
Made about 12k, defending Bleedmeer
How did ya manage 2 get that many ppl in such a short notice?

Good defending all ! We should do it more often

Cya All ;)

Well for one Ardamel was online and quick to issue CtA in LFoM allianc :wub: . I also think that several guilds did some RvR and the grps were rdy to go pretty soon (FoM had 2FG running+stealthers). Anyway I think the best answer is Midgard beeing organized in 2 big alliances making it easier and quicker to issue CtA and defend our frontier. Both alliances reacted fast, but I think it helped that (from what I know) only 1 ML7 raid was running. As a side note I think most are hungry for any form of RvR :cheers:


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
I generally don't like RvR and even I enjoyed lvl 47 Thane got almost 3K RPs, was nice to get Mjollnir off on the Hibs inc to Bled and hit about 25 of them at once (even if it was for smeg-all damage).


Looks like keep work will be a central part of RvR after Frontiers, so we can only expect more action like this (and more server crashes probably).


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
I hope we can take some relics 2 albion, so we can get a fair fight sometime ;)

Think that most ppl are done with doing most of thier arties and hungry 4 some RvR, and not just Emain... REAL RvR ! :D

Hope I/we can plan a few mo' rrs :)

Cya in Emain(Even tho I would like 2 go Odin's) :D

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